Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Exciting Day


In the night I decided I would put out the duplicate plants and one that seems not to thrive with me. I made a free plants sign, found a stick to put it on, put out three plants, and went back for more. Two of the pots were some that I wanted to keep so I transferred the plants. When I came back with more offerings, the first three were gone. One of them was the third of the fern that I had split earlier in the spring. One third went to Miriam’s were she reports it looks good even though she mostly ignores it, not even watering it regularly. I thought it might have a hard time in the dry Utah air. I water mine regularly and even make sure to spray the water on the leaves. Both of my plants looked good, but I kept the best. I moved the plants, found two more to put out. In short order, two more were gone. When Leroy came home after work all but one had been taken. The one plant that is left is a mandevilla. I had kept it over the winter last year. While it bloomed again it never filled in with many leaves. I suspect its scraggly appearance keeps it from being adopted.

All this gives me such a satisfied feeling to know that my neighbors wanted all these plants. They have gone to good homes, I am sure. My home will not be so crowded for the winter.

Yesterday I came in all excited and ready to tell you all about it. When I turned on the laptop it was very strange with black almost all over, text was in green. I went to settings and tried to change it without luck. The high contrast was on and it could be set to white as well as black, but I could not get it to stay. I said a swear word, turned off the machine, left a note for Leroy because he had used it last, and proceeded to sulk before I went to work. Leroy did fix it. Somehow I could not see the apply button to make my commands hold.

Negative emotions do not help me find solutions!


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