On the way home from MN, Leroy decided
to take his wallet out of his front jeans pocket. Years ago he took it out of
his back pocket to give comfort in the car. This seemed to make him feel much
better for at least 30 minutes before a return of pain. On this trip Leroy did
stop once just to get out of the car and move around. He tells me that brings
almost immediate relief, however, he seldom thinks we should stop just for
that. Hopes up and hopes leveled off as Leroy thinks it might be better if he
took out the billfold before he got in the car at all.
My 45th year college
homecoming is this October. My hopes are running higher and higher as I see the
list of people who are coming. I even know a number of these people. I hope I will
recognize them. Should I hope they will recognize me? Should I get a wig to
replace some of the hair that I am losing? I will just take my chances.
When I signed up for homecoming it did
not have an option for me to put in the year that Leroy graduated. At the last
screen it said he did not go to Luther so I clicked on go back to correct that
error. The form was now blank. I refilled it and the place that I could have
Leroy’s graduation year came up as well. At the end I got a confirmation number.
I emailed my former roommate this morning and learned that my name was in there
twice as coming. When I called the college I learned that it was because I had
signed up twice. She assured me that my credit card would be credited with the
second payment, but not just yet, hence my name is still on the list twice.
Hoping I do indeed get my money back. It will be there in a few days.
Hoping Leroy and I find just the car
we want when we look this afternoon. Leroy forgot an obligation this evening so
I am not sure how much time we will have for this task.
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