Saturday, September 12, 2015

Feeling Domestic


Yesterday I made grape jelly. Something I had not done for years. I would have liked to call my sister and ask some questions, but I forged ahead on my own. It tastes good, but it has not yet set. The one partially full jar that I put in the frig has gelled nicely so there may be hope for the other three. I try not to look, tip to the side, and sigh very often. I suspect I did not really get to that full rolling boil. I just got tired and talked myself into the sight of bubbles coming up.

Today I canned some tomatoes. I used pre-used salsa jars because I do not have so many canning jars left. This is the first batch of tomatoes I have done, but I have hope that there will be more before the season is over.

This morning I picked soybeans, tomatoes, much broccoli, and a few sprigs of cilantro. I might try to make my own salsa. If Miriam can do it so can I. The green bean plants were wet from dew so I went back this afternoon and picked them. I talked Leroy, who had come home from work just in time, into helping me. We got a nice amount, but not so very many. This is about it unless it rains in the very near future.

We both agree that we have not gotten as much from the garden but it is still a steady supply of vegetables on the table. We are well blessed indeed.

I have canned 66 jars of one thing or another. More fruits this year than vegetables, but that is okay. We like most of it.


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