Leroy stayed home from church. That is
a hard thing for him to do, but he did not say too much that he wanted to go.
He did have a slight fever when he woke up, but it was not there when I came
home from church. It stayed away all day. He tells me that the pain has almost
disappeared. Now he mostly feels weak.
His museum office Christmas party was
this afternoon, and he very much wanted to go to that, but he finally called in
the afternoon to let them know we would not be there. Because it is always a
little more effort for me to go I was rather pleased. Leroy asked, “Do you want
to go by yourself?”
I was somewhat taken aback by such an
idea. It takes fortitude for me to go with Leroy and without him would take a
whole arsenal of courage. These are nice people, but I do not really know them
and that makes it hard for me.
Tomorrow is my office Christmas party.
That is not at all work as I spend quite a bit of time with all but one of the
staff members. We are inviting the city council and that is all ok because it
will not be for so very long. I might even know some of these people as well.
My comfort level is all about knowing people.
Finally I have finished all of the
Christmas cards I am going to send. I even walked them about five blocks away
so I could put them in a mailbox on the corner. One job done! I have now
purchased all the presents that I am going to buy. Two jobs done! I will not
wrap the things that we are taking to Brian’s house, but I have gathered bags
for them. Three jobs done!
It is nice to have finished some tasks.
I even listened to Christmas music this afternoon while working on cards. It was
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