Monday, December 1, 2014



I just tried to balance our check book and savings account. It got farther apart the more I worked on it. Perhaps Leroy should take back that job. I have done it most of the time, but lately it has been less than successful. I wonder if my switching numbers is getting worse as I age. The unfortunate thing about switching numbers is that I am not aware of it. Grr!

On a more positive note, Leroy and I are once again getting adjusted to the time change. Friday I did have to take a two hour nap. Napping almost never happens for me. Leroy was also very tired, but that is not so unusual. Last night I slept though until morning here. Since we have been back I have been waking at 4:00 and unable to go back to sleep. How nice that is!

We have no plans to leave this time zone for at least a month or two. Actually we have no plans for such in the future. Somehow the future seems to change in ways we do not anticipate so I do not want to go too far out on my predictions.

On a very positive note, Leroy and I went to a concert called Dvorak on Dvorak at the museum. It was quite fine with a lecture interspersed among the selections. The instruments were a Kasper Strnad viola from 1790, Emanuel Adam Homolka violin from 1832 and a Jan Baptista Dvorak violin from 1883.  All these instrument makers were Czech. This concert was a cooperative effort between the Czech Slovak museum, the U of Iowa Museum of Art (They own the instruments.), and Orchestra Iowa. We both learned something about how European stringed instruments have changed over the years, and why they changed. Besides that we liked the music. And then because we have a small car there was still space to park in the underground parking garage so we did not have to battle the winds.


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