Monday, July 28, 2014

The Weather


We are alternating between hot and quite cool. I do not want to use the word cold as it is not like winter. Consequently I need clothes available for being half naked, my grandmother’s term to describe my modest shorts and sleeveless blouse, as well as much more covering apparel. When I was growing up we wore skirts and blouses or dresses. None of the pants and shorts was widely accessed in my house. Certainly when in public one wore proper clothes. I can remember feeling daring and on the cutting edge, wearing pants to class when I was in college in 1966. In elementary school and high school, when it was cold in the winter, my sister and I would wear long pants under our dresses and remove them before the school bus picked us up or we would take them off at school. On occasion my legs would turn blue from being properly dressed with extra exposure to the cold.

At night now I might wear a different weight pj several nights in succession, seeking the right comfort level. I did take back those pj’s of Leroy’s that were too small to exchange them for another medium. Would you believe that I got money back on the deal even though the trade was even? I earned almost $1. Is that like winning the lottery?

I have on shorts today, but I feel quite cool. Since I will be leaving for work in a short time I will change into something warmer then. Maybe I am becoming like Leroy who hates changing clothes in the course of the day. Sometimes he will risk getting paint on some good clothing because it is too much bother to change.


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