Tuesday, July 22, 2014



We are rich in foods and comforts. There is more in the gardens than we can eat in one day or maybe even a week. This is true even after I encourage neighbors to help themselves from the community garden. Turnip greens are a slow sell. If we were truly starving it would be a different tale. We have choices.

Even on a hot day we can seek out shade, natural or electric breezes, and air conditioning is available to many around me. Somehow we forget all this luxury and complain about a little discomfort. Can human nature be changed to turn to the good and see it as true riches?

I look in my closet and see more clothes than I can wear in two weeks. Who needs all of these things and why are they in my possession? How did this happen that I have more than enough? I am indeed rich.

I am I rich in friends? Yes I know so many good people. Do I spend much time with any one of them? No. Somehow I have turned into a flighty bird flitting from flower to flower. I prefer deeper friendships. I will have to work on cultivating that part of my life. It seems much vaguer than just increasing the material things in my life. Somehow people now live a more separate life than back in the days when they had less and counted on others more.

Perhaps we have lost the art of deep connections and that makes us poor in spite of being rich. It is all relative isn’t it?


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