Saturday, April 26, 2014



Leroy and I were both home for the whole day.  I made a list for me and a partial one for Leroy because he asked me to remind him to do some things. I know how long I can remember that.

He is going to take the laptop with him when he leaves tomorrow. The virus protection has run out on the desktop so he found some free for a 30 day trial. That is now installed and working. There was not much negative on the computer so that is good.

Our landlord wanted the raised bed moved a bit so Leroy got that done and we planted the cold weather plants as well as the onions. I feel sorry that I had just gotten a bag of onions because my winter onions are in such good shape right now. I might just freeze some of them so they do not all go to seed.

Leroy and I planted four pots of tulip bulbs. I am looking forward to at least some of them producing flowers next year.  Will be here in the spring and could see them. There is still a pot of good looking yellow ones in the house. One of the azaleas has revived so I brought it in the house. Before I go to UT I will bring in all of the poinsettias and put them on the back porch so they do not freeze.

Leroy needed some more lactose pills. Leroy and I took a circuitous bike ride to compare prices at a couple stores and then back to the first to make the purchase. The cost difference was over $3.00. Certainly it was a good excuse to get a five mile bike ride in.

Last night we attended a progressive dinner which was a fund raising effort for assistance to low income people. It was quite enjoyable. I was happy that we had decided to go. I had thought about just donating money. It mystifies me how many people in the congregation I know by name or by sight. I am happy about that too.


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