I never thought I procrastrated often
in my earlier life. I seem to have embraced the trait more frequently as I have
aged. I begin to sense the seductive nature of it. I used to think that it was
great to have things done so I would not have to cram and hurry. Now I know
that some things will take care of themselves or there is something that is
more fun to attend to at the moment.
I should be packing because I am leaving
for Brian’s house in the morning. Generally when I come home from work at 8 or
8:30 I do not like to have jobs to do so I do not want to do it tonight. I also
do not like to pack just before I leave as I am likely to forget something. Right
now I have a book that I am interested in reading so I have a good excuse. The book
is, Me before you by Jojo Moyes. There is a woman patron at the library who has
frequently told me I must read that book. I am doing that now and wondering why
I did not read it sooner.
I do not like to take library books
with me when I travel anywhere because I am afraid of leaving them behind and
needing to replace them or mail them.
Brian tells me, and the weather reports
tell me, that it will be warm in MN. I, however, do not trust all of that as a
result I intend to take boots incase it snows. I remember one other April visit
when Brian assured me that snow was past and I wanted my boots.
I did eat a piece of one of those
cookies or bars that I made Sunday. I thought it was fine. Certainly sweet
enough for me. Leroy took the better pieces for the meeting tonight. We will
see what the response is, if he hears anything. I realize most people are not
likely to say anything about something they dislike in such a situation.
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