Just when I think things have settled
into a groove, perhaps a rut, something changes. I really thought we would not
be adding many new patrons to our supply at work. Last night/yesterday I think
there about five people or families came in for library cards. It seems that
frequently people have lived in town for a year before they come to the
library. Three of those new people were single men in their 20’s who had just moved
to town. What a deal! They all perused the collection carefully and found some
books to check out. Shoots down my idea that younger people, especially guys,
are not reading very much. I am glad for that to happen.
The abandoned house across the street
was demolished yesterday by the city. The general neighborhood feeling is that it
will improve the neighborhood. The house was getting so unsafe that the
inspector said he did not want to go in it. A large machine with a bucket on a
crane attacked it and finished the job this morning.
The neighborhood will look different
now. Another neighbor across the street said that raccoons and cats were living
in that space. I wonder where they will end up creating a new home. I have not
seen a raccoon since we have been here, perhaps they used the back door of that
house which I could not see. I do see cats from time to time including one that
is surely someone’s pet. At least it was happy to rub against my leg, arch
against my hand for petting, and purr loudly.
Leroy road the bike to work today, but
he might ride the bus home if it is still raining when he is done. He will
leave his bike in the garage at work and ride it home tomorrow.
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