Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Moving things


Yesterday Leroy and I moved some stuff out of our lives and space. The first thing to go was the old TV. Earlier, I had talked briefly to a neighbor across the street who had said when we were ready to eliminate our TV he knew someone who would take it. His door was ajar so I felt comfortable knocking. In the past he has been sitting outside quite a lot so it makes him easier to approach even though I do not really know him. He came to the door immediately and when he learned my mission his brown face creased into the smile lines already in residence. He was excited and pleased because he had a friend visiting who wanted the TV.

We had set the TV by the curb earlier in the day, but planned to move it on if no one wanted it that day. Our neighbor had not noticed the TV because it was sitting so low and behind a car.
Since we were going out to shop we knew that we could take it to Best Buy where it would be recycled, but I prefer that someone use it.

As we were talking I mentioned that we had had a converter box, but it no longer worked. “We also have a thing that takes different types of cables so you can use more things with it.”

“Do you mean so you could play a DVD player?” the friend wanted to know.

“Yes that thing,” I replied. Earlier I had told Leroy we should try to sell it, but ready disposal trumped any yearning for more money.

When I went to get it, Leroy wanted to know if they needed anymore cables. Since I did not know Leroy came along. Sure enough they took the cable too. They were excited, we were excited; what could be better? Perhaps going to Best Buy and getting rid of our external hard drive that no longer works as well as the signal converter box.


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