Sunday, September 29, 2013



Today we are having a special anniversary church service in the afternoon. We decided not to go to church in the morning. So I am writing to you and feeling slightly guilty for not going this morning as is my habit. I am not sure how Leroy feels about it, but we had talked seriously about going twice. First he only wanted to go once, and then when I agreed to it he and changed and wanted to go twice. It is so different when we are not the pastor and his wife. Then there would have been no question, we would have gone twice. It is nice to have the expectation lifted even if I mostly would have gone to most of the events anyway.

We are going to a spiritually class so now four of my evening are booked, two with work and two with church. Choir is one of those nights and this class is the other. I do find that a bit of a stretch for me as I do not fall asleep easily after having been out and about in the evening, but I am learning or just becoming more tired.

I have found the class to be good. One of the suggestions is to memorize some scripture verses. I have taken up that challenge, hoping to keep my brain young. Memorizing does not happen as effortlessly as it did when I was in confirmation. Now have to spend days and minutes each day in the week to get two sentences locked in. But even yet I would want to say to not put me to the test. I have found it interesting to spend so much time thinking about these ideas that I am. Certainly more learning and consideration is happening. I feel blessed by it in a way that I never realized I would. My brain and my spiritually are growing and changing. Hopefully it is all for the good.


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