Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mountain Walk


On Sunday we all took a hike in the mountains. The weather was perfect and bodies were strong. I was impressed at how easily these girls ran up the hill. As we got higher they did slow down a bit, even stopping to rest on occasion. As long as I moved at my own pace I did fine, but I certainly could not push it. I do not go up hills in the neighborhood here or at home. I will have to make an effort to find an incline to give me more of a workout.

I wore my pedometer and was happy to report that it showed more than 4000 steps on that walk. I would have liked to know the altitude, but would guess that it was somewhere around 6000 feet because I saw a sign about a frog that lives at about that altitude.

The mountain stream rushing over the rocks called us all to come closer when we got to the place the car was parked. The girls took off their shoes and waded in just a little way as they could quickly be swept farther downstream if caught in the swift current. All in all it was a perfect mother’s day treat.

I was pleased to see many people out there of all ages. Go people go.

Last night Olivia called, “Mama.”

Even though I am Granny not mama I went in and found that she had a fever. Miriam also came, gave her some medicine and went back to bed. It took a while, but after Olivia went to sleep she stayed asleep for the rest of the night. Luckily Nora has no school today so that we could both stay home with Olivia. Her fever has come back up but not as much as it had been in the night.

Because of sickness they are watching movies. How different when I was sick as a child. I generally got no medicine. Our bodies just had to heal and we endured. Then there was no TV in my house so it was just a long time to lie around. To entertain us, my mother would recite nursery rhymes as we had few if any children’s books in the house. We had a radio but I do not remember it being on very often. Certainly not just because we were sick!


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