Friday, May 3, 2013

Closing the barn


I remember a saying from my past, “closing the barn door after the horse is gone.” Just in case you do not know what that means the door should have been closed so the animal would not have escaped. I had thought I would not do such a thing, but I just did. Leroy had been complaining for some time that the mugs were tea stained and they should be bleached. It was never the right time because of clothes I was wearing, clothes he was wearing, or I did not want to be bothered.

We had company last night and again I thought about those mugs when we served tea. Today I bleached them and they look wonderfully clean when no company is expected.

These people were from the past as they were members of Leroy’s first parish. We had a terrific visit. When we lived in Missouri Valley I used to walk over to their house for a visit with kids in tow. It was always good. I must find some neighbors that I can just have casual talks with here. I miss that. One of the blessings is that they took the turntable from our stereo system so it is starting to leave the house. Getting rid of things is not always so easy, especially when we do not take the time to post them on line. I guess we want people to magically appear who have just wanted this piece and will joyfully take it.

For granola, I buy sesame seeds from a bakery in a grocery store. When I first came to town they wanted to charge me a $1 a pound, but I insisted I should pay $2 as I knew they were worth more than that. The price has risen steadily through the year. This week it got up to $6.99. I think I will have to look harder for a local source. Before we moved here, I had been paying $5.00 for organic and these are not organic.


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