Friday, May 31, 2013

More Pictures


Soon I will no longer have pictures or prints that are not in frames. Just today I took a couple Slovak embroidery pictures and ordered them framed. I picked frames off the shelf and had the people in the shop mount them as I am not so good with the crafty stuff. I was impressed that they have called to tell me they are ready. I will wait to find out if there is anything that Leroy wants to shop for before I go pick them up. A part of me says they could wait a week, but now I am anxious to see what they look like. Then the next question will be, “Where should they hang?” Our walls keep getting more and more things on them. I am happy to have things out of the drawer or where ever they are hiding. There is no point in having them hidden away.

I knew the rain kept coming, but I did not realize the river was getting so high. Leroy tells me that they are quite concerned at the museum as they have one building that is in a low lying area. He may be spending the day moving things to higher ground. At any rate he wore old clothes to work. Yesterday when it was time for Leroy to come home, the sky released its load of water. Leroy’s boss had suggested he leave early, but he had not quite made on the bike when the storm came in. If he had been five minutes quicker he would surely have been drenched. His boss then brought him home and this morning Leroy walked to work (a little over three miles) so he could ride home today. It is getting close to five and the sun is out so I think he will make it without trouble.

Our camera acted up for Leroy in the same two ways that it did a few months ago for me. I looked at cameras today. Amazing all of the upgrades that go into a smaller unit! It also interests me how just looking at new things starts a yen for such. I really had not thought much about a new camera before this; now I am lusting after the new and better. For some reason I am more ready to make this purchase than I am to buy a new TV. Material girl, I am, but not for everything.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013



I walked to the appointment for my checkup. I did not map the route ahead of time, but I could have figured out the distance. It is a ways beyond the church which is a little over a mile. I had some papers to drop off at the church and because I made it there in less than 15 minutes I had plenty of time before my appointment. Leroy was quite impressed that I got to church in just 12 minutes. Course we often count leaving time up in the apartment before we put on coats, shoes, or other necessities. Today I forgot my hat so I went back. On the second time to leave I looked at my phone just as I left the back steps.

It was hot and I was a little sweaty by the time I got to the office, but a few minutes cool down helped that situation. For some reason my blood pressure was higher than I thought it should be even though the nurse thought it was good. I have certainly had lower readings. By the time I got home I had covered over 7000 steps. I did not run any of it because I had an umbrella in my backpack and I did not want to feel it bouncing on my back.

Tomorrow after work, if I remember to fetch them, I will bring my plants home from the school library. That means I will have to take care of them as both the fern and the spider plant are much too crowded in their pots. Anyone want plants to add interest to your life? They are the most gentle of visitors demanding little. You can talk all you want and they never talk back. They just require some sun, soil, and water. I think the fern will make three or four plants and the spider plant has fifty or more babies hanging on it. It would be good for children to start their own plant. I have a tough time getting rid of plants by throwing them away. However I am callous when it comes to weeds they go in the compost pile quickly.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013



At 9:30 in the evening caller ID stated the call was from daughter Sarah in DC. Of all of our children Sarah is the most likely to go to bed at 10:00 at night and it was now 10:30 her time. My senses went on alert for something to be out of the ordinary and that often means negative. At first no one spoke then 20 month old Natalie started talking. Natalie goes to bed at 7:30 EDT. More anxiety! I could not tell that she was distressed, but she is very difficult to understand. She rattles on in what sounds like complete mumbled sentences. I could hear Sarah’s voice indistinctly in the background along with a lot of other unidentifiable noise. “Mommy?” I asked Natalie, hoping that she might pass off the phone.

This was followed by more streams of undecipherable talking with the word mommy occasionally thrown in. Leroy had just gone to bed because he was tired, but he got on the phone too. At one point I thought I heard someone vomiting, but I might have manufactured that possibility as I was trying to imagine why there was so much noise and why this girl was on the phone with me and not sleeping. Was someone sick? How did she even call me? But I do know that can happen accidently. Leroy tried asking a couple questions and got the same result that I got. Then there was the noise of lots of buttons being pushed on the phone. I thought I heard five year old Lexi. “Lexi,” I called hoping I might be on speaker I could talk to her.

Leroy and I started having a conversation with each other. “What do you think is going on? What should we do?”

We knew Stephen was out of town so it was no good to call him. Then after a total of eight minutes there was more button pushing and the phone was hung up.

“We had better call back to see if Sarah answers,” Leroy said.

Luckily Sarah answered after a couple rings. “We are in the emergency room,” she said rather matter of fact, “Natalie did not hold my hand when we were ready to cross the street. (“Oh no, she was hit by a car!” I thought. “But she sounded ok.”)

“I grabbed her and her elbow went out of joint.” Sarah said. “She is ok now, but it took a bit to get it back in.”

Not long after that Sarah said, “I have to go,” and hung up.

On Facebook this morning I found out that Natalie has nursemaid’s elbow.

After all this excitement, it took Leroy and I quite a while to get to sleep even though we were no longer concerned. I suppose it was all that adrenalin running through our bodies with nowhere to go.


Monday, May 27, 2013



The book for book club is 700+ pages in large print. Can I read that in a week? I hope so. I have read it before, but it was years ago, maybe even ten, so my memory is a bit vague. It is Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult. I have read 100 pages today so I figure that is progress. I do work tomorrow and Thursday which will cut into the reading time. Because Leroy worked today I just spent a quiet day at home. I pulled a few weeds, washed clothes, took a nap, and baked bread. I must have been tired because I almost never nap although napping has increased as my life as rolled on.

Leroy tells me that he was busy with people at work today. I suspect the rainy weather made the museum/library a good destination. Yesterday one of our friends left a note on Facebook stating that she and her family were visiting the museum yesterday. Unfortunately I did not look at the computer until later in the evening. At least she had included her phone number so I called and we had quite a nice long chat. Because new American teachers came each year to Slovakia, it increased the numbers of people we know from that experience. It is great that Leroy works at the museum because it means we are a bit of a destination for people as they cross the country.

Because Leroy is home I am not talking to myself so much, I am fighting for blankets in the night, I get some body lotion on that hard to reach spot on my back, I am eating more variety, I do not lock the door at night, I do not cut all the veggies, and I do not wash all of the dishes. It is a good life.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Leroy Home


Planes fly in spite of rain. I worked all day at the library and picked up Leroy on the way home. He did sit at the airport for an hour and wait for me. He professed not to mind because he had a book to read. It was good to see him spot me and head to the open space with his heavy bags. Now I must find some places to put all of the granola supplies so they do not go rancid. Luckily we do not have so many things in our refrigerator or freezer. So far I have put in everything but 15 pounds of unsweetened coconut and 20 pounds of sesame seeds. I will work on the logistics of that tomorrow.

Leroy and I were sensible and drove to church today. It was a light rain, but we did not trust it as it rained lightly and heavily all day yesterday. It was raining more seriously when we went home so the car was welcome. This afternoon the rain stopped for a short time. “I am going out,” I declared.

Leroy went with me. I thought I might walk/run for 30 minutes, but we had not been out even ten minutes when sprinkles could be felt so we hurried home after having covered less than a mile. I was disappointed. I am ready for the rain to stop, but grateful for a warm dry place to be.

The poinsettia still looks good. I am happy to look at those red leaves especially now that I have put almost everything else outside where I think they are shivering and almost drowning. I still have plants at two libraries. This week I expect to get the fern and the airplane or spider plant from the school library. I am not sure that I will be able to get the others out of the public library as they have become part of the décor. However the large Christmas cactus is coming home for sure as I think it needs a change of scene.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Leroy Coming home


Leroy is coming home tomorrow. He gets on the plane early in the morning and I will pick him up on my way home from work. That will all work out fairly well. He will have to wait almost an hour for me at the airport, but it is not too bad. I think it would be fine if he even were a little late. Less guilt for me for not being there at the minute he needs me to be. He will have something to read. Miriam tells me that he is almost all packed. He is a little nervous about the weight of his bags because of having so many nuts and seeds in there. Their scale needs a new battery so they cannot check it out ahead of time.

It has been very quiet around here, especially those days when I stayed home. I can only talk to myself so long before I get tired of that. Also I try not to look like a crazy person who does not realize that no one else is around.

I have especially noticed that meals are not so interesting. Is this an indication of what widowhood might be like? Maybe I should just die first and let Leroy figure out how to navigate such a path. It does not look like fun to me.

I would certainly have to develop some more human resources in my area of residence. Work gives me that outside interaction, but I would need more.

I did go to the grocery store this morning. Now I do not understand how I could come out with so many things when my list was short. The final bill was quite a lot larger than it usually is, but then I bought walnuts, Greek yogurt, and Honey crisp apples. Those by themselves totaled over $15.

It is so beautiful out now; clear, cool, and comforting with the vibrant greens. Nature has been well designed for eye serenity and soul refreshment. I am not yet ready to live in a green less place.


Thursday, May 23, 2013



We did have a bit of a storm during the night Sunday. I was so tired I slept through most of it after I closed the windows. I was aware sometime in the night that there was no power. It is amazing how much light there is both inside and outside. It was like my childhood when all lights were off at night. Now there is an abundance of street lights outside. Inside there is also light in the bedroom because of the clock and the phone. Then there is the phone in the computer room where the base unit causes quite a glow. In the kitchen the stove, microwave, and phone all contribute their share of light. Who needs nightlights when we seem to be ablaze?

In the morning the power was still off. That meant no lights, no phone, no internet, and no working stove even if it is gas. That meant I was enveloped in a cocoon of silence. No working refrigerator/freezer so I thought about what I wanted to get out and did not loiter with the door open.  My life would certainly change without this power source. Even though I grew up without many of the things I now depend on, I am having difficulty imagining living that way for an extended period of time.

At least I like to read and the sun was shining in the window giving me power to read. I still have a watch and two clocks that operate with a battery so I knew what time it was. I learned how to open the garage door without the aid of the power opener.

There was power at work otherwise I could hardly have functioned there. I am often using the computer. Is electricity the backbone of our lives at home and away?


Wednesday, May 22, 2013



When I landed in Cedar Rapids I realized that Leroy and I had not discussed where the parking lot card would be. I even planned in my mind what I would do if I could not find it. Things such as: call for a ride or leave the car there if Leroy had taken it with him to Salt Lake. Course the first task was to find the car. Leroy had not only given me verbal instructions, but he had also drawn a map that I had clutched in my hand for reference. On exiting the airport I could not distinguish long term parking from short term parking. I wanted long term. I asked an old guy who appeared to be waiting for something to come by. Pointing in both directions he told me, “They both are long term.”

At about that time I saw “B1” on a pole and beyond that “B2”. “Thanks,” I said as I headed off in the direction of E1. Leroy’s directions stated that I would be one row of cars off from that. Unfortunately I did not know if it was before or after that pole. By the map it looked after, however I did not spot the car by walking up and down the rows. How many gray cars were parked at the CR airport Sunday afternoon? Plenty. I next asked a guy getting into a van if he could see it since he was sitting up higher in the world. He did not see it, but I just realized that I needed to check the rows before the pole more carefully and there it was. I kissed it hello in my mind before I got in. The card so I could get out of the lot was easy to find.

“Oh no, it is not starting,” I thought as I turned the key. Then I realized I had not put in the clutch. Miriam’s car is an automatic. In one short week I forgot all about clutches. Now I could drive on home to my own bed. Aah, comfort!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trip Home


Miriam left for early service while Andy, Leroy, and the girls waited to take me to the airport. I was surprised at how many people were waiting to go through security when I got there an hour ahead of departure. Generally I do not fly on Sunday so I thought it might be a slow day. The gate waiting area was loaded with people; certainly there were no seats where I could sit in a row by myself. I think there must have been about five planes going out at close departure times.

It was an uneventful flight to Denver. I sat by the window so I enjoyed the snowy mountains the entire time. The woman on the aisle had an infant boy who might have been six to nine months. He was good, but he clearly wanted to move around more. When I had to go to use the facilities he was settled back quite comfortably against her. I told her, “I am quite agile and I think I can step over you so you will not have to get up. I could face you and brace myself against the back of your seat on either side of your head. If you want to try that I am fairly certain I can do it.”

“I am willing,” she said.

So I faced her, put my hands on the sides of her head, lifted my leading leg high up in the air, set it down, and lifted the second leg to drag it over. I think I brushed her leg a little with the last leg.

A wide eyed flight attendant was watching. “I thought that would help her not to need to get up with the baby,” I explained.

“You did that very gracefully,” she exclaimed with a big smile.

Both flights were good, but we did experience quite a lot of bumps on the trip from Denver to Cedar Rapids. Seems to me we could have been over Nebraska about that time. I wonder if that was when tornados were active Sunday afternoon. There certainly was disturbance above the clouds.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Changing Times


Tomorrow morning I get on the plane to return to Iowa where I am hoping it will be warmer. I walked in jeans and long sleeves this morning with a temp of 51 F. It would feel even colder in the more humid Midwest, but it was chilly.

Right now I am wondering why people might complain about day light savings time changes as it hangs around for some months. I am going to, just after a week, make an hour change once more. Flexibility, flexibility!

Miriam will have to train new help as Leroy is getting on the plane any minute now. I will leave taking my new found skills with me. Those include driving their car, and finding my way to preschool and a store as well as ballet class. I used some old skills to make two batches of bread, cinnamon twists, and cinnamon rolls. I left my zest for cleaning at home much to Miriam’s disappointment. I hope her father brings his urge to run the vacuum cleaner as well as help Andy with this and that. I have completed some dusting in a rather lackadaisical manor. You know, a little here and a little there. At least I did not give them the light going over that I remember some children doing where the cloth only touched the surface here and there. The few things I dusted were indeed dusted.

This morning I did help Miriam move some daffodils in the cool, light rain. Luckily her neighbor warned that the bulbs should not be put in the mud as the ground would become like cement around them when it dried. So we let the dirt dry a bit before we tucked them back in. The green tops look a bit limp with shock now, but we are hoping for a recovery. Blooming is over for them for the year so that should be ok.

Miriam posted some good pictures on FB of our Sunday hike. It was indeed a nice day. I think we all look good.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mountain Walk


On Sunday we all took a hike in the mountains. The weather was perfect and bodies were strong. I was impressed at how easily these girls ran up the hill. As we got higher they did slow down a bit, even stopping to rest on occasion. As long as I moved at my own pace I did fine, but I certainly could not push it. I do not go up hills in the neighborhood here or at home. I will have to make an effort to find an incline to give me more of a workout.

I wore my pedometer and was happy to report that it showed more than 4000 steps on that walk. I would have liked to know the altitude, but would guess that it was somewhere around 6000 feet because I saw a sign about a frog that lives at about that altitude.

The mountain stream rushing over the rocks called us all to come closer when we got to the place the car was parked. The girls took off their shoes and waded in just a little way as they could quickly be swept farther downstream if caught in the swift current. All in all it was a perfect mother’s day treat.

I was pleased to see many people out there of all ages. Go people go.

Last night Olivia called, “Mama.”

Even though I am Granny not mama I went in and found that she had a fever. Miriam also came, gave her some medicine and went back to bed. It took a while, but after Olivia went to sleep she stayed asleep for the rest of the night. Luckily Nora has no school today so that we could both stay home with Olivia. Her fever has come back up but not as much as it had been in the night.

Because of sickness they are watching movies. How different when I was sick as a child. I generally got no medicine. Our bodies just had to heal and we endured. Then there was no TV in my house so it was just a long time to lie around. To entertain us, my mother would recite nursery rhymes as we had few if any children’s books in the house. We had a radio but I do not remember it being on very often. Certainly not just because we were sick!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Walking Around

Walking Around
May 14, 2013


At dawn I got up ready to walk but before Katie (the dog) and I could get out the door a small girl asked if she could come too. I said, “Sure, go potty and get dressed.”

She took off at a run, but the next thing I knew I could hear her dad talking to her. It seems she made a detour into the room with her sleeping sister. So now I had to wait for another guest. It did not take so very long before we were off. We only go around the block with the dog because she has arthritis in her joints. Her heart does not want to be left at home.

The girls ran fast, but they know just to go around the block and not cross streets. I ran from time to time, but not fast and not for long. I have read that running rather than walking helps for bone health. At least it said that even one minute of running makes a difference.

On the walks we go under trees that are just loosing flower petals or seed pods. The girls love it when they stand under the trees and I shake the branches a bit causing nature to rain down on them. I should have a movie camera with me. It looks great as pedals cover the tops of their heads.

Katie often poops on these walks. This morning I forgot the poop bag. She of course went on the grass of a pristine lawn. I took everyone home and then went pack with bag in hand only to find that the sprinklers had turned on. I was unwilling to get so wet in the early morning chill so I have vowed to pick it up tomorrow.

Andy, Nora, and I walked Olivia to her school. It is a short walk, but certainly added steps. Nora was willing to go to the library today. The sad thing was that when I got there I realized that I had not brought the library card number. As soon as we dropped off the books we turned around and walked back home. At least I did not have the weight of books for two of those segments. I now have a book that I had not read before.

 Just before lunch I looked at my pedometer. It had 9530 steps on it. I am going to call it 10,000 for the day. Yesterday I only wore it when taking walks that could be labeled such and it showed over 10,000 steps. I am getting a work out.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Life Pace


Miriam moaned, “How am I going to do it all? I need child care, a maid, cook, and a chauffeur. Mom when you write your letter ask for some help for me. I am feeling desperate and so tired.”

Today was the first day of class. She learned that she should have been looking at her school email account because she is already behind. She should have finished certain reading assignments already. It has not been so many years, only 12 since she graduated, but student life has changed. Most of the people in her class are those who are just going straight through school so they are used to the routine. She was in class today all afternoon and a little beyond. Tomorrow she will go early in the morning, but come home sooner in the day.

I believe that she was not exaggerating when she complained about being tired. She certainly looked as if sleep were her best friend. That emotional energy use certainly is draining.

Andy cooked the entrée tonight making a chicken dish. Why is meat always the entrée in this culture? I prepared rice and green beans. Miriam could not imagine how she would study tonight. She had a class at the gym. She went to that hoping that she would get some energy from some mysterious source in her being.

I picked up Nora school, played a game with Nora, made bread, hung out clothes, brought in clothes, folded them and sorted more or less accurately, picked up Olivia at school, and fed the girls a late afternoon snack. I will do some of those same things tomorrow plus I will drop off Olivia for school. Nora will be with me all day. I hope to convince her to go the library as on Saturday I brought home a book that I had already read. Can you imagine forgetting the title of a book you have read? Nora did not want to go there today, but I hope in the early morning she will be open to that idea. We also need to go to the store and make more granola. Miriam has asked that I make several batches so she can have it on hand for some time after I leave.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Getting Here


As usual all flights were seamless. I will have to say that it is so nice in a small airport because I can find my way almost without thinking about it, lines are short, and auto traffic is limited. It was nice on the first flight because there were three seats across with no one in the middle seat so I felt that I had a lot of room.

In Denver greed took over. However it failed to materialize in a tangible return as $500 slipped away. Just as I was coming off the jet way I heard an announcement, “Anyone going to Salt Lake who would be able to go on a later flight please approach the desk.”

I had not a clue where the announcement was originating. By the time I had read the departure board, and scanned the desks for the gate; it seemed more prudent to go to the bathroom. After waiting in line, heading off to the gate, turning on my phone and letting Miriam know where I was, I assumed that there was no point in asking about the delay of five hours in getting to SLC. Miriam totally disagreed with that concept. So I dutifully went up and asked if they still needed a volunteer to wait. “We certainly do,” the man stated, “I will need your boarding pass. If we do not fill up then you will go as scheduled.”

I called Miriam back only to have her ask me, “How much are they going to give you? If it is only $50 just come, but it should be at least $200. But you can do what you want. At any rate you should ask.”

Following suggestions, I asked. The answer was, “It will be a $500 voucher.”

“Five zero zero?” I asked in amazement.

“Yes,” he replied with a big grin.

I excitedly called Miriam back to let her know the good news, talked to a guy who was waiting for standby, and sat dreaming of where and when I could fly with this great ticket amount.

Well just a minute after the gate closed they told me I could board and there went that $500 splurge that I had already spent more than once.

It would not have been so much of a hardship since I would have been just five hours late. Sigh!

On the plus side, because it was still before their bedtime, Olivia and Nora brought their grins and hugs to the airport to greet me. Happiness flowed all around.


Friday, May 10, 2013



I am packing, finally. I have washed two loads of clothes, contemplated hanging them outside, put them in the dryer because of outdoor dampness, fiddled with the dry vent, and folded clothes. Then there is the batch of bread that is now in the oven. It is unthinkable that Leroy would have to eat store bread while I am gone. That day may come, but not yet.

Last night when I printed off my boarding pass I was reminded that the flight times had changed. I am leave two hours later than I had planned. That is nice as it gives me more time to fuss around. I even sat for as many minutes as it takes me to finish the last 15 pages of the book, State of Wonder by Ann Prachett. I had a difficult time getting started on it, but liked it by the end. One more thing off the list to do before leaving.

The hardest task is packing. It is 50 degrees here and Miriam tells me it is to be in the 80’s most of the time I am there. I keep wanting to put in more warm items. So far I have successfully slapped that notion into the background with the comment that, “Miriam has clothes that fit if I am cold”. I will wear jeans so I can be a little warm on the way. At least toiletries are easy to do since I am done fooling with them early in the day and all that can be packed without thinking much about it. Just how much does it matter if the travel toothpaste tube is expired by about a year? I figure not at all, it is coming with me.

Leroy is taking the afternoon off and getting me to the airport. He had planned on working the opposite ends of the day, but I do not think that is a real problem. He is quite flexible and helpful.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Living in the future


I just realized that I am living in the future as I am focused on going to Salt Lake on Friday. I had to do some shopping today because I will feel too pressed for time to do it on Friday morning. Also our refrigerator was looking a little bare and I wanted to fill it a bit so Leroy will be supplied. When taking back the TV antenna the person who helped me stated that it was the second one that had been brought back in recent days. She wondered if they were worth selling. Apparently an online offer is better and of course more expensive. For now we are just happy with the old faithful rabbit ears, unattractive but attracting.

I am looking forward to seeing Miriam’s family again. I have not been there for about a year and a half. I guess my job ties me down so I do not travel as much as I used to.

Packing has not yet started, but my mind is full of it. I just do not want a suitcase sitting around in our living space. I always wear a fanny pack when flying because I like to keep those important papers attached to my body. However I heard again about the fashion no no on the radio. I will buck the trend and wear it anyway. It flitted through my mind that I could get out my tan summer purse, but where is it? I did a little looking all the while telling myself that I did not need it I have other more important things to do. However, once I am mystified I want an answer so I disregarded self talk. I stole valuable time until I spotted a box with purses written in large letters. I resisted the urge to look in there and just assumed that it would be there. Now if I can remember this box I will be all set when I return to Cedar Rapids. Leroy will go the week after I come home. Miriam is starting school. Leroy and I are becoming chief child care people for two weeks. Leroy will leave the car at the CR airport and I will find it. Scenes of me wandering around the parking lot at the airport have played through my mind. Leroy is going to tell me where the car is parked, but will I understand that? My concepts are perfectly clear, but Leroy’s are a bit fuzzy at times. Luckily it is a small airport with a small lot.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013



Yesterday was a day when students did not go to school; consequently I had a busy library. On Monday afternoon I work alone. Eating my evening meal became a stretched out spastic affair.

We show a movie on these no school days. The number of kids, usually elementary age, hasn’t ceased to amaze me. Most of them have access to movies at home why would it matter to come here? Maybe we still like sharing an experience with others. They tend to get treats be it sugar loaded or popcorn and settle back on the cushions or chairs. Often the movie is one that is new on DVD and no one has yet checked it out. That adds some to the specialness.

The attendance for the movie was down, but I think that was good. Or it was just all good kids who were there. One dad asked his children when the movie was over, “How was it watching on the big wall?”

Given the enthusiastic response I might guess that that is why they like to come.

Summer is coming. That means the busy season. I did evict a boy and luckily his cronies all went with him. I will have to get my evictor polished for the days ahead when some of these kids use the library as a recreation hall.

Today for work I will have a coworker with me and there will be school. That probably means it would have been easier to handle this day by myself. The library will probably be quiet as they once were in the past. I enjoy my fellow workers so I am looking forward to it. I will be better able to get some cataloging done. I am not so good at doing that at the front desk with interruptions. If I am at the front desk I try to do things like attaching barcodes, or stamping the books. Or anything else that does not take much concentration.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Trip South


Yesterday, Leroy and I made a trip south to Burlington. On the way we saw some wildlife: hawks, a duck, a coyote, and lightless cars flashing past in the deep fog.

We even left a bit early because of the thick fog that allowed us to get a dim view of our neighbor’s house. Twenty miles down the road the fog started to dissipate and in about ten more miles it was a distant memory.

The church was celebrating their 125th anniversary. It was fun to visit with the people in the church where Leroy grew up as well as served as interim pastor just two years ago. I am not sure why, but I am always a little surprised that I find so many people to talk to. Generally I am afraid I will be standing around wondering what to do as people connect all around. Instead we had a hard time leaving because we were still talking.

I even learned something new from reading about the colored windows in the church. They are not stained glass as I had thought, but color is infused in them. It does give quite a different look, more like a painting.

On the drive it was fun to note that the trees had more visible leaves and blooms as we went south. Seems it should not make that much difference since it is not really a long distance, but it is different. We also noticed that there was so much more water standing around with creeks and streams up to the banks.

It was a nice relaxing time off.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Good and Bad


As with most days there is some good and bad. Should I tell the bad first so you are left savoring the good? Because of the sharp edge that my tongue feels on the last tooth lower right side, I believe a piece of my crown has fallen out. I thought I could ignore this until my appointment in two months, but I will do something about it as it is now bigger. I am unhappy thinking about the cost, but glad that we have the money set aside for “emergencies” for which we have no insurance. I am also disgusted because I just got this crown in Burlington about two years ago. The old 17 year old crown was not bad, but the dentist felt that a new one was in order because of the receding gum line. I have two other crowns that are now about 19 years old and still holding their spot and doing a good job.

So, on to the good, I went to the Ely Garage sales this morning. I found some good looking hooks that we can use in the closet or perhaps at the bottom of the steps to hang our jackets. I found a new lunch bag. Mine has some holes starting to form. I also found a flowerpot and some cards that show constellations with glow in the dark stars on them so they can be more easily matched with what one sees in the night sky.

The real valuable find was a wild flower in a lawn. I would not have noticed it, but a woman walking ahead of me leaned down and got excited because the violets were of the robin’s egg variety. It is white with purple spots all over it. I believe I have never seen one before. She said she has only seen them once before and this stretch of grass had quite a number of them. I am happy that some people are not so into killing weeds that I could still see this treasure. I even picked one and brought it home for Leroy to see. It is still alive as its stem rests in a jar lid with water in it.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Closing the barn


I remember a saying from my past, “closing the barn door after the horse is gone.” Just in case you do not know what that means the door should have been closed so the animal would not have escaped. I had thought I would not do such a thing, but I just did. Leroy had been complaining for some time that the mugs were tea stained and they should be bleached. It was never the right time because of clothes I was wearing, clothes he was wearing, or I did not want to be bothered.

We had company last night and again I thought about those mugs when we served tea. Today I bleached them and they look wonderfully clean when no company is expected.

These people were from the past as they were members of Leroy’s first parish. We had a terrific visit. When we lived in Missouri Valley I used to walk over to their house for a visit with kids in tow. It was always good. I must find some neighbors that I can just have casual talks with here. I miss that. One of the blessings is that they took the turntable from our stereo system so it is starting to leave the house. Getting rid of things is not always so easy, especially when we do not take the time to post them on line. I guess we want people to magically appear who have just wanted this piece and will joyfully take it.

For granola, I buy sesame seeds from a bakery in a grocery store. When I first came to town they wanted to charge me a $1 a pound, but I insisted I should pay $2 as I knew they were worth more than that. The price has risen steadily through the year. This week it got up to $6.99. I think I will have to look harder for a local source. Before we moved here, I had been paying $5.00 for organic and these are not organic.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rabbit Ears


After returning one antenna, Leroy and I bought another more expensive type. Expensive means better, right? Well our low tech ancient rabbit ears still win the prize for the most stations pulled in with the clearest picture. How to explain that? Is it because we are still using our old TV? Is it because there is some type of interference for the new technology? We had thought that we would get a new antenna before we get a new TV. We might just wait and see if we can think of a way to mount those great ears on the new TV or close enough to it that they can be used. While looking at the antenna we almost bought a new smart TV since they have now put that intelligence on the smaller models. Leroy and I do not want a big TV that we have to drag around with us. But now we remember that we can just hook up the computer with the new TV’s. We don’t need smart. So we light TV usage people will probably just go with less rather than more.

When writing the rent check I made $50 into 50 cents when I wrote out the numbers. It was correct in the first slot. The bank used the second entry so we had to write an additional rent check for $49.50.  I am going to try to set up direct deposit. That should make it work. Once I have done it correctly one time.

It is so warm out that it edges towards uncomfortable. I say body adjust, but wait tomorrow is predicted to be quite a bit cooler. One thing that is sure the trees have shown explosive growth with leaves and flowers. I do like spring.
