Sunday, March 24, 2013



Miriam has her mother’s bargain hunting genes. “A store has a deal that an 8x10 collage is free. You should do that.”

“I don’t have enough pictures,” I sighed. “And I do not know how to do it.”

“Sure you have enough and it is easy,” Miriam responded.

“I do have some from Christmas, but they were not so very good.” I decided.

She gave me some brief instructions about downloading the photos and I was off looking for the Christmas photos. The only problem with having two computers is that the photos are only saved on one of them. Course I looked at the wrong one first. At the store website I saw how to download the pictures. I got nine of them situated. From there I put them in the collage, juggled them around some, sighed because they should have been cropped, decided it was ok as I had had enough messing around, and sent it off only to realize that I had not found the spot to put in the code to get it free. They did have on line live chat for help. I was working my way through that when Miriam called to see how I was doing. She said, “I will call the store because I am not sure that will work.”

She called the store and told them I would be stressed if they did not help me. Oh? Me stressed? They told her I should print off the online offer and bring it in when I picked up my photo.

It is a good thing she did that because I am not sure that the other way would have gotten me a free print. I would not have been stressed, but chalked it up to education. Certainly it is cheaper than a college course.

Miriam then told me how I could have edited the photos on the store web site. Now I am ready to go do it again and feel much more confident about that.

The print was not so bad, but could be better. One thing is that I showed it to Sarah and her girls tonight on the computer and Lexi wondered where her picture was. There was one with Lexi in it, but six with Natalie as the star. Oh dear how did it happen that we got so many pictures of her? But maybe that is nice for a second child to get more press time.


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