Friday, January 25, 2013



Primroses are on sale. The sight of all of them sitting beautifully in their little pots immediately transported me back to Slovakia. That was where I first met them. Thanks Ann S. for the tip about putting the primroses between the windows giving them a wonderful long blooming season. Unfortunately the windows in this country are not set up that way meaning no duplication of setting. These flowers will probably not last so long since this apartment has some hot moments which are not so good for these cool loving plants.

I had the urge to buy many, but I made myself stop at three for me and three for my landlady who was delighted with them as they will brighten her space as well. While I was visiting her I saw a squirrel come up to their birdbath and stick its nose in. Was it getting a drink?  There was at another moment a woodpecker working on the suet they have hung outside their windows.

Leroy is going through his boxes containing church office things. He has managed to purge two boxes into just one half box. At this point in time since he is 64 years old he believes it unlikely that he will ever work in a church again. He did admit that some of the things he had not looked at in more than thirty years. That especially needed to go in my opinion. He has perhaps five more boxes. He will go through some more of them and probably get rid of another box or even two.

He found his first letter of call, his ordination papers, and his installation at the first church he served. These items he kept for sentimental reasons.

On the job front his boss has applied for another grant for Leroy to stay and work for three more years. His current contract will expire in September. It is necessary to start the process ahead of time.


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