Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cleaning Out


Leroy is on a roll. He got down another box from the attic today. The recycle wastebasket filled twice. “The bin outside will have to be emptied this week for sure,” Leroy announced when he came in from the second trip outside.

“Can I add more?” I wondered thinking about the three days yet to go before collection.

“Some, but not much,” he assured me.

“I am thinking about just throwing the files away without looking at them,” he said after looking at ten folders, “But maybe there would be something worth saving.”

He has now emptied three boxes and they fit in one. I have not looked in it to know if it is stuffed or would hold even more. There is also a stack of seven books on the table that are going to be donated to the library book sale. My co-worker wanted to try the picture puzzle that I just put together so that is gone. We are getting lighter.

Leroy also worked on transferring some more of the contents from the cassettes to the iPod. When the stereo is gone we will be so light that we might float away. Oops! I forgot about the furniture, clothes, photos, and other books that are still holding us down.

Maybe if I look on the Internet there might be some “weird trick” that someone has mastered to make our things shrink when we next want to move. Have you noticed all those ads for a weird trick that gets rid of wrinkles, or weight, or whatever in your life that is not what you would like it to be. Generally doctors or someone else in authority knows nothing about this and would be upset if people were able to do this and steal their business.


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