Thursday, January 31, 2013

Snowy roads


I was happy to be going to work today. The local streets were not clear of snow, but it had been plowed so we can move around on top of the snow. At least no one expects to go faster than a crawl. The ramp to the interstate was the hardest part as it goes uphill and had more slush and ice on it than the street. The interstate appeared clear to me, but cars were moving more slowly than I expected. Before I was to exit, all cars in all three lanes ahead of me slowed a great deal. I was afraid of an accident ahead, but it proved to be nothing that I could see.

As I remembered from my earlier life, the Ely road is the worst with the pavement barely visible after a snow storm. At least the road was discernible from the shoulder. I seldom went much over 30 mph and I made it in fine shape.

There were more people at the library than I had been expecting. School was delayed for two hours. A school bus stops close to the library and many kids had come in to wait in the warm inside. It was never a busy day, but a steady trickle of people came though out the day. Many of them wanted to use the computers or brought their own computer and used the wifi.

I was a bit concerned about the trip home because so many people came in talking about the wind being so strong. It was obvious that the snow plow had been through recently giving me a tolerable drive home. I did like living where using buses and having no car was possible. It was great to let the bus driver be concerned about traffic, etc.

I will work again on Saturday. I am hoping that the roads are much improved by then, but it is not so likely with the cold temperatures, strong winds, and some bits of new snow. At least I do not have to come home in the dark. Somehow that seems easier.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lovely Snow


It was a very nice snow of about five or six inches. Shoveling was a bit hard because of the wetness making it heavy and sticky. A snow man came to mind, but in the end I got tired of shoveling, went in to rest and did not return. Is that a sign of aging? Where are children when I need them to draw me out?

Last night our special girls were in and on their best behavior. It was quite pleasant to have them there. “Are they growing up?” I asked when they were gone.

At the end of the week last week I wondered what I would do when I got to work. Silly me! On Monday my desk was half full of books ready to be catalogued. Then there were at least ten messages from interlibrary loan. Two more boxes of books arrived at the end of the day. I did not even open them. Tuesday when I came to work I saw that my entire desk was now full and there were six messages about interlibrary loan. Before the end of the day I managed to make a hole in the pile of books, concentrating on the ones that people were asking for. Someone thought I might feel overwhelmed, but I just am happy to have work to do.

Thankfully, I did not work today. Roads should be clear tomorrow or at least passable. I am also working on Saturday so I should not have worked on Tuesday. It was nice that I forgot because no one else remembered to come in and open up. I will not work next Tuesday which will be fine if I can remember.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Riding Again


At time to leave the house, 57 seemed like a nice temperature in which to ride the bike, but we had heard raining earlier. Was it raining now? We could not tell by looking out the windows. I zipped downstairs only to discover to my embarrassment that I had not locked the door when I came home last night. I was also thankful that we were fine.

It was not raining. Leroy raced around in a bit of a tizzy because he needed to get ready to bike rather than get in the car. He will be late for work and he tells me, “When I go later there is always more traffic. I don’t like that.”

He is hoping that he will have a window of time at home coming time so he can have a dry ride home. In the event of much rain, I suggested he take the bus as that would work as well. If it is not raining so much he can even put his bike on the front of the bus.

The reason I forgot to lock the door last night was that I was unsettled from work. We can do screen shots and see what our patrons are looking at while using the computer. I checked on some boys earlier and then I checked on a young girl, younger than ten. She was looking at pornography. Immediately I got out of my chair, came over to her computer and told her, “You are done on the computer now. This is not appropriate things to be looking at. You may not use the computer until we tell you that it is again ok.”

I closed down the window, but not before her slightly older brother popped over to see just what was there. Both of them slipped on their coats and were out the door before I even finished closing things down.

I was shocked even though another staff person had related that they had seen her looking at porn on an iPod. Somewhere in my head or heart I did not believe it. It was not the more innocent type of Playboy stuff, but more offensive at least to me. I keep wondering, is there something else I should have said to her? Something about why I do not feel it is the right thing to be doing? Is this young girl already hooked? It was difficult for me to sleep with all of the things rolling around in my head.

And Leroy just worries about riding in the rain.


Monday, January 28, 2013

On the Bike and Books to read


Leroy seldom calls me from work, but he rode the bike this morning. He wanted to make sure that he had left his wedding ring at home since it was not on his finger. Then too he had to tell me that he found the only patch of ice left on the street. “I was leaning into the curve to go from the street to the trail when I just slid right down. I am not hurt, but a bit sore. It was a sheltered place so I suppose that is why there was still ice there.”

I am glad to see the fog lift some and hopefully it will be gone by the time I need to drive to work. It seems to me that people do not slow down enough for fog believing that they will be safe and can stop in a shorter distance than they actually can.

I too miss getting out on the bike, but the cold air in my ears convinces me that it is not a good idea. I did a.m. yoga instead. I have also been doing some Tai chi although mostly the warm up exercises as I still have not been able to remember of follow through the routine. Some day it will all click? I notice that my back feels so good with just the warm up.

I have just finished The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. It sucked me right in at the very beginning. The main character is old so do you suppose that was a factor? He was certainly someone that did an amazing thing by walking to mail a letter and just kept going.

I am also reading, for our book club, The Room by Emma Donoghue. Someone who had already read it pronounced it “good, but terrible.” I would say that is about right. I am half way and it keeps me interested, but I find I do not want to read it before I go to bed.

Another book in my book basket that I have started is The End of Your Life book club by Will Schwalbe. It is a much quieter book. It is also interesting to me even though I have not read or even heard of many of these books. Great to work in a library where the new books all go across my desk! Usually though I think, “That would be good” and then forget what it was when I am looking for something to read.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ice Day


After a short discussion involving weather, Leroy and I decided to walk to church. The rain was to come later and only .1 or .25 inch. That sounded like everything we could deal with. When we got out the door at 7:30 it was already sleeting. At this point it was quite easy to walk. I was wearing my winter boots that are water proof. Leroy had on a pair of black sneaker type shoes. I walked on the grass as a precaution and Leroy stuck to the side walk. He did not slip at all. We did take out our umbrellas as a nod to the stuff coming down that seemed to be becoming more rain like.

Attendance at church was slim, but since Leroy is not the pastor it was not much our concern. However he did do a Sunday school class that that was also just a few people. He did a good job. One person told him that he needed to stop singing in the choir and just do Sunday school. I thought that was a nice compliment. He will do some more sessions as it fits with the choir schedule.

Unfortunately for me I forgot to bring my shoes. These waterproof boots are waterproof and non-breathable. After a bit my feet got to the sweat point and the Morton’s Neuroma let me know that it was still with me. If I am careful about the shoes I wear and I keep my feet cool I am fine. During Sunday school I slipped off my boots even though I was sitting in the front row. It seemed to me that I needed get prepared for the mile walk home.

As we were leaving the church it was definitely raining. The parking lot was quite slick to walk across, but I clung to Leroy’s arm. His shoes were gripping and my boots were slipping. As soon as I could, I chose to walk on the grass. That made for a much better walk. There was occasionally more wind. My skirt was a bit wet on the wind side by the time we got home. Leroy did say his socks were starting to get damp as water came through his shoes. He did not want to wear his over shoes because he did not want to hurt them. Seems to me we bought them for just this type of situation, but I guess I was wrong. They are special and not to be found just anywhere.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cleaning Out


Leroy is on a roll. He got down another box from the attic today. The recycle wastebasket filled twice. “The bin outside will have to be emptied this week for sure,” Leroy announced when he came in from the second trip outside.

“Can I add more?” I wondered thinking about the three days yet to go before collection.

“Some, but not much,” he assured me.

“I am thinking about just throwing the files away without looking at them,” he said after looking at ten folders, “But maybe there would be something worth saving.”

He has now emptied three boxes and they fit in one. I have not looked in it to know if it is stuffed or would hold even more. There is also a stack of seven books on the table that are going to be donated to the library book sale. My co-worker wanted to try the picture puzzle that I just put together so that is gone. We are getting lighter.

Leroy also worked on transferring some more of the contents from the cassettes to the iPod. When the stereo is gone we will be so light that we might float away. Oops! I forgot about the furniture, clothes, photos, and other books that are still holding us down.

Maybe if I look on the Internet there might be some “weird trick” that someone has mastered to make our things shrink when we next want to move. Have you noticed all those ads for a weird trick that gets rid of wrinkles, or weight, or whatever in your life that is not what you would like it to be. Generally doctors or someone else in authority knows nothing about this and would be upset if people were able to do this and steal their business.


Friday, January 25, 2013



Primroses are on sale. The sight of all of them sitting beautifully in their little pots immediately transported me back to Slovakia. That was where I first met them. Thanks Ann S. for the tip about putting the primroses between the windows giving them a wonderful long blooming season. Unfortunately the windows in this country are not set up that way meaning no duplication of setting. These flowers will probably not last so long since this apartment has some hot moments which are not so good for these cool loving plants.

I had the urge to buy many, but I made myself stop at three for me and three for my landlady who was delighted with them as they will brighten her space as well. While I was visiting her I saw a squirrel come up to their birdbath and stick its nose in. Was it getting a drink?  There was at another moment a woodpecker working on the suet they have hung outside their windows.

Leroy is going through his boxes containing church office things. He has managed to purge two boxes into just one half box. At this point in time since he is 64 years old he believes it unlikely that he will ever work in a church again. He did admit that some of the things he had not looked at in more than thirty years. That especially needed to go in my opinion. He has perhaps five more boxes. He will go through some more of them and probably get rid of another box or even two.

He found his first letter of call, his ordination papers, and his installation at the first church he served. These items he kept for sentimental reasons.

On the job front his boss has applied for another grant for Leroy to stay and work for three more years. His current contract will expire in September. It is necessary to start the process ahead of time.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Life in Winter


Monday evening when I left work the car was cold. Would it be the same temp as the air around it? I do not give it much time to warm up as that does not feel necessary to me. It protested, creaked, swayed, and groaned as we moved down the street in the almost 0 degree chill. At the intersection, since no one else was around, I got out to check on the tires, wondering if they could be low. It also made me feel that I was taking care of something. They were fine so I got back in and announced, “You will warm up and it will be fine soon.”

I just turned up the radio so I did not hear so much car protest. What a wonderful thing these vehicles are that they can operate in such extremes of both hot and cold. I am grateful for the inventions that have made this possible. After sitting out for almost eight hours, it just starts as easily as if it were a comfortable temperature.

This car still runs well, but it is a 2004 with over 100,000 miles on it. It could be forgiven for a break down or two. I do take boots, wool socks, and an extra scarf with me for such an emergency walk in the cold. So far all is well.

Last night it was not so cold. Leroy and I walked the mile to church, but the wind was bitterly frigid at the side of our faces. Neither of us had on face masks and we were happy to get to the building and rush inside. One of the choir members who had seen us out on Sunday asked if we had once again walked. We said, “Yes and it is worse than Sunday even though the temperature is higher.  The wind is quite brisk.”

“Would you like a ride home,” she asked.

We leaped on that offer so fast that I could hardly believe it. We both knew that on the way home we would be walking into the wind quite a bit more and it could be almost dangerous to our skin.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013



Until yesterday I have never heard of a HoneyBell. That changed when a box appeared between our landlord’s front doors. Our landlord called me at work, “There was a package between our doors. We brought it in and then learned that it was for you. I put in on the back porch.”

“I am at work so I will call Leroy and let him know as he should be home now,” I said. Because I was at work she called Leroy. Only later did I remember that he had a meeting after work and would not be home either.

Those HoneyBells endured some cold weather in the 20s before I came home and rescued them. HoneyBells are a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. They came complete with two bibs because they are so juicy. I stuffed an entire section in my mouth at once so I did not get too much juice outside of my mouth. Just in case I also ate it while standing over the sink. There is a limited window of opportunity to indulge in this fruit as its season is only about four weeks long.

Sarah and Stephen have given us this very nice gift. Thanks again! Can another exotic fruit be coming next month? Are there more that I have never heard of? I wrote to the company and suggested that leaving fruit from Florida outside in the Iowa winter might not be a good idea.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Odds and Ends


I have to confess that I did not know that yesterday was MLK day until I tried to use the post office at work. Do Iowans just not pay enough attention to such things? To a degree I am glad that it was not a day the library closed as I am a part time worker which means if there are holiday closures I do not get paid. Ironic how that matters when I have not worked for about six years and it had not mattered what was a paid holiday since it was all an unpaid holiday. I think it is easy to get sucked into the idea that money matters most.

On Sunday we went to a presentation about the neighborhood close to us that is more at risk than we are. The average income for that area was listed. Leroy noted that we do not earn that much. I commented, “With my income we go a bit over the average.”

 “Oh, I forgot about your income. For some reason I almost never think about it.” Leroy said.

With no holidays my earnings can pay the rent and utilities. So it does make a difference. We are certainly experiencing new feelings for people who have a low income. We, however, are quite happy and comfortable the way we are. I think we both see possibilities and have hope. Is that the essential difference? We are also debt free and that matters. Plus we save for something rather than buy it on credit. We do not need/want so many additions, for instance no cable TV. Although it might be better if we watched the news some as I did not know just when was the inauguration. I knew it is traditionally late January, but I never checked for the date.

I am trying to use the iPod more. It is on now, but I find it very distracting. It is hard to keep a thought going. I prefer silence. I would like, to a degree, the cloistered life. There is other noise here; the furnace is running, the clock is ticking, and there is the ringing in my ears. I do not really need much more sound.


Monday, January 21, 2013



It was cold enough that Leroy did not even discuss riding the bike. We are grateful to have two cars so that we can both go to work at different times. Sometimes we consider getting rid of one car, but because of days such as today that we kept both of them. It is expensive to justify keeping two vehicles when one of them sits for many days in a row. It could almost be all summer that it would not be used. But then there are the rain days. However if the bus schedule were a bit more compatible with Leroy’s work schedule it would be ok to have one car even when raining or cold.

Leroy and I do not control our heat as the thermostat is in the landlord’s space. We can talk about it and negotiate, but over all we go with the flow of warm or cold. I like to sleep in a cold room. It is now a little warm for me, but today I decided to put on the flannel sheets in a nod to the colder temps outside. It was colder in the bedroom last night. I suppose the heat is sucked out faster.

I did not walk today, but have done the warm up and first part of the Tai Chi form using the DVD that I got. I find even the warm up exercise certainly gets things moving. It is surely exercising my brain to deal with left and right when facing someone who is using the opposite hand or leg than I want to.

Leroy had gotten a heavy sweatshirt when in Utah last year. He wore it frequently when he started work but has not since. He is now in a warmer place, plus he is seen by the public and must dress more formally. While doing my meditation and devotions in the kitchen this morning I felt cold and remembered that sweatshirt. It felt wonderfully comfortable when I pulled it on. Nice that Leroy and I are almost the same size. In honor of the cold I will wear a wool sweater to work. I’m hoping that the heat has not been turned up.


Sunday, January 20, 2013



With the temperatures in the single digits, we walked briskly to church. The previous days’ warm sun had cleared the sidewalks so we did not have to watch for ice. The wind had quieted from the blustery blowing last night so it was not as uncomfortable as anticipated. In fact I almost got warm before we were done. Leroy and I are getting a reputation for walking to church as some people drive by us so they know we did not just come from the parking lot. “How far did you walk,” is the usual question.

“Just a mile,” I generally reply.

“A mile, that is far,” was this morning’s response.

I did have on my cuddle dud’s pants, wool sweater, a warm scarf as well as my recess coat that I probably got back in 1995. It is not really such a warm coat, but it is long, has a hood that protects my face as it flops over my forehead. I can see the ground, but I must pull it up to cross the street and see farther than four feet in front of me. I still like this coat. Leroy wears a very heavy coat, complete with a good facemask. In our neighborhood we look as if we might be hiding our identity and have a sinister motive for being out and about.

The 999 piece puzzle is finished. One piece is missing from the middle of the South Dakota license plate. This puzzle is a picture of the states’ car license put in the geographic spot in the shape of the US. The hardest part was the random shapes as well as not a square edge to the outside. It is interesting at times I thought there were too many pieces and then towards the end I thought there were not enough.

I am going to pass the puzzle on with a note telling which piece is missing. Wouldn’t want anyone to get frustrated looking for that non-existent piece.


Saturday, January 19, 2013



Last night Leroy and I visited a couple that we have known since seminary days. It is so amazing that we are living just 36 miles apart. With current traffic conditions it tells me that it would take 54 minutes. I am not sure what it took us last night, but it is more than our hostess expected. But then Leroy and I seldom speed. I suppose that could take five minutes from the time. It is close and that is very nice. We have never lived within such an easy step from any of our classmates. Course that is what happens when you move all around, you get some unexpected pleasures.

We had a wonderful relaxing time with them. It is nice to see them from time to time at other functions.

Yesterday I bought a 25 cent poinsettia. It is quite beautiful even though small. I am pleased to have two of these plants on which to feast my eyes.

I also got Leroy two clearance sweaters. They were both small, but one is too small. It just happened to be the one that we liked the best. I think he should just put up with some tightness, but that is not his style. Comfort comes first. I will not make an extra trip back to exchange it because I cannot remember if there was a similar sweater in medium. I do wish that sizes were more standardized. Both of these sweaters were green. The smaller one was an argyle. Leroy used to have a green sweater, but it was finally worn out. We think that Leroy looks good in green. It would not do to have no sweaters in such a complimentary color which would enhance his looks.

Leroy was pleased to ride the bike yesterday and today. I am a little concerned that he will notice the wind when he comes home tonight. At least he will surely be awake and alert when he gets here.


Friday, January 18, 2013



I know that Leroy suggested we get the puzzle out, but I am the one who is addicted. I have to speak to myself to get my attention focused on anything else. Then I have to speak again more sternly. I will stop to eat, get groceries, or work. I slide in with slimmer margins than I used to.

Just now the timer went off telling me that I must stir my granola. After the timer gave me the warning, I did stir the granola. On my way back to finish this letter I stopped to look at the puzzle and managed to put in at least three pieces. Perhaps half of the pieces are now together so it goes a bit easier. Occasionally I can even pick up a piece and put it in the proper place without struggle. Leroy dislikes it when I do that.

I look for the color fit first and then the content along with the shape of the piece. Leroy has a whole other way of approaching this task. I am not sure that I understand what he does.

Leroy’s birthday is early in February. I was pleased today to find two presents for him. Usually buying presents is an ordeal for me. I just happened to find these two items that I feel certain he would enjoy. They were on a good sale and that is what really sucked me in. With this additional deal and that greater discount they cost just a little over $5 when originally they were over $50. After Christmas or seasonal clearance sales are great for those February birthdays. I cannot tell you what I got for him because he often reads these letters. I am sure he is pleased to know that I got something as that is not my strong point. The hard part is that I know he cares about that as that was the way he was raised. My family was much less focused on gifts. I suspect I learned not to expect very much.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Doing ILL means packing books to be mailed. Packing tape that is in a regulation type cutter provides ease of snipping the strip. Yesterday I was careless and cut my finger. It was not so bad, but after sucking off the blood, finishing the book, and dropping it in the mail out box; I realized a blood stauncher was needed.

Generally I do not need medical supplies at work, consequently it is good for me to re-find the first aid kit. My hurt finger was bandaged when I noticed there was a cut on the neighboring finger. “I think I bandaged the wrong finger,” I exclaimed to my boss who laughed and teased me about needing more band aids.

“But the other one hurts,” I protested.

Later when the band aids came off I could see that I had two small cuts on two fingers so I was not just being flaky.

I got a small, on sale, light that has much power because of the number of LEDs. This is for the front closet as it can be quite dark in the corners. On the package it stated that three AAA batteries (not included) were needed. Leroy and I like to get rechargeable batteries. I had a coupon for such, but at the first store where I looked, they did not carry the right brand for my coupon. After that I forgot about it as I did a lot more shopping. Leroy got the batteries when he had his eye appointment. Upon opening the light we found three batteries had indeed been supplied. The packaging was the kind with which you have to get aggressive to open so I am sure that it had not been repackaged. We thought that was a nice gift in the small but mighty light that can be hung on a hook or a magnet. The spiders had better find a new home as the back corners are now illuminated. The AAA rechargeables will not be wasted as Leroy uses them for his bike light. Now we will always have a set ready.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013



Leroy will be getting new glasses. He had been complaining that he could not see very well as he snatched his glasses off. Instead of getting stronger, the new glass will be weaker. Apparently he has the beginning of cataracts and they actually help his vision. Seems strange to me, but he is pleased that he went in. He is also using up the last of our flexible spending dollars. I had been rather upset with the amount of money he had taken out, but he kept assuring me that we could spend it all. I think that has now happened. Since it is from his check, I have mostly stayed out of the area and let him handle it. The way the money comes back to us is in the form of a debit card. He was all upset about that card because he never got the card. In the last week or so he learned that it was sent to the old address at work and then sent back to the company. He now has that card in hand and we can start using that money. It seems to me that money controls too much of our conscious. How do we let that happen?

At least Leroy’s glasses do not cost as much as mine. He only spends a bit over $300. The new frames are twins of his current frames and they only cost $18. But I say, defending myself, I wear my glasses every day so I want something that looks good. Also because of the strength of the prescription my choices are limited. I also pay for the thinnest lens possible because I want to look better. Vanity is a stronger motivator than I realized. However, I cannot control the extra cost for the more extreme nearsightedness. Also I get plastic lens because of the breakage possibility. When I was 15 they told me that I must not get glass again because I would need safety glasses and that would be too heavy. I am grateful that we can both afford to get new glasses when we need them. What a wonderful thing to see the leaves, the birds, and even you. When looking in the mirror without glasses I can say that I really look good, kind of misty and fuzzy.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Morning Work


I feel that I have done a lot this morning since Leroy left.  I have washed a load of clothes, dried them some, hung them on the drying rack, called the credit union, read email, tried to send a scan to Leroy, worked on the puzzle, relaxed by reading a bit, dusted the living room, followed about half of the Tai Chi DVD, and ate a snack.

We are only drying the clothes some because the dryer gets so hot. It will be fixed, but not just yet. Also I do not mind hanging them as I think it helps save the environment, but I do like to have them fluffed up and delinted from time to time. It helps too to have them partly dried because then hopefully I can fold and put away before I go to work. Unfortunately that will not happen today because I did not start early enough.

The credit union call was necessitated because they sent a letter to our “old address”. Our bank as switched to a credit union and for some reason that I do not understand we each have to have one more savings account. It requires only a $1.00 deposit. Anyway I took care of those things. While on hold waiting for the call to be answered, I read email. Aren’t speaker phones great?

Last night we got out a 1,000 piece puzzle that Brian and Jan passed on to us warning us that one piece was missing. We did not care. Leroy did grumble last night as we were turning over hundreds of pieces, “I think we should have chosen one of the 500 piece puzzles,” adding, “I think 50 pieces are the best.” Perhaps because of weak spatial skills Leroy does have a hard time with puzzles.

I am pleased with the Tai Chi DVD. It was well worth $4, but I must take it in small amounts if I am going to master the whole thing. I have real difficulty flipping my brain images so I can follow people facing me. They do do the entire sequence with their backs to the audience at the end, but I need to learn all of the steps singly. Surely this is good for my brain too.

I was successful at getting the scan sent, but for reasons that I do not know about, it was rejected by Leroy’s work account. It also rejected my plain email. Could I have the wrong address?


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Full Life


I just realized it is the first 13 of a month in 2013 we are done with those special dates of 12-12-12 as there is no 13th month. Not that I noticed it much.

We still have flowers from the bouquet that Sarah and Stephen brought. There are only white and green left, but we are happy and appreciative. The poinsettia looks good, the impatience are getting ready to bloom again, and the Christmas cactus is getting a few more buds. The two amaryllis are just sitting there, but then I have not watered them often so they might feel the lack.

A calendar came in the mail from Sarah and Stephen. It is up on the wall in the extra bedroom where Leroy thought he would look at it before he goes to work. I can see it from the hall and it has nice pictures. We are just blessed with crutches to keep us going to whatever is scheduled, no excuses.

Today Leroy and I played two games. He won one and I won one. That seems like about the right balance. Soon we will get out a picture puzzle and see where that takes us.

Leroy figured out the software so he could move the music from the cassettes and records to the iPod consequently we will soon be able to get rid of our stereo. He showed me how to do some of that so I can help too as it take quite a lot of time.

 I listened to something on the iPod and it did not take me quite so long to find it. I consider that a plus. It will all come together if I just am patient with myself.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Birds and Music


I have noticed quite a number of crows in the air or in the trees, but this afternoon when out walking there were twenty-six of them in just two trees. That seems like a big family to me. Have you ever thought about how much weight trees hold with birds, squirrels, and leaves taking a lot of space in the branches? Glad I am not a tree bearing such loads. Besides I would not like to stand in one place all of the time.

The calendar that I had brought home had birds on it. Because neither Leroy nor I had not looked at in a day and a half, I returned it to the library. It was gone before I left. I am pleased about that. It is nice to pass something on.

I am listening to some classical music as I type and I am not too distracted, but that means I do not pay much attention to the music. That seems disrespectful of the music. It seems that perhaps I need more music that I do not really need to listen to. Could it just set a mood as happens in the movies? Now just what music would that be? Elevator music? Popular music of some type? Easy listening? Unfortunately I know no names or artists or composers in those areas.

If crows had a nice song I could just open the window and be treated to a concert.

I thought I might listen to a CD of songs from Ukraine that we were given by a woman from there. Unfortunately I cannot find the CD consequently I do not know the name of the album or songs or artists. Does this sound like an old song and dance? What I am listening to now is from a CD called Mad About the Classics. They are not such serious pieces or I know them so well that I can half listen and get the mood or essence. How did I find this on the iPod? I first searched out the CD and then found the album on the iPod. Someday it will be simple, but not yet.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More Learning


I thought I would look at Facebook on the iPod this morning. It seemed that maybe I would use that as an easy way to check, but I am mostly content with checking just once a day. It again took me a long time to put in my password for that account. I was finally successful when it allowed me to see what I was putting in and I could correct it before going on. Now, how that gave that option, I have no idea so I could not possibly duplicate that maneuver. Gratitude was my response.

As I was going into FB it asked if I did not want to have FB deliver news. Mistake for me! I did not read the entire blurb. Now I cannot get into my friends list, etc., but it wants to show me songs I might like or other media that I do not care about. What a waste!  I do not have a clue how to even get out of that place as nothing I have tried works; instead I have to switch back to the iPod main menu to move to something else. What did I learn? I really should not click yes to anything when I do not understand the entire issue. Have I positively learned this? Who knows? Again I feel ready to chuck this thing out the window.

I am also disappointed in that docking radio that we bought on Saturday because the radio station does not come in very clearly. Perhaps I should not blame it as the other two radios in the house are also not so very distinct.

Someone commented that we are acquiring more; not getting rid of things. We do intend to get rid of the stereo. At one point I said, “Forget about the music on the records and cassettes.”

Leroy was determined to save that music. Now he says, “Let’s just get rid of all the cassettes and records.” While I, in the meantime, have gone to the idea of getting that music on the iPod. I do listen to music on the iPod. I suppose that will happen more, even though I like a lot of silent time. Besides I get bent out of shape trying to find a song that has no name in my mind that I want to listen to. If that is a complicated sentence it is because it is a complicated process.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Work and Dents


It was fun to be back at work. I enjoy interacting with the people there. Even one of the girls who has made life not as joyful came in last night. Her mother was there as well and it was good to meet her. It helps to give a better picture of her life. From comments others have made the girls who created such issues have been easier to deal with. Does that mean they are growing up? We are getting better at connecting with them? Or they just do not feel like being annoying right now?

I was tired by the time I came home, but I was not late. For some reason it is hard for me to sleep when I have not been sitting quietly at home.

When I drive home, I come up the alley, swing onto the “across alley” neighbors’ drive way so that I can zip into the garage without realigning myself. I have talked to them about this and they totally understand as our garage is almost on the alley proper leaving little or no room to maneuver. Cars may turn on a dime, but I need an even shorter turn. With the addition of snow my space has diminished. There is a pile of snow right in the spot I want to drive into. I hit that pile of snow the other day. Maybe I was coming too fast on the ice or I just wanted life my way. Later Leroy commented that there is a noticeable dent in the front bumper. Oops! I had noticed that banging into that snow/ice post made a big clunking sound, but I was hoping to have gotten away without damage. Oh, why am I so impatient? If it had been Leroy, he would be happy to slither the car around at least three or four different times to get that perfect shot at the garage opening. Well, I now do back up once and get this vehicle perfectly lined up. So no more new dents.


Monday, January 7, 2013



Epiphany has come so Christmas is past. It is so nice to have the Christmas decorations packed up. But unfortunately we discovered that the attic is quite damp. There is water dripping off the windows on the warmer day and water dripping from the nails in the roof. When it was freezing frost must have adhered to these surfaces. Even if you only rent it seems there are always issues with a residence. Right now those big Christmas decoration boxes are taking up more than their share of space in the computer room. I should be grateful for that room and the boxes are not upstairs gathering dampness and musty smells. We do have some space to spare, but I do not want to have them here for a long period of time. A solution will be found.

When we were with Brian we bought a calendar at a dollar store. I am so grateful that we did that. For this dollar we actually got two calendars. One of which is hanging in the kitchen and the smaller one is by my desk in the computer room. Why don’t I call it the office? Leroy was given a desk calendar because of his minister status. We had not let them know he is on leave from call. There were some perks in his former vocation that we did not even think about, but just took for granted. One he regrets now is that there are some classes he would like to take at the seminary, but there is no time or money from his current job that supports that.

Back to the calendar issue. We could have used another calendar, but I am not going to worry about that. The sad thing is that Sarah said they had calendars to spare. Had she known she could have brought more than one.  But I do not think it is worth the postage to mail it to us. We will just look where we have them. We might even get some exercise as we walk to do that.

Leroy again rode the bike today as it was above 20 when he left. It is to be nice all week so he is looking forward to riding every day. He gets exercise and brain stimulation. What a gift!


Sunday, January 6, 2013



Leroy and I have managed to eat up much of the food we had purchased just for the children’s visit, especially food that had been opened. There is a stack of other items that we will take to the food bank donations at church. That will really help to clean out our cupboards and maybe even arteries. I have been eating more sweets than usual. That makes me think I can eat more. I was given a box of chocolate covered nuts by someone at work. Influenced by all of the things I had been eating and all the talk about the virtues of chocolate I thought I would eat one of these, hoping that it would be more nut than chocolate. One bite convinced me that it was beyond my capacity. Leroy finished that piece and graciously took the rest to his work place where half of the box was gone by noon. It took the rest of the evening before I felt good again. My body simply rebels against all of these so called “good things”.

Soon we will only have plain food in the house once again. And I will like that much more.

Not that they have so much sugar per flour ratio, but krumkake have plenty of fats such as butter and whipping cream. We did make some krumkake. When Leroy was at seminary I learned to make these with our Norwegian landlady. They are a bit work intensive as each is made individually. Interesting but I do not think of so many traditions that I do from my family. Leroy’s family provided the ravioli recipe. And we got the fastnachts from Pennsylvania when he was on internship.

My mother made mincemeat pie, but that would be tough for me to make since I would have to get meat and probably can huge quantities of it according to her recipe. Liver sausage is another tough thing requiring a pig’s head. Then there is suet pudding. That might be easier if I can find suet fit for human consumption. It seems my family food traditions all revolved around butchering and having our own meat.


Saturday, January 5, 2013



Shopping is taking on a new place in life. I returned something and came out with two different new items. One was a pair of black khaki pants for Leroy. They were $60 pants marked down to $4. Then at check out they rang up at $3. Leroy found them a little tight, but said he could manage, especially at that price. There is an inside button so they could be looser if he does not clip the outside hook. A belt hides any indiscretions. Leroy always wears a belt so that is not a problem. I figure that is close to the excitement of winning the lottery.

Our bathroom scale needed new batteries. I got some at the first store for $7 wondering about how much we care about our weight. At the second store I found those same batteries for just $4.39. I bought some more and will take the first set back. I might have thought $4 was a bit much to know my weight, but it now looks cheap. Perspective makes such a difference.

I acted like it was my birthday and bought DVDs for Pilates, Tai Chi, and reflexology. It just was my birthday, but I did not get any mad money to spend. These DVDs only cost $4 a piece so it was also a good deal. I have not yet looked at them. I am hoping for great content. With exercise DVDs it is not always a sure bet.

Today Leroy and I found an iPod dock that also has a clock radio included in its very small size. It also has an analog clock and a digital as well as two alarms. We think it was a great deal at $15. Most of them that we have seen have been above $30 and closer to $50. So even if it does not have the best sound in the west our insensitive ears will never know the lack.

We took a short walk today, but did not exercise, tomorrow, tomorrow. Shopping requires quite a bit of walking, breathing, and deciding. That is surely exercise.


Friday, January 4, 2013

New Realization


I realized just now what makes it hard for me to find music on the iPod is that I generally do not know what I am listening to. I frequently cannot tell you the name of piece, composer, or artist. That makes it more difficult to find something to listen to when I need to know at least one of those things to find it on the iPod. Thankfully some of it has been put into a meaningful playlist therefore I can work at finding it that way. Even that is still an effort since I do not know where to go from there. So there is this list? What do I want to listen in the list? Perhaps what it means is that music is really mostly background in my life and not close to the front of my awareness. In the past, I could peruse my CDs. Now I can still peruse them, look for a title and then search it out on the iPod. It seems like a long road to me, but it might get shorter in the future if I listen more learning titles as I go.

It was nice to be back at work. I have enjoyed getting to know my co-workers. There was a large pile of work on my desk much of which is still there. Some of the work I pick up on line such as the ILL so I did that first. Monday the pile should diminish significantly.

I forgot the glasses that I use when working on the computer and that slows me down a little. Next time I will take them with me.

Leroy is thinking that the streets are clear enough that he could ride the bike, but his hands get so cold that he does not want to ride just yet. He had hoped to almost all of the time, but winter does make a difference.

I noticed that it is lighter at night so he would be seen more on the bike if he did ride. Then too he has just purchased that greatly visible vest. I noticed that color in great variety in the workout clothes styles. It is even, one might say, popular.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Work Tomorrow


The last date I was at work was December 17. It will almost seem like a new idea when I go back. But it is only for one day this week so it should not tax my system. Just what do I do there anyway?  I was going to have a fairly long break for the holidays and sickness added to that time by two days.

At least the roads are clear and I now feel better although I am still tired easily and light coughing seems to have returned.

I did get out and walk today. According to my pedometer I logged 2.5 miles in that walk. The blue sky kept me going even though I needed to look down frequently because many people do not clear their sidewalk very well. On the flip side I am so grateful for all those who have only the clearest cement showing. Even there I must still pay a bit of attention because there are numerous cracks that could trip.

Today I potted my amaryllis bulbs. They seemed small, but then I know that Leroy thought that he could cut off some of the roots when he dug them. Hopefully that will not matter as much to them as it did to me.

We use the attic stairs as our cool place, cool but not frozen. That is where I have been keeping the bulbs along with potatoes, oranges, apples, squash, and the last three rutabagas. All of them seem good except the rutabagas that are quite limp. Much of life is a learning experience.

While the children were here I put most of the houseplants on the land lord’s steps. I was quite happy to welcome them back into the house.

Just now I remember that we have choir practice tonight. I did not need to walk this afternoon. It will add another two miles to the distance covered. I like singing and walking, but I should have napped to charge my low energy cells.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Quiet Day


Leroy and I are just enveloped in silence. We have straightened up the place and sit to read. No one wants to play a game except me. No one is talking much, no one is singing, or dancing. We might have to change all that. I again have some great fingerprint reminders on the windows of little girls looking for the squirrels.

This afternoon we did walk for a little more than a mile. I had to use the bathroom otherwise we might have stayed out longer. I forgot, Leroy’s feet were getting cold so he did want to come in. We bundled up and I thought it felt generally good. I even took off my gloves as my hands were getting warm.

Leroy has worked on his stamp collection. He is happy to report that he has gotten all but three of the 2012 US stamps. Now he needs to put them in his album.

He also tried to put some of the songs from the cassette tapes on the iPod. Even though Andy had showed him the procedure, it did not happen. Part of the problem is, according to Leroy, “Andy went so fast that I did not always see what he had done.”

Neither Leroy nor I are audio learners. We do best with written directions. Spoken directions are good, but we need more. Perhaps the best learning experience is when we have written directions with someone guiding us as we do it. It is so we make the moves and remember them. Guess that would be called hands on learning.

Tomorrow I will pot my two amaryllis bulbs. I certainly hope they bloom, but if not, I am patient and can wait for another year. The potting soil was frozen in the garage so it is resting in the house overnight to thaw and become usable.
