Friday, June 15, 2012

Library Work


Tuesday I was to work alone in the library, but the new director was there for an hour. It was a help with the afternoon opening business. Then later one of my co-workers came. She is scheduled to work with the summer reading program, but because of our sewers issues it was cancelled, consequently I did not expect her to come. She left in the late afternoon. The people counter registered 152 people in those seven hours that I worked. I know I felt busy and a bit tired when done. Now maybe three of that count was the guys working on the sewer. So it was not all library usage. But I still talked to these guys some when they wanted to let us know about plans.

The three special girls were in to use the computers, talk rather loudly, and generally create a slight disturbance. I was happy when they decided to go somewhere else.

In the evening a woman came in to update her resume. She had called first because she had a 3.5 inch disc., or whatever that older style is. On the phone, I suggested she get a CD to convert her files to as in the future she might not find a computer to read it. We have two computers with that type of drive. One of them however would not access her disc. With doubts I had her use another computer, however it worked without a hitch. She brought with her a flash drive that she said was recommended over the CD. I also realized that was a good idea. She worked on her resume for some time, and printed it. She then tried to open the physical flash drive and was unable to do so. I struggled with it for possibly ten minutes. She talked about returning it to the store, but later she called to tell me that she had shown it to her mother and she opened it easily by flipping the top to the side. I had been trying to pull it off. Guess I do not know everything. This woman still had enough confidence in me to ask when I was working again so she could come at that time and have me help her transfer her data from the disc to the flash drive. Think I can do it? Maybe or even probably, but I am not saying until it happens.


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