Friday, June 1, 2012

Killing Time


This morning, Leroy said, “I got three more stamps in the albums while I was killing time before work.”

Why do we have such a violent statement about our use of time or lack of use? Is wasting time a better way to talk about the same activity? Just what is so bad about being idle?

Bless technology for the message that I got yesterday informing me that our anniversary is coming next Tuesday. Leroy was in the room when I read this and told him. We both laughed because neither of us had thought about it at all. We are just not so good at this anniversary stuff. Years ago we found out it was our anniversary day when we got a card from Leroy’s mother. Again it was an occasion for laughter.

Years ago I had a dryer fire. It was the result of an old dryer having too much lint packed away and a snap on jeans that created sparks. Since then, I have checked dryers. The dryer here had kindly been storing lint for some purpose that I do not know about. Leroy figures that it will even dry more efficiently now with the removal of half a wastebasket of fluff.

Our library borrows almost 100 large print books from another library. Those books were in and because we keep them for six months we catalog them. I do it the quickest way possible and I have to say that yesterday the z sources were flying. It was quite exciting. I finished almost 80 books. Someone else did help by unpacking them and attaching the bar codes. It was quite exhilarating to get all of them finished.

On the down side, our sink has developed a small leak around the faucet plate. Leroy tried unsuccessfully to reseal it. Our land lord will look at it soon, but neither of us has been home. In the meantime I have a rag in position to catch drips as well as a pan and rag below. I like rags. Such a useful humble object!


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