Thursday, April 26, 2012

China and more


While I was not in the kitchen, Leroy got out the old cereal bowls for breakfast. Then I noticed last night when I was gone he again used some of the other dishes. Is he trying to send me a message?

I have decided I would at least try this china for a couple weeks to see how it goes with more meals. A couple of you have warned me not to use it in the microwave. So I have stopped doing that. Seems to me that is another strike against the convenience of using it. Neither of us is interested in doing anything that takes more time if there is not is much purpose to it. For, instance I will gladly hang out clothes rather than put them in the power dryer because I feel it is good for me to get out, good for the environment, and good smelling clothes result. This reminds me, I must get my clothes off the line before I go to work at noon.

I had wanted to walk and do some yoga before going, but I think I am too pressed for time to get that done as well. I will have to plan to do some of that when I come home. Even though I only work 20 hours I do notice that it cuts into my time for important things. Perhaps I must get organized in a different way.

I was happy to spend a good bit of time yesterday cataloging. There is quite a pile of things that need entering. It should keep me busy for a few days. Now if I could just figure out how to edit a mistake after I am done I will be all set. If I catch it while I am working on the issue it is not problem, but later I do not know how to easily get back to that point to correct. I will learn more in good time. Someone told me not to be so hard on myself. As it has only been two and a half weeks since I have been there.


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