Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Car Insurance and Photos


When we first moved here it was time to pay our car insurance. That might seem simple, but it was complicated for me. Should we get a new agent before paying? If so who?

I looked online for the closest agent in our company. That person was not available at that time. So I tried the next closest. Answers were helpful. With that information I decided to pay it online. I could not remember what my sign in name, email used for insurance, or my password. Rather I had it written down, but it seemed to be obsolete now. Needless to say I did not get very far following that route, but it all took quite a lot of time. Next I decided to call the 800 number and talk to a person to change our address and pay the bill with a bank transfer. I must have picked the most popular time because I spent almost an hour in the calling queue. At least I could move around some and do some other things. Then I decided to forget the address change and just pay with a credit card on the automated caller service. I was done in less than five minutes.

All was good until last Friday when we got a letter from the insurance company stating that we needed to change our policies to Utah, as per their current address for us, according to the laws of the state where we were residing. What state is that according to them, Utah?

I again tried to call the closest agent and was lucky on the third try. He assured me that he could change the address and take us on as clients without needing to come into the office. He also called our former agent in Burlington with the updated information. He then called me back to say the agent in Burlington was confused. I did not tell him that we would probably confuse him also. We have had three addresses since we left Burlington. The first address was Salt Lake (Miriam’s home) then Sperry IA (Leroy’s sister’s home) and finally now Cedar Rapids our new home address. Moving with no home is certainly a trick.

I have uploaded some pictures from our visit at Brian’s home. Sarah and her girls were also there. If you would like to see them here is the link.


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