Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our First Visitor


We have had our first guest in our new place. This young man, formerly from our congregation in Ely did not seem to be bothered by the odd placement of our pictures. He is quite tall and so even the one picture that was only a couple inches from the ceiling was in his line of sight.

He came for supper and in addition was able to visit with Miriam’s family via the webcam. We played a game as well. That seemed to fit all of us as a good time.

Now that we have started, maybe we can have some more guests. It seems to me the first is the hardest for me to get a grip on. Leroy did put up some nails so we actually hung three pictures in their final home. It makes a difference in making this my place. The Eiffel tower is over the desk in the computer room or office. I like it a lot. It is like getting a new picture that has been with us for six years.

I also bought another kitchen cart. This one was advertized as a microwave cart. It was $15 more, but it looked much the same. It also has a broken part. The brake on one of the wheels was snapped off. Leroy called the company as instructed to get a spare part. Unfortunately they could not just send a new wheel. We could have taken it back to the store, but decided that three brakes would hold it in place. It does give me more room. Leroy also was able to put up another shelf in the bathroom giving us some more storage space. We have brought down all a couple more big bins that we can put in there as it does not seem to get too steamy when we shower.

We, for some reason, cannot find our rechargeable batteries and the charger. I guess it was not a large enough item to put on the content list. Again I think it was because we were so spoiled at larger places where it was easier to take out all of our things and look at them. Here too many things are staying hidden in boxes.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hot Guy Neighbors and others


One night I heard a high pitched yowl outside. It cascaded up and down the scale a minute before I identified it as a couple of feisty cats. Luckily they came to a conclusion before it disturbed my sleep.

I have not met any neighbors, but Leroy met one of the young guys who lives next door. They appeared to be just a short time beyond college age. Leroy learned that his brother and a friend also live in the house.

When taking a walk I sometimes speak to people. I greeted a woman and she seemed inclined to add more. As I was listening to her a preschooler came out and looked in a bucket on the porch and announced that there were fish in there. “Fish?” I wondered, “Can I see?”

They invited me up to take a peek as an older sibling came out to inform me that they caught them at a neighboring lake. I was surprised at the size of these three fish, certainly each was enough for a meal for two.

Another windy day I was walking when I saw a woman struggling to put a tarp over furniture in her pick up. Each time she tried, the wind grabbed that tarp and whipped it back at her. When I came past it tossed it over her head. I laughed, but then turned around, apologized, and asked if I could help. She did not crake a smile, but instructed me as to how I could assist. Even with the two of us it took almost 15 minutes. In the end she said, “I suppose to someone else it probably did look funny. Thank you for helping and what is your name.”

Going back to those hot guys next door, I can tell you that they are so hot as to be unreliable for knowing what to wear. One day I looked out and saw one of them in shorts, no shirt. The conclusion I reached was that I could dress for warm weather. It did not take me long to return and put on a light jacket.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

China and more


While I was not in the kitchen, Leroy got out the old cereal bowls for breakfast. Then I noticed last night when I was gone he again used some of the other dishes. Is he trying to send me a message?

I have decided I would at least try this china for a couple weeks to see how it goes with more meals. A couple of you have warned me not to use it in the microwave. So I have stopped doing that. Seems to me that is another strike against the convenience of using it. Neither of us is interested in doing anything that takes more time if there is not is much purpose to it. For, instance I will gladly hang out clothes rather than put them in the power dryer because I feel it is good for me to get out, good for the environment, and good smelling clothes result. This reminds me, I must get my clothes off the line before I go to work at noon.

I had wanted to walk and do some yoga before going, but I think I am too pressed for time to get that done as well. I will have to plan to do some of that when I come home. Even though I only work 20 hours I do notice that it cuts into my time for important things. Perhaps I must get organized in a different way.

I was happy to spend a good bit of time yesterday cataloging. There is quite a pile of things that need entering. It should keep me busy for a few days. Now if I could just figure out how to edit a mistake after I am done I will be all set. If I catch it while I am working on the issue it is not problem, but later I do not know how to easily get back to that point to correct. I will learn more in good time. Someone told me not to be so hard on myself. As it has only been two and a half weeks since I have been there.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012



Some things are not as simple as they would appear at first thought. China, how hard can that be to incorporate into daily life? I found four boxes marked Spoerl China in the attic. Spoerl is my maiden name. It was indeed fun to open the boxes and find all pieces in perfect shape.

The tricky part was finding a place in the kitchen where it would be easily accessible for that planned daily use. This kitchen has only three feet and five inches of counter top by the sink with an additional nine inches between the stove and refrigerator. There are two drawers under the counter by the sink and two doors under that. Above are two more doors with two small cabinets next to that. Above the stove are three doors that are best reached by someone who might be 6 feet? I have included some pictures so you can see at this site just how much space we have. The white door goes into a closet that is large, but only has two shelves up high.

I found a place for our smaller set of eight that had been Leroy’s mother’s dishes.  We have enjoyed using them because they do not take so much space and fit us just fine. Then I washed the new set and left them to air dry while I went to work. After coming home, I managed to get most of them in the cupboard with just the meat platter and some other larger items on top of the refrigerator. I do not want to leave them there, but have not yet figured out what will happen.

We had soup last night. The most noticeable thing is that the bowls become quite hot when put in the microwave. I almost burned myself. Then the size of the bowls that we might use for cereal is so small that this morning we had to have two helpings. We like to put granola, fruit, and milk on cereal. It is a bit tricky to get it in and not on the table. Soup bowls are the flat spread out kind. It worked just fine for my salad at noon. We believe that sizes were smaller in the days of smaller appetites.

Leroy is grumbling a bit about the pieces and I find I am not as happy and satisfied as I had expected to be. Who knew?


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Church and bike ride


Leroy and I are still discussing what church to attend. We did go to the new member gathering at the large church that is closest to us. A large church fits Leroy better than it does me. He is quite comfortable there, but I would rather go to a smaller church. However, we can walk to this church in about 20 minutes and that is a strong selling point for me. Location is more important than other issues like preaching, people, and presence. I am not sure that I like that about myself. It seems that I should have other concerns. I know that I slip into a small church with more ease of mind. However, when Leroy was at the seminary we were members of a large church and I felt quite at home there so it could happen again.

At that new member class a young man came up to us to let us know that he was there. He had been a member of the church in Ely and has just moved back to the area. It is indeed a small world.

Leroy had attended a bike ride with a group from this church. There was another ride this afternoon. We both went in spite of the chilly temp. Only three other people showed up. By some unstated manner, Leroy became the leader of the ride. We rode to the bike trail and about five miles north. It was a nice ride and I was not the slowest one.  Leroy had told me before that it was not a group that seemed bent on breaking speed records. That is my type of group. We will certainly do this again. We rode past the only urban trout stream in Iowa. Who knew there were trout streams in Iowa even in the rural areas.

The church we attended this morning has a Tai Chi group. Now there is a selling point as I was not able to find a group in the last year and I have missed that. But I still do not want to drive when I can walk.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another Shopping Trip


Leroy caught my excitement from shopping when he came home. He immediately took the cart out and when assembling pieces, found that a weld in one place had broken. Groans and moans could be heard in the house.

We decided to make a trip back to the store. It became a bit complicated because there was not another cart in the store so they gave my money back. It was stated that I could not get another rain check, but I believe that I will be able to buy a replacement at the same low price. I am just going to wait and see because I do not need to create a lot of cart stress.

While we were in the area we went to the Land’s End store again. Leroy found two pair of corduroy pants about which he said, “They fit me better than any pants I have owned in recent years.” One was a dark brown and one lighter. They were also for that great low price of $6.99 with 30% more off. In addition, I found a skirt and top for that price too. What a deal! So there is some positive return for all that cart problem.

While thinking of using the cart to get more things in the kitchen, I wondered about getting out my mother’s china. I have been carting it around for several years and only used it once. I am seriously considering using it for everyday. It does not go in the dishwasher, but since we have none here it is not an issue. Why should I have it in boxes for fourteen years keeping it safe? Safe for what? Or is it because my mother only used it for good? I will just get it out and enjoy it. I have been using some new flatware that I bought and only used for company. Leroy and I have both commented on how much we like having it out every day. I am not sure that any of my children would like these things as much as I do. They do not know that planning and saving that went into the purchase of the china. I remember my mother’s joy.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Shopping Trips Not Created Equal


I am grateful that every shopping trip was not like the one last Friday. Today was a much better experience, not good enough to cause me to rate shopping highly, but good enough to take if off the worst list.

I started out by stopping at a store where, last week, I had bought a couple items on clearance and the price charged did not reflect that low amount. My money was returned. I also had something else that I wanted to buy there so it was worth the stop because in addition, I found something on clearance that I can give to my grandson. I do not often give gifts to my grandchildren, but it is nice to have something if there is a need for a gift. I am happy now that I can look for things for either sex in spite of the strong tilt to girls.

From this store I moved on a couple miles to another where I could look for picture frames. I even asked for help since there was a clerk hanging around that area. She was most helpful listening carefully as I explained my need. She commented that in the USA we have picture sizes like none of the rest of the world. She thought a floating frame might be the best solution. I had no idea there was such a thing. We will put the picture between two pieces of glass and the wall will show through as the matting. This frame, along with most others, was 60% off today making it even better. I am curious how it will look on the wall. We must plan carefully as we have paneling in much of the space and cream colored walls in the rest. I just realized this picture will look different in all places because of different wall colors. Such an adventure!

On impulse I stopped at the mall. I had not been there in the two plus months we have been in the area. The clerk at the Land’s End counter wondered if I needed help. At first I said, “I am just browsing, but then realized that she might know if they have a dress with a not to low scoop neck, cap sleeves, and covering my knees.”

She admitted that was hard to find, but she looked on line and found one that rested just on the models knees. It has a full skirt so it should not ride up to my mid thigh. There was just one dress that met the criteria, but I bought it. It will be shipped free to my house. Hopefully it will fit and look good. It was on sale plus an additional 30% off. This type of shopping is easier to handle. Never one to pass up a clearance rack I checked that out and bought a pair of $40 pants for the lowly price of $6.99. At the checkout I learned 30% came off of that price too. Wonderful!

From there I headed to the store with the kitchen cart. Do you remember that one that they could not find where I left my rain check proof in their possession? They had not called me, but I decided to just check on it. They were busy at layaway so I wandered off, wondering what time it was I looked at my phone. I had a new voice mail. Guess what? It was from this store telling me my cart was there. Layaway was still busy so I went to pick out a black purse that was 25% off. It was cheap, but that is ok with me as I do not like purses. This is the right color, black, light weight, has compartments with zippers, and a strap that I can put over my shoulder. I wanted all of these features so I will surely use it until I have to morn its passing as it falls apart.

My last stop was to drop two boxes plus a couple other items off at Goodwill. I am happy to get rid of some things that I will never have to move again.

What a great productive morning.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Those Pictures


I had the security set to high for you all to see the photos I posted. Here is the revised address.

I hope that work a bit better for you if you would like to see them. I have to keep learning new things because they have changed the set up for this. Miriam gave me a tutorial on posting pictures on Facebook. I so seldom do it that I spend much more time on it than I would like.

As I told Miriam, I will have to spend more time on it, as in time, it will be my responsibility at the library. I also will have to get acquainted with Twitter which I have never used.

Pictures, makes me think of those we have up around the apartment. We have all of the larger pictures hanging on nails that were already left in place. It makes for some interesting views. It is necessary for me to have them all out to know what I have and where they might go. The trouble with having them up for more than a week or two is that they start to look quite normal in those odd spots they are now hanging. I do not have enough time today, but soon I will take some pictures of this place. I am inclined to send them out with my pictures just where they are so you can have a chuckle.

We have one print of the Eiffel tower that we bought when we were in Paris in 2005 or 2006. We have not framed it because it is a size appropriate for Europe and does not fit in the generic frames here. I am now determined to get it framed and perhaps just cut the edges to make it work. Can I cut straight? Scary, Scary!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Car Insurance and Photos


When we first moved here it was time to pay our car insurance. That might seem simple, but it was complicated for me. Should we get a new agent before paying? If so who?

I looked online for the closest agent in our company. That person was not available at that time. So I tried the next closest. Answers were helpful. With that information I decided to pay it online. I could not remember what my sign in name, email used for insurance, or my password. Rather I had it written down, but it seemed to be obsolete now. Needless to say I did not get very far following that route, but it all took quite a lot of time. Next I decided to call the 800 number and talk to a person to change our address and pay the bill with a bank transfer. I must have picked the most popular time because I spent almost an hour in the calling queue. At least I could move around some and do some other things. Then I decided to forget the address change and just pay with a credit card on the automated caller service. I was done in less than five minutes.

All was good until last Friday when we got a letter from the insurance company stating that we needed to change our policies to Utah, as per their current address for us, according to the laws of the state where we were residing. What state is that according to them, Utah?

I again tried to call the closest agent and was lucky on the third try. He assured me that he could change the address and take us on as clients without needing to come into the office. He also called our former agent in Burlington with the updated information. He then called me back to say the agent in Burlington was confused. I did not tell him that we would probably confuse him also. We have had three addresses since we left Burlington. The first address was Salt Lake (Miriam’s home) then Sperry IA (Leroy’s sister’s home) and finally now Cedar Rapids our new home address. Moving with no home is certainly a trick.

I have uploaded some pictures from our visit at Brian’s home. Sarah and her girls were also there. If you would like to see them here is the link.


Sunday, April 15, 2012



Leroy and I traveled to Knoxville to spend the night with friends before Leroy led the church service in the Knoxville church. It was again a blessing to see and visit with friends. I am surprised to think that we only spent one year in Knoxville as I feel quite close to some of these people. I suppose we just clicked.

Because it has been so long, Leroy confessed to being a bit nervous before the services began, but I believe that he did a fine job even appearing relaxed and happy to be there. On the way home he did say, “I miss preaching.” So he was happy. I suppose the best of both worlds would be if he could preach at least once a month and work at the library as well.

There was a strong wind blowing as we were ready to start home. Someone encouraged us by stating that it would blow us home and make for good gas mileage. When we were going north it did indeed blow us, but as we were going east most of the time we got quite a buffeting from the side. I have driven in stronger winds, but I still manage to maintain a tight grip on the steering wheel as if that would assist me any time a gust whipped past. The tall big rigs were taking the worst beating as they would often sway from side to side and occasionally run off the road. Sometimes in life a low profile is the best help for staying the course.

Leroy and I were tired by the time we got home, partly because we needed to stop for milk and spent more time looking at this and that. Leroy decided to spend time relaxing and looking at his stamp collection. Here we are working in the same room. He is working with stamps and I am on the computer visiting with you. Maybe a smaller space is nice as we are together where as in the larger houses we would have been in different rooms. There is indeed so much good in life if we just look for it. It is buried treasure to be savored and wallowed in.


Friday, April 13, 2012



I am not a shopper and it is hard work for me. It is worse than going to work. Today it was raining. I like to shop in the morning so I did not check to see if the rain would quit, it has, but headed out. I always like to get the best deal, but sometimes that is hard to achieve. For instance is this brand of toilet paper comparable to that. And even though this is a good price is it worth buying 24 roles at the marked down price when I have never used this particular one.

Then there was money back if you buy certain qualifying items. At the checkout I learned that not all of my items qualified. Should I abandon them or buy them anyway since the cost was reasonable and I did want them. The search for the items took me all over the store and now I have to make another decision. I finally just bought it all and moved to the next store.

We need a new printer cartridge which is not a cheap thing. Leroy had told me about a deal he found online at a store. I looked up the location of this store only to see it across the road from where I thought it would be. On my side of the street, I went into the competitors store to learn their price was much higher. I humbled myself to the person at the door and told them I wanted to shop at their competition, but did not know the best way to get there. It took him awhile to tell me that. It really was not so hard, but took some looping around.

At the proper store I learned that the cheapest cartridge was available only online. Shipping would be free if I bought three of them or ordered one shipped to the store. Did I want to come back to the store? Could we use three before they dried up? They also have a deal of giving a discount of $2 if you bring in the old cartridge. My cartridge was at home. I finally walked out and thought I would talk to Leroy and tackle this purchase another time. Would it have been better if I just did not care about the money and bought it at the first place of inquiry?

At another store I had a three wheeled cart rain check receipt. This cart could help create more space for us in the kitchen. Measurements indicate it will fit in front of the washer and because of the wheels be easy to move out of the way when necessary.

Last week when I was out of town they called me to say that the cart would be held for me in layaway. At layaway the clerk could not find it. Her computer also indicated there were none on the shelf. We went to look. On the way she asked first one person who thought some guy would know. We also met him and he indicated a different woman would surely know. At the shelf we could not find a cart. The knowledgeable woman was found. She checked records or whatever. My original helper came to report that three of carts were coming into the store on Monday. They kept my rain check proof slip because it had my phone number. This helpful woman assured me that they would call me and hold it for me.

Sometimes nothing is simple, but in that mode of finding the best in a situation, I did not give them any money so if I never see this cart it will just be a wash. I no longer have any proof that I tried to buy it at the sale price. The rain stopped. And I managed to find the other stores that I was looking for easily. I got home in one piece with lots of bags to carry up the stairs building up arm muscles.


Thursday, April 12, 2012



I worked seven hours yesterday and five today. I have to confess that I do notice that I am a bit more tired and I do not have so much time at home. I will adjust, but the night work is a trifle harder as I am really a morning person. I think I shut down after about four o’clock. This month I will not be working on Saturday. I think that is good.

Leroy notices when I am not here although tonight he went on a bike ride with some of the people from one church. I worked instead. They will also ride Sunday afternoon and I can probably join them for that ride. It would be good for me to be a little more scheduled with my exercises. I walk quite consistently, but let the rest slide.

Three loud, boisterous girls came into the library yesterday. My cohort had gone for lunch. I was not quite sure what the library policy is on such situations. This was only my second day. This morning we had a mini staff meeting about how to handle all such issues and more. Now can I do it? I hope so. Discipline is my least favorite part of teaching.

Two of those girls came back this afternoon. A different person was with me. Between the two of us we handled it, but I still would have liked them to be a bit quieter. At least most of the time there were no other people in the library and that makes it more tolerable.

Today I had a tour through inter library loan. I am starting to feel ready to get into the thick of it, but perhaps it is better to take it slow. I can see many items that need cataloging and apparently there is a steady stream of inter library loan work. Let me at it!

I will try to relax into it all as I suspect I will just get busier and busier.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our Drive South


Easter Sunday we set out on an easy journey home. We left about noon assuming that we would be the only people on the road. Luckily we had not gotten on the Interstate before Brian called to tell us that I had inadvertently left my house keys. I was driving because Leroy had planned to take a nap in the early afternoon. I made a u-turn wondering if it was legal, but taking the chance. On a street on the way back I was in the left lane when a car pulled onto the road. The next thing this car was almost stopped in front of me. The speed limit was 40 mph so I did not have much trouble slowing to 10 mph. The street narrowed a lane so I could not get around this woman who, while still moving at a slow meandering speed, proceeded to take a scarf from her neck and fluff her hair. She then speeded up but not too much. At the stop sign I went to the left and she went straight, but Leroy who was watching her said, “Even though there are so many cars here, she did not stop. She has lots of gray hair.” Is she one of those elderly who should be taking a taxi?

Brian met Leroy at the door with the keys and we were on our way once again.

Did we have the road to ourselves? Never! In fact all I could say was, “What are all these people doing out here? Didn’t they know the Bradways were on the way home?” Both directions of the interstate had fast moving cars packed in. Surely it was not as bad as when we have been driving at rush hour, but certainly enough to populate a small city with a ten minute traffic count.

Happily, we met no other drivers who felt that the road was just for them and their hair. We even had time to stop at the store for milk. I felt a bit guilty about that as there were a number of people there. I still have the idea that workers should be able to have holidays at home, but it does not help when I reinforce the opposite idea.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

One Day on the Job

Cedar Rapids, IA


Yesterday was my first day at work. It went fast. I will work again tomorrow and Thursday. It is nice to only go in three days a week, especially this first week. I still need to do some things at home such as go through more boxes and figure out a home for items.

Today, however, my big jobs were making bread, making granola, and washing two loads of laundry. Such satisfying home jobs! Course I also made meals and washed dishes, but I hardly count those things as work just regular tasks. It was so refreshing to hang out all of the clothes and have line space left over. The scent of the clothes was uplifting as they waited to be folded and put away. It brings back memories of childhood when a motorized dryer was never an option.

There is another new person at the Ely library so we both got a little tour of the town. I probably did not really need it, but it good to meet the city clerk as well as the maintenance people.

At first I will probably just work 20 hours per week, but with other staff transitions there might be more hours to fill. At least that will not be in the first two weeks giving me time to make an easy adjustment to employment. Even though this is different library software, it does not seem unfamiliar. The collection is mostly for recreational reading rather than serious study. That might make it easier to get to know that collection so I can give some reader’s advice. Mostly I will be working at the desk cataloging, processing inter library loan, and maintaining the web site. Sometimes I will be responsible for checking books in and out. I believe I will like the mix of duties as I like to spend some time with people and some with things.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Busy, Busy!

New Brighton, MN


I was not so much help yesterday as I did not feel good. I had some abdominal pain along with a slight fever. It is hard to know if I had what Logan had when I came or if it was my own thing and perhaps even diverticulitis. At any rate last night I did not eat, but only drank water, or a little milk along with some plain yogurt so I could swallow my calcium pill. I did take a couple Tylenol last night before going to bed. I slept well; do not feel perfect today, but much better than I did feel. I have eaten lightly and less bulk than usual. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Logan went to daycare today. The two older girls just have gotten along so very well that Sophia stayed home. At times I almost wondered if Natalie missed Logan as he would often come up to her and interact for a short time.

Yesterday morning when I walked Cloe, we saw three deer. In spite of the nearness, these animals were not even especially concerned about a dog, merely looking at us before they went back to grazing.

Later in the morning, all children, Sarah, Cloe, and I again went to the park so the children could play on the equipment. Logan seemed to be enjoying swinging when he fell asleep. He was so sound asleep that he did not wake up when I moved him to the stroller, however I woke him up when I tried to get him out at the house. Natalie also had a great nap on the ride home.

In the afternoon, Sophia, Lexi, Logan, Brian and I went back to the park to fly a kite. The breeze was a bit light, but by running, these girls could get it up and keep it up as long as they were moving.

This morning I took an abbreviated walk but still managed to see a Mallard pair on the sidewalk.

I am always walking my two miles per day and some days even more.


Monday, April 2, 2012


New Brighton, MN


First I have to apologize to the older guys who helped move the piano. They did not act really old just put some effort into moving this piece of furniture. The help was much appreciated.

Sunday, Sophia and I went for a walk to the park. On the way home, she commented that her father, Brian, had a beautiful smell. Then she proceeded to say, “Everyone has a different smell, you know.”

“Um-hum,” I responded wondering where this conversation was going.

“Some people don’t smell very good,” she added. “But my dad has the best smell. It is really pretty.”

I did not ask where I fit in the line up as I was not sure it was safe to know. One thing I know for sure some of us are born with a more sensitive sense of smell.

Sarah and her girls came this morning. The two older children have been playing together quite well. Logan at a year and Natalie at six months are paying some attention to each other. We did a video chat with their cousins in Utah. Some of that time I had both of the little ones on my lap. They started feeling each other’s heads. They also shared a stuffed ladybug and had a smiling good time with that.

It was wonderful to have good weather today as we could spend some time in the back yard as well as going to the park. We are hoping for a string of nice days so we can be outside some of each day.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Piano has a new home

New Brighton, MN


Yesterday Brian successfully collected the piano and me. Leroy had gathered two more helpers to get it loaded in the Honda Pilot. I was impressed at how quickly it was accomplished. Brian did tell me that the old guys all huffed a little in order to get it up there. Brian is younger by far than the other three. The piano was lying on its back so it traveled with little fuss.

We got to Brian’s house in time for him to call a friend to come assist getting it into the house. He was sure that one person was all that was needed. Brian has a special belt/strap that can be used to move heavy objects up to one thousand pounds. So he and this guy carried that piano, on end, up to the house, up the stairs, and into the living room with out dropping it, breaking their backs or even complaining too much.

I would have thought the vehicle could have been driven across the lawn, but no they carried it the extra 25-40 feet. The stairs inside were the biggest obstacle. Brian was on the down end possibly because he is the larger of the two men. The guy on top had the unexpected problem of having difficulty of having little clearance to pull his feet from under the piano so he could move up to the next step. It was scary to watch.

In spite of my anxiety it all went well. It fit in the Pilot much better than I would have thought. But I had not thought of having it on its back. It was much more stable as well as a better fit.

These kids will have some piano lessons. It will be interesting to find if they like it or not. Now all of my children have a piano in their home, but only Stephen in DC is really able to play the piano well.

Sarah and her girls come tomorrow. It will be great to see them again.

After this week I will go back to Cedar Rapids to get back to figuring out where to put more items in our home. And I will start work at the Ely Library on Monday. Wish me luck because it has been six years since I have worked on a regular basis. Certainly it will be an adjustment.
