Saturday, July 16, 2011



Three other women and I are going to sing in church tomorrow. We are introducing one of the new hymns to the congregation. Leroy helped us this morning setting up the mike and making sure we could be heard. He told me, when I asked, that we did not sound just right together. I also had wondered about the blend that we created. It is harder to hear that when I am singing too, but it just did not seem “sweet”.

I do not think there is much that can be done about it without a director type person who might be able to make some suggestions about the vowel sounds, or perhaps our voices do not go well together. I remember when I sang in the community chorus in CR that one director worked very hard to have people who blended standing next to each other. I unfortunately could not stand by my good friend as he said we should never sing together because we did not blend. Oh well it will all be over in just a few minutes. At least sound does not hang around for ever assaulting the ears.

There is another hymn that I want to sing next Sunday as it is a perfect with one of the lessons. I will try to find different people to sing with me on that one. Surely there will be someone who will do it. Someone suggested Leroy, but I am not crazy about singing with him as he and I do not agree on some things, but maybe it would work with Leroy, some others, and me.

We had company last night. I am not sure why we have not done that more frequently in the past. These people seemed to be quite happy to eat a meal with multiple veggies and homemade whole wheat bread. The woman even commented that she used to make 100% whole wheat bread. I guess I should try that with some wheat gluten to learn if we would like that too. As it is I use about one cup white and the rest is whole wheat.


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