Saturday, July 30, 2011

Feeling Better


Leroy and I are feeling better after telling each other that our “down in the dumps” attitude would not solve anything. After all you can walk out of the dump. We then sang a little song and laughed some. This works great if you are not so low that you can not think of any song. Nothing changed, but we can face it better. Maybe it is all that delicious fruit enticing us with its superb flavors. Summer is worth a lot of satisfaction even when it is too hot, humid, dry, or wet.

Leroy astonished me by taking apart one of those ancient, from the early days of our marriage, metal shelves that he swore he was not going to move again. I guess we are moving it again. Amazing how differently he can feel when that last move was a year in the past. Those are good shelves they were just meant to be in a more stationary household. We need some of those snappy plastic things.

Our oldest daughter, Sarah, will celebrate her birthday tomorrow. I remember that anticipation the night before since I had passed my due date by 28 days consequently that was the day for the scheduled inducement. We walked into the hospital at 1:00am and she was born about 6:30 am as I recall. When we came up to the desk the person signing us in asked, “Is there a full moon?”

There was indeed and six other people gave birth that night/early morning. Another six babies arrived the next day. It was a full house. I was a month late and two were a month early as it swept up all of us. I then started to believe in the power of the full moon.

That was back in the days of no ultra sound so the Drs would just try to guess the state of the fetus by feeling, counting, looking at the charts, and hoping to be correct. Sarah’s skin was peeling and they told us they thought she was indeed about two weeks late. She was perfect in every other way. Happy Birthday, Sarah!


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