Sunday, July 31, 2011



We are still eating lettuce that I picked at least two weeks ago. It is quite fine. This afternoon I washed all the remaining lettuce only to discover something about the size of a dime in the bottom of the bag. It was a gray color with legs that had little suction cups on them. Oh, no it was a cute little frog! Life in the refrigerator does not lead to health and happiness. When an insect dies in the frig, and I have found a few in there, it does not make me sad, but this guy did. Guess I care more about some creatures than others.

I am so impressed with that Leroy as he has taken apart another set of shelving. We think we left two sets at the last place and he wonders about leaving one or two here. Eventually if we move a lot more we will be shelf free and have to buy more easily moved pieces or manage with what we have. Leroy does use the electric drill to take the shelves apart and we have to put them together by hand so it is a much longer process to put them up.

Later this afternoon I want to repot my 39.75 year old Christmas cactus. We have a pot and some soil purchased. This scary project will require both of us. Hopefully it will not be as difficult as I imagine. Especially with four hands it could be fine.

I have changed the address on one magazine, but can not make myself take care of the other two. I keep hoping we will have an address of our own instead of having it sent to Brian’s house. After all I like getting some mail. For some reason we have been well supplied with junk mail at the address. I will be quite pleased to leave that behind.

I hate to tell you that even thought we get rid of many things some just seem to stick with us. Today on an insect bite, I used some calamine lotion and I noticed that it had expired in 1990. Oops! My aspirin expired sometime in 2005. We do not use so much medicine so I hate to keep throwing it out and buying new or not having any when I need it.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Feeling Better


Leroy and I are feeling better after telling each other that our “down in the dumps” attitude would not solve anything. After all you can walk out of the dump. We then sang a little song and laughed some. This works great if you are not so low that you can not think of any song. Nothing changed, but we can face it better. Maybe it is all that delicious fruit enticing us with its superb flavors. Summer is worth a lot of satisfaction even when it is too hot, humid, dry, or wet.

Leroy astonished me by taking apart one of those ancient, from the early days of our marriage, metal shelves that he swore he was not going to move again. I guess we are moving it again. Amazing how differently he can feel when that last move was a year in the past. Those are good shelves they were just meant to be in a more stationary household. We need some of those snappy plastic things.

Our oldest daughter, Sarah, will celebrate her birthday tomorrow. I remember that anticipation the night before since I had passed my due date by 28 days consequently that was the day for the scheduled inducement. We walked into the hospital at 1:00am and she was born about 6:30 am as I recall. When we came up to the desk the person signing us in asked, “Is there a full moon?”

There was indeed and six other people gave birth that night/early morning. Another six babies arrived the next day. It was a full house. I was a month late and two were a month early as it swept up all of us. I then started to believe in the power of the full moon.

That was back in the days of no ultra sound so the Drs would just try to guess the state of the fetus by feeling, counting, looking at the charts, and hoping to be correct. Sarah’s skin was peeling and they told us they thought she was indeed about two weeks late. She was perfect in every other way. Happy Birthday, Sarah!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Feeling Low


This moving stuff does not always bring out a positive feeling. About the only thing I can say right now is that we will again lighten our load a little and that I do not ever clean house deeply, I just move.

It is a bit discouraging because every bishop Leroy has called told him that there are no positions available. In fact one told him that he has three interim people of his own that he does not have a job for. Then another told him that he had 25 openings, but 200+ people who are interested in those positions. Wow! Should I say that God is going to work a miracle here and Leroy will be gainfully employed soon? But then why us and not someone else? Sometimes life does not have explanations.

Leroy and I actually did some packing today. He got more done than I did, but mine were harder and more thought provoking. I guess when movers come in and pack they never worry about wasting much box space or how things will go together. How else could they get it done in a day? I suspect many people have more items than we currently have in here. My hat is off to movers.

On an up note, last night we went to the farmer’s market just to get a couple tomatoes. Instead we came home with five beautiful tomatoes, a large Muscatine melon, and four Missouri peaches. On the back porch someone had given us a box of blackberries. All of this fruit was great. What blessings there are to be had in life! If I can just remember that each day it will all be well.

This morning, after a rain, four deer visited our lawn. Even though they were not close to it, Leroy went out and moved the hanging plant that they like to trim. We take this plant to the porch each night and put it out after the time in the morning that we rarely see a deer. It as worked well as the plant has more blossoms than it had in the past.


Thursday, July 28, 2011



Leroy and I have both been tired. I suspect a chunk of that draggy feeling can be attributed to stress. We also have some additional theories. We neither one enjoy being in the AC so much. I think the blowing air bothers me after a while. I also notice that my eyes are dry and burning much of the time lately in spite of drops. Leroy last night said the same bothers him. So perhaps we have a little something like an eye irritant.

We are sleeping better since, at night, we have closed the vents downstairs and only opened our bedroom vents. We have even turned on the ceiling fan to med whirling updraft. I notice that in the night, my mouth is so dry that sometimes I even get up to drink water. I guess I should just put a water bottle by the bed.

Leroy at least gets his naps in. I have tried, but I am more sensitive than the “princess and the pea”. It seems there is always some noise to disturb. I have decided that I can hear the noisy ants moving around underground. Perhaps they make a lot of racket chewing.

Now I wish I could hear the deer trotting around. If I did I would be out there in a flash telling them what I think of their cavalier ways. I weeded some yesterday. Today I could see new deer footprints in the dirt that I had disturbed. One of them also stepped on and smashed one of the struggling begonias. Those deer do not like to eat marigolds, but they have no compunction about stepping on them either. The problem is breaking off the flowers. I suppose the deer could claim prior ownership of this ground because their ancestors were here first. But I will say that humans feel the right is theirs to take over any piece of this earth that does not have a deed on it as if paper is the most important thing. How can all of the earth live together peacefully? So far we have not even figured out how to live with our own species let alone those who can not verbally communicate with us.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Not Packing


I can tell you that I am a master at not packing. So far zero boxes have been packed even though I have known about moving for a week and a half.

We need more boxes and I have made no effort to get any of those. Leroy, however, has found an offer of some in Iowa City. He has made plans to pick them up on the way home for a continuing ed class he will be taking. I am not sure how many boxes we can get in the car, but for once Leroy is more optimistic than I am. Also I am sure there are sources of free boxes here in Burlington if we can just ask questions of the right person.

Two reasons for not attacking this task with gusto: One, I would like to know where I am going. It seems that focuses my packing. Two, I think it would be nice if there were some type of miracle and someone else would do that packing and moving job for me. I am just too cheap to pay someone to do it when I know I can do it, but a gift out of the sky would be nice.

What have I been doing? Re-potting plants, reading books, watching movies, pulling a couple weeds, writing letters to you, watering living things outdoors, deciding to get rid of a couple more things, and just contemplating life.

It seems those are quite effective activities as I do not feel the least bit bored. I might feel panicked in a week or two, but this is now and life feels good.

By the way even though I said you did not need to worry about us, we welcome any and all prayers that are for the highest good of all concerned. I am just hoping that God and I have the same concept of the highest good.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Singing in church


In spite of a short night with much heat and excitement, Leroy and I, along with another couple sang in church. It went surprisingly well. Some people even told the guy that we should all sing together again before Leroy and I leave. I am trying to get that organized.

This hymn was a bit jazzy/gospel and I think we added to the effect. Before the execution, we practiced once with me playing and twice with our accompanist. At no time when we practiced did we ever manage to go through it without stopping or making some very obvious mistakes. I was impressed with the results as I would not have bet any money on a positive outcome.

I have to tell you too that most of the time I do not like how Leroy sings. It is evident to me that he had not had music lessons as a child. But for some reason he is such a gutsy singer. I suspect it is because he does not know what he is doing wrong. In the end I just sang incorrectly in places because none of the other three were joining me in the printed version. Since none of our hearers knew it, it all sounded confident and good. Guess that is how we get through life.

People will think I am just used to singing all the time as I sang in a group the Sunday before and will again. I am also trying to get up my courage to sing a solo one week. I love hiding behind other singers so that is quite scary to me.

I did play the organ postlude as the person who was the substitute pianist/organist did not have time to get all of the music figured out as he had been gone the entire week. It was fine to do that, but a bit more difficult since I did not know he would want this until Saturday afternoon just before Leroy and I left of the HS reunion. Then there was no time to practice. I did play my selection through once before church, but that was it. As you might imagine I grabbed something that I had played before although it had been at least three years.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Going to the HS Reunion


On the Interstate I drove over a lump that was like a small log stretched across the road. At the speed limit of 65 mph it was enough of a shock to make almost everything in the car rattle. Some rattles I had never heard before, however Leroy slept through it. That guy is great. After driving over another of these rather serious bumps, I diagnosed them to be the road bed upheaval from the heat. On the trip in both directions I suspect we drove over 5-10 of these car shaking, teeth rattling protrusions.

I had a great time at the 45th reunion. There were 13 of us out of 28 possible who attended this gathering. It seems we have settled into a pattern as mostly the same classmates are at these events. Some are living a long distance from our home place so that is understandable that they do not come, but a significant number of those living in or close to our home town also do not attend. Just like another organization there are those who do and those who don’t.

At any rate it was great to catch up on a little of the lives of the people who attended. I was impressed that I recognized everyone there as I had missed the 40th making it ten years since I had seen these characters. Because of technology that did not exist when we first knew each other, I have already seen the photos that someone took. I am glad of that because I forgot the camera.

The hardest part was leaving so early. It was 12:30 by the time we got home and both of us non night owls were tired and ready for bed. Leroy was breathing softly within one minute of putting his head on the pillow; I however saw the clock roll past 1:30. But sleep did come before we had to get up and get ready for church.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Weekend


My high school class reunion was Saturday night. Since it is only a three hour drive we decided to go there and just come home very late. It may be only, but Leroy says if it is three hours again we will stay in a motel. He is tired.

I was moving slowly Saturday morning thinking about the things I wanted to get done when the phone rang. “Hello,” my cousin from Colorado said, “Are you ready to have some company for a couple hours.”

After thinking briefly about how to get everything done, I replied, “Sure, see you in a bit.”

I had planned on primping, after all I wanted to look as good as I could before leaving for this reunion. I had not yet taken a shower as I figured I would do that closer to leaving time giving my her less time to curl tightly. I raced upstairs, showered, put on some make up, ran around the house picking the odd thing lying around, and mentally checked lunch possibilities.

I was quite calm and composed when I opened the door to invite Sharon in. This cousin is the closest in age to me of all my 32 cousins. We lived so far apart that we do not know each other very well. It was fun to visit. Up front I told her that Leroy and I needed to leave at 1:30. Leroy and I were singing on Sunday with another couple and we were practicing at that time.

Leroy prepared a light lunch for us so we could talk more. This cousin seems to be the keeper of the family connections. I was amazed at how many of us she has kept in contact with through the years. It is especially interesting because their family has always, in my memory lived apart from the rest of the family. We would only see them once a year, if that often, when they revisited the Midwest. Maybe she has that visiting habit because she has connected with relatives all around the country.


Friday, July 22, 2011

More computer Issues


Today the laptop again would not connect to the internet. Leroy spent some time trying a few possibilities and then he called our provider. After a rather lengthy conversation we are connected. For some reason the password was incorrect. It is not a mystery how we were able to connect yesterday.

I used the laptop for the internet. We opened the wireless mouse. Leroy pronounced it great. I did fine for about 15 minutes then I must have touched some hidden key strokes because I was unable to go to another web site and a window kept opening telling me I should make shortcuts. I finally just turned it off. Also the mouse was doing a zoom thing that I did not want to deal with. And to think I thought I got along with new technology. I am ready to say that is not so.

In regards to cooling the upstairs, I should tell you that someone suggested we close the air vents in the two lower levels. We did that last night and it made a difference. It was still not as cool as I would like for sleeping, but tolerable.

When we walked this morning it was hot and muggy, but after breakfast a cool front moved through making the air outside feel wonderful. We opened the house for about an hour airing it out. The best thing was that the humidity was gone for a while.

We took advantage of the breeze and rode bikes to the library. It was great going downhill, but the headwind uphill was not so much fun. I learned that I should not chitchat with Leroy as we are sailing down the hill. I was riding behind him, and commented on how nice it was. Because he could not hear, he slowed down and I did not realize it right away. I slammed on my brakes and started to tip over because of the abruptness of the stopping motion. I had had no idea that my tires could make such a screeching sound. I do not know how fast we were going but it was well over 20 mph. From now on I am not talking while bicycling down hill.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Computer, New Learning


Last night Leroy was unable to connect with the Internet on the new computer. He finally took it over to church to see if it worked there. It flowed along just like a river moving to the sea. He again tried at home, but it was an efficient dam project ahead. He tried again even getting out the instructions for the modem. Still no positive results! He tried again this morning without success. I talked to Brian about other issues early in the morning and mentioned the problems. Brian suggested, “Have dad call and I can ask him some questions.”

Leroy called, answered questions, asked questions, but was still not able to connect by the time Logan required more of his dad’s help. Leory went through the process one more time, was asked to fill in the pin in an additional place and promptly was connected with the rest of the world. Some things are just beyond comprehension to our last century brains.

We are unsure about getting a mouse. I have generally not liked using the pads on the laptops. Could it be because I do not use them enough to get used to them? Leroy suggested that I work with the word processing last night to learn if it bothered me not to have a mouse. After forty years of being together, Leroy still does not know all about me. I really do not like to practice or fool around with a new item. I want to use it right away and get frustrated as I go because I do not understand it. Now I am writing a letter to you and getting frustrated as I keep touching some thing that I do not intend to have in my document, or the curser suddenly travels to some distant part of the document and I insert words I intended to put in another place. Saving was a trick too, not sure that I can ever find it again as I could not figure out how to create my own folder in this new windows.

Before I started this page I decided to play a game to see if that could teach me anything. Guess I learned something; I know I would like a mouse for that as it challenges my finger dexterioty. I seldom play games , however as I would rather read. That reminds me leroy says we can download three free books, but I am not sure that I want to sit in front of the computer and read them.

I surely grew brain cells today.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cooler Nights and Life Changes


Last night Leroy and I carted, shoved, pulled, and let gravity help get the mattress off the spare bed and downstairs. Why that mattress? It is by far the lighter of the two in the house. It was still awkward to handle. If it just had handles in the right places it would have been almost easy.

We did sleep better, but then I could not face the day with the mattress in the living room even thought I was gone most of the morning. We worked against gravity pulling, shoving, resting, and making slow progress before it was back in the proper place. That seemed to be our aerobic exercise for the day as it was hot and muggy at 5:45 while walking in the park. There were some runners out there, but it was not us.

We thought maybe tonight we might use the couch mattress again with our camping pads on it as that would be much easier to set up. It is supposed to cool down a bit by Sunday so maybe we can pull in some outside air at night.

On Sunday the church council decided not to renew Leroy’s contract so we will be leaving at the end of August. This is both unexpected and expected as we know they are getting closer to selecting a new pastor. We had begun to think we would be here until October. Now we have to turn our face in a new direction. Again we do not know where that will be, but you must not worry about us as it always turns out for the best, thank God. Leroy even went and bought a laptop computer so we will be wired while not living here. He has been wanting one and I said, “Yes, it would be nice to have our own computer ready to go with no waiting to get connected to the world.” Leroy did not hesitate even a day. He thinks I will not want to use this four year old computer anymore, but he is still going to move the old. We have decided to get rid of our stereo that plays LP’s, cassettes, and CD’s. I have not played a cassette since we have been here and only a few LP’s and CD’s. Leroy complains every time he has to pack and unpack all of that stuff. Apparently the wires drive him a little crazy. The load would be lighter, but for the fact that we bought three bookcases since we have been here.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot Sleeping


I do not like to use air conditioning, however these days it is on most of the time as there is no other reliable heat relief. In the day time I can tolerate 78 or 80 degrees in the house, especially if I run a fan and am not moving too quickly.

However that temperature does not cool the upstairs where our beds spend all their time. The temperature actually goes up to 87 degrees. That means that just lying in bed cause copious sweating. There is a ceiling fan in our bedroom, but I do not like to have so much air moving over me. Leroy thinks it is great.

While Brian and Jen were here we turned the temperature down to 72 degrees. It is ok to do that when we have guests, but I have a difficult time justifying that use of the world’s energy to cool this house so that two people can sleep comfortably. What to do?

We bought a window fan. When the nights were still significantly cooler we were able to drop the temperature upstairs that way. That is no longer a satisfactory option as even the nights are heating up. We have slept on the living room floor on the mattress that goes with our now uncomfortable for sleeping, sleeper sofa. That was ok for two nights. Surely, we thought it was not so bad upstairs so we again slept in the bedroom with the fan on low. Next we slept on the blow up mattress one night. Then last night we switched sides on the upstairs bed because my side seemed to have more air movement than Leroy’s with the fan on medium. It was ok to sleep, but not totally comfortable. I personally like the winter when I can turn the heat down to 60 and pile on the covers. I am looking forward to that freezer season.

We have also discussed moving the mattress from the spare bed to the living room as it is much lighter and easer to move than ours would be. It would certainly be the most comfortable when compared to the sofa mattress or the blow up mattress.

I really can not complain too much because we do have the option of coolness, there are those in the world who do not. The coolness is just not where I want it to be. Maybe we should buy a futon and put it in the finished basement. The question is what do we do with it when we move?


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dishwasher Tales


I, who say that I do not like to use the dishwasher, got pushed into a corner a bit when our dishwasher quite working just as Brian and Jen pulled into the drive or almost then. I had noticed water in the basement when I returned from MN, but it was only a spot in the middle of the room. I did not realize that it might be a problem from the washer that I had run just before I left.

A day before we expected Brian and Jen we again used the dish washer. When showing them the basement there was that puddle of water in the middle of the room, but it was this time connected to a small stream coming from the wall. With investigation Leroy and Brian learned it was the dishwasher not draining properly. They managed to get out most of the water, but were unable to disconnect the machine to get it taken care of completely. Even though it was the Fourth of July weekend we called the plumber in the congregation, but he was busy until late in the afternoon. He did come and successful detach the machine so it could be taken out. The only problem was that we could then only use one side of the sink as it leaked on the garbage disposal side until a new machine replaced the old.

It is ironic that I who normally do not use the dishwasher was all set to use it because company means more plates, glasses, and flatware. The dishwasher, of course does the best job on those easiest items and we would have enough to fill it. Instead we hand washed all dishes. I had to remember to be thankful that we had one sink to use and water ran out of the tap and down the drain as was expected. Just a little inconvenience rather than a major problem!

The new washer was purchased a week later. It is great to have the hole in the wall filled along with two operating sinks. We have used the new washer, but not until I read the instructions. It worked well.


Saturday, July 16, 2011



Three other women and I are going to sing in church tomorrow. We are introducing one of the new hymns to the congregation. Leroy helped us this morning setting up the mike and making sure we could be heard. He told me, when I asked, that we did not sound just right together. I also had wondered about the blend that we created. It is harder to hear that when I am singing too, but it just did not seem “sweet”.

I do not think there is much that can be done about it without a director type person who might be able to make some suggestions about the vowel sounds, or perhaps our voices do not go well together. I remember when I sang in the community chorus in CR that one director worked very hard to have people who blended standing next to each other. I unfortunately could not stand by my good friend as he said we should never sing together because we did not blend. Oh well it will all be over in just a few minutes. At least sound does not hang around for ever assaulting the ears.

There is another hymn that I want to sing next Sunday as it is a perfect with one of the lessons. I will try to find different people to sing with me on that one. Surely there will be someone who will do it. Someone suggested Leroy, but I am not crazy about singing with him as he and I do not agree on some things, but maybe it would work with Leroy, some others, and me.

We had company last night. I am not sure why we have not done that more frequently in the past. These people seemed to be quite happy to eat a meal with multiple veggies and homemade whole wheat bread. The woman even commented that she used to make 100% whole wheat bread. I guess I should try that with some wheat gluten to learn if we would like that too. As it is I use about one cup white and the rest is whole wheat.


Friday, July 15, 2011

The Vines and Branches


As noted before there are volunteer vines growing in our garden. One of them had quite large leaves reminding me of a pumpkin. It was growing some round shapes, but then the other day while looking under those leaves I noticed brown orbs that seemed to have given up on living. After hearing about that Leroy declared that he would get rid of that vine.

This morning he, wearing jeans, a long sleeved shirt, hat and gloves went out to tackle the hairy, prickly beast in its lair. I was washing a window and took a break so see how he was doing. He had gotten out a small part of it and was pushing leaf stalks around when I noticed a nice round growth about the size of a maxi grapefruit. “Oh why don’t you just cut off the wild shoots and save this?” I said.

Then I pointed out a vine he could cut off. He immediately hacked it off only to find that the nice possible pumpkin was firmly attached to the now doomed to die vine. We both expressed regrets, but without further ado Leroy pulled up the rest of the vine leaving a hole in the garden corner, but the tomatoes will likely soon fill in the territory.

After that Leroy was off to trim some bushes on the side of the house that he declares are much too large. Leroy is never shy when it comes to pruning as he loves to get out the electric hedge trimmers that he got for a bargain at a garage sale, moved several times, and stored. I am grateful that most growing things survive his aggressive nature. Some plants even look much better when he is done. In a few days, weeks almost all rebound with new energy.
Interesting! Leroy never treats people this way. Around others he is more shy and retiring. Aren’t you glad you are not a wildly sprawling plant? Or would the world be a better place if he went after people in the same way?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love Hate Relationship


My emotions swing wildly when encountering this animal. In the winter I am all sympathetic and warm, thinking the deer look so terrific against the white snow. It is possible to know them as a friend who occasionally comes to visit. Spring was a fairly warm friendly time as well because no plants were big enough to attract with the sweet smell of a possible lunch.

Now, however, it is another matter. After they pruned the lettuce I was quite negative and on the look out so I could chase them out of the yard if necessary. They must have sensed the inhospitable nature of my regard because they were not seen again for quite some time.

When I again saw some in the park it was to note their beauty and gracefulness as they foraged among the trees. Just three days ago I noticed that my hanging basket that has never had any growth on the lower edges was producing buds. The next morning Leroy announced that the deer had eaten off the perennials in that garden. I looked and those marauders had clipped off all the buds on the hanging plant, stepped on and broken a large branch of a marigold, as well as eaten some of the flowers on the butterfly plant.

Last night I saw a young velvet antlered buck out under the apple tree. With an eye to protecting my territory, I confronted him. He looked up when I waved my arms, noticed me come closer, jumped when I did, and wandered off along the corn field when I was much too close. He did have an interesting face, but I would rather see it in some other place.

This afternoon I was walking in the park when I saw movement back in the trees. Soon I could see three fawns sporting their rows of spots. They saw me, but apparently mom had already told them that I was not a threat and so could be ignored. Well not ignored completely, but not feared. These guys were a cute bunch and quite adorable.

When I was growing up on the farm we hardly ever saw a deer. They were regarded with reverence and respect. Usually with people the more I get to know them, the better I like them. With deer it seems the opposite effect is taking place.

At least they have not trimmed off my tomatoes as a neighbor told me they have done at her house. Since she lives on the other side of the park we think it is the same deer traveling around. Seems to me they should just eat to their hearts content in the corn field, but I guess they follow the USDA dictum to eat a variety of foods.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Heathy Life


Leroy and I think we live a healthy life style, but there are things that can trip us up besides all the positive things we do.

Just last week Leroy got some exercise playing two games of softball on the church league. Seemed innocent enough but the next morning, he immediately started complaining about pain in his leg/s. That went on for a time but some days the pain level was more tolerable than others. Yesterday he hit the edge as he stated he must get some help. Later he said the relief was almost immediate. So much for exercise!

We still do believe in exercise and Leroy does get up every morning and does a routine. I am the one who has slipped in that department. However this week I have done my yoga routine twice and notice greater flexibility already. Why don’t I do it every day? Because of great excuses; no time, too hot, or I just don’t feel like it. Thank God for that park across the street that we routinely walk through. Now if I could just stop slouching life would be good.

Organic food seems expensive so we seldom buy it, but we are able to now eat all those things from our garden that have been raised this year without additional additives. Who knows what is in the soil from other years. I have picked the last of the lettuce until it puts on more growth. The four bags in the frig will last for a few days. Or perhaps rather than reviving the lettuce will die in the heat. Either way we have been blessed.

I suspect our cholesterol numbers are going the wrong way because we are eating more cheese. Why did we get so much of that smelly stuff? Because it is good and we would not return to this place for a long time. We always have great excuses.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Random thoughts


There is a big new picture window in the living room. I did not see them wash it, but it is so clean almost you could believe you are outdoors. The problem is that the other two windows in this room looked dull and filmy, that is no longer true because I washed them Saturday with a little help from Leroy. I am not sure why I do not wash windows more frequently since I so like the result. I suspect part of it is that there is the other side of the window. One surface seems enough to do on any object and what is worse is that sometimes it is necessary to retouch up the first side. Such a bother! There are also new windows in the finished section of the basement. Luckily here there are no old windows requiring further attention to come up to the standard of the new.

While walking in a park in Minnesota I saw a woman picking what looked like random leaves. When I reached her I asked about her purpose for those leaves. In a heavily accented reply she told/demonstrated that she was going to roll them around some filling. I then learned that she was picking grape leaves. Apparently she was quite particular as she only picked a few here and there, but they were quite abundant so her bag was getting full. She explained that she would put them in the freezer and use them later. I could not identify the accent, but the only culture I know that uses grape leaves in such a manner is Greek.

I am pleased to say that Leroy and I have again been eating lettuce from the garden. It seems the deer just pruned it at bit. There are two bags in the refrigerator since I did not want them to come back and again get it before I had a chance. I will pick some more today and that might be the end of edible lettuce as this heat wave has been quite long and lettuce prefers coolness.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Leroy's Day Off


Yesterday we went to three garage sales even going to one twice as we saw the sign for it from a different direction. Obviously we do not know well the streets of this city. Leroy had hoped to find some good stamp buys at one of them, but he had all of the things this woman had out. She has been collecting for 80 years as she is now 89. She and Leroy might get together to make some trades. She was quite an interesting character.

After garage sales we headed off to Navoo, Illinois, 1840’s home to Joseph Smith and the Latter Day Saints. There we took an hour horse drawn wagon tour of the restored sites. Following that we browsed in the visitor’s center. It was quite interesting. I certainly learned a lot including that Navoo was once the largest city in Illinois. The Latter Day Saints only spent about seven years there as they were discriminated against and left for the west before there was more danger to their body and soul.

It seems likely that many visitors were Mormon judging by the many Utah, Idaho, and Montana license plates on vehicles. All of the sites were free and many of the activities as well. That also seems to be a sign that it was well supported by the Mormons. Most of the workers were Mormon missionaries. I was a bit concerned that there might be some proselytizing, but that did not happen at all. There was enough to see there that we could have spent the entire day, but we are close enough to go back if we like.

We decided to eat lunch at Fort Madison, IA to avoid all the tourists. I thought perhaps we could explore that area a bit, but Leroy was all eager to get home to rest as he had a wedding rehearsal for which he needed to be at church by 4:00.

The bridge over the Mississippi at Fort Madison is quite old. It has a curious shift in position just as you get up over the river. It is a toll bridge and at first we thought that was why there was such a line of cars as we got just close to the curve place. In a bit we became aware that cars were not moving at all. Thinking it might be the bridge opening for river traffic; Leroy got out and looked, but could see nothing. Later we did see some movement so we think that was the cause of the delay as it did not take long once the line started to advance to pay our dollar and move on across the narrow bridge to a shift back to the original latitude at the opposite end of the structure. When we came back we did notice that semis were forbidden to use the bridge as were any vehicles that measured too long. I thought the bridge just was an added attraction to our outing.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

More Garden Work


This morning all radishes were dug. About half were thrown on the discard pile. The rest were de-stemmed and washed. Some of them are bigger radishes than I have ever eaten. This was certainly a variety package.

Even though we had more rain than required in the last month, watering seems to be next on the agenda. It is hot and dry. I am so happy to have gotten grass on the garden as it is no doubt protecting it from the worst effects of the drying.

July 7, 2011

Somehow I did not finish this letter before Leroy came home to ride our bikes down to the library. It was a hot day to go, but movies were due and we do not like to pay the fine. We ride well with something pushing us to do it. It was great to feel the breeze zooming down the hill, well, maybe not zooming, but going over 20 mph. Now coming back up at one point the computer read 5 mph. I was happy just to be able to keep moving. It is a thrill to reach the top.

Our neighbor mowed her lawn yesterday so I could collect more grass. The flower bed in back is half covered. I know that many people prefer the appearance of wood mulch, but I like the idea of the grass that eventually decomposes and contributes to the soil health.

The deer have not been eating the marigolds and that makes me happy. They come by periodically and trim the perennials that seem to be their favorite. Sometimes they step on other flowers such as the geraniums even though they have not eaten them either. I am pleased with the overall appearance of the flowerbed. I have gotten much joy from those plants. Many times in the spring I wonder if I should spend money on bedding plants, but the return of pleasure is great.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011



We had company and of course when seeing the house and yard with other eyes all sorts of weedy corners appear. The flower bed by the back door looked terrible so I spent a bit of time out there yesterday and today. I only work there in the early morning before the sun gets to it. It now looks good enough for company to come. The ground is about like cement in spite of all the rain we have had. So I needed to use a handle held cultivator and break the surface before I could get the roots some of which where over a foot long. As I recall, my dad called it knuckle grass since it would send out this long roots and then go off in a different direction thus making them particularly resistant to death and destruction.

Leroy worked yesterday to trim the apple tree and make it get more air to the fruit. I can tell the deer have been out there snacking. Because these apples were not the best I hope they stay there and not in the garden.

I think with the lettuce, onions, radishes that we have already harvested we have gotten our money investment returned. Today I had the first pepper. I plant sweet yellow banana peppers because they do much better in the mid-west climate. It was a nice addition to our lunch time salad. Soon the roma tomatoes will be ready and then we really move into the profit column. We could also be eating swill chard, but I have ignored it in favor of the lettuce that could bolt at any time in this hot spell. Our volunteer vines are growing daily and becoming less special as they are crowding the peppers and tomatoes. Leroy is into the idea of pruning them I am into fencing and diverting. So far neither has been done because of disagreement. Compromise is so hard to achieve when the directions are so divergent. It is so exciting to have a garden after not having one since 1999 which was when we started living a more bohemian live style. What a blessing to have this space already plowed and easy to deal with close to the back door.


Monday, July 4, 2011

The Weekend


We did almost have a weekend. Leroy worked only a few hours on Saturday and four hours on Sunday. He did take Friday off, but for maybe a couple hours. Today he did not go to church at all and did not visit anyone. That is as close as we come to having a weekend unless he takes days off. I am grateful for it.

Brian, Jen, Sophia, and Logan made the trip to our house for Saturday and Sunday. It was good to have at least one of our children visit us here and know what our current home is like. It was a long drive for them. It is different to travel with a baby today since stopping is required for each time the child needs something. In my day we did have a car seat, but thought little of taking the child out to feed, diaper, or entertain them. Today people drive faster, but take longer.

We also realized the we are happy to show off our children at church. I am not sure why that is, but it is true. Many people especially enjoyed making Logan smile.

At the house, while Sophia and I were looking out the front window, a deer wandered through, crossed the road, and disappeared into the park. I told her to stay still in the window and not startle it,but that was probably unnecessary. Sunday evening after they had gone Leroy and I walked home from the band concert to find a buck and a doe in our back yard. Leroy waved his arms at them and they did not move. I ran up to the doe and she moved a few feet away. Not much fear there.


Friday, July 1, 2011

On Line


I clicked on a pop up yesterday even though a little voice in my head was saying, “Don’t do it.” It looked liked something from the internet browser, but it was false. I do know I should check at their website instead, of clicking, but sometimes ease gets ahead of rational thought.

Today Leroy has spent a good chunk of his day off wiping the hard drive and reloading programs. One positive is that the computer is running better than it has for some time, I suppose we got rid of many extraneous programs. Leroy says I can pay him back by being extra nice. I guess I can manage that.

I had a dental check up this morning. When I got there they told me I was 45 minutes early. “I also had the later time written on my calendar, but the person who called said this time.”

“Our scheduled people have not come in so if they do not come in time we will just take you instead.” they told me. It was great as it worked out that way and my teeth are now clean and in good health.

Our garden is in great shape with lots of rain to keep it growing. The volunteer vines appear to be ready to take over any space they can master. We think we have pumpkin, butternut squash, plus something we can not yet identify. It is exciting to grow the unknown or surprise. The sweet yellow banana peppers will be ready to eat soon and we are eating onions even though they are small. The tomatoes are small but in time they will ripen. Then we are still eating lettuce as it has grown back. I guess you could say that deer trim rather than destroy. The radishes are a bit of a disappointment as some are tiny, some are bitter, and some are hard with only a few being just right.
