Yoga was first on the agenda for me as Leroy went out for an early morning bike ride. He did not go far as his bike seat shifted causing discomfort in his leg muscles. Yet before breakfast, we then went for our usual two mile hike through the park. This morning Leroy was accompanied by a swarm of gnats that seemed to think he was very attractive. Luckily they, along with mosquitoes, do not like me very much.
I remembered to go pick up some farm fresh eggs today after I had gathered up and deposited recycling and garbage out by the curb. Then it was wash and hang out a load of clothes before I headed off downtown for a book club luncheon.
This book club has monthly meetings in which someone gives a book review. It was interesting, but I have to confess that I do not have in my mind the name of the book or the author as it was never shown to us only told and I am not an audio learner. The author is from Utah and an environmentalist. So I did learn something. The book covered an experience in Italy learning about making mosaics, prairie dogs in the US, and the genocide in Rwanda. It is astounding that someone can tie these rather diverse subjects together in one book. Perhaps the overall message is that there is connection in all of life. I prefer a book club where we all read and then discuss a book. I had thought that type appealed to me and now I know that it does indeed attract me more.
This evening I have a fellowship committee meeting. I still can’t figure out how I became a member of a committee without having anyone ask me if I wanted to be on the committee. I was asked to help with one of their events. I guess I passed muster because next they called and told me to come to the meeting that was happening at that moment. It is a fine committee to be on, but I am amazed.
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