Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What a Morning!


At 5:03 I heard a pop outside followed by the front doorbell playing some school fight song. Or at least I guess it to be a school song. If I were more into sports I might recognize it. Now if I ever attend an event for this place I will think, “Oh that is who that belongs to.”

Leroy’s head rose off his pillow. “Do you suppose the electricity went off?”

“I suspect so since I heard a pop before that,” I said.

We then both looked at the clock, but it was undisturbed as it has a battery backup. Neither of us wanted to get out of bed so we just visited for a while. Then I thought to ask about the phone date and time display. Sure enough it was gone verifying the electrical outage, so we just reset it since we now have that resetting skill down.

I rolled over and thought seriously about sleeping some more, but before that could happen the loudest bird in the universe started singing outside the north window. It even had a song about two measures long in 4/4 time that it repeated beyond the hearers’ patience. I have never before heard such a bird not even in Slovakia where there was also a very loud, springtime morning bird. Leroy agreed that he too had never heard such a bird even though he grew up in this town. Just think, even new birds come in from time to time.

At that point Leroy got up and started his exercise routine. I hung in a while longer before I too got up and we took our morning walk. Someone told Leroy that the gnats do not like vanilla. I have a vanilla scented perfume so we sprayed the top of his head and his neck. Some gnats still found him, but almost all of them stayed away. He was much happier with that outcome. Course he smelled so sweet, maybe that is how I naturally smell as these gnats almost totally ignore me.


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