Leroy drove my car yesterday, listened to the noise it makes, came home, and declared it to be a wheel bearing. Leroy does not know a lot about cars, but when he thinks that the noise I have been hearing for more than 1,000 miles is more than wind, I respect that opinion. He feels that we should instead take his much older car on our next trip to Minnesota. We will have a more knowledgeable person check it out my car before we travel with it. As Leroy said, “We can probably put $1000 into car care.”
I too had started to think the noise was getting louder and wondered about it. So I am satisfied to be traveling in the other car. Leroy finds it more comfortable anyway.
We are traveling to MN for Logan’s baptism and then on to Wisconsin for our anniversary celebration with all of our children and some additional family.
Now we are wondering what clothing to take, will it be hot, cool, cold, rainy or dry? This year has been quite changeable. That is much easier to handle when I am at home with more clothing options that meet multiple temperature swings.
Again today we rode down to the library. This was a necessary trip as I had ordered a book through interlibrary loan and they will not hold them so very long. Also Leroy had a book that he could not renew because someone else had requested it. There was a train on the tracks when we were on our way home, but I voted to wait for it as I was not sure I could make it up the steep alternative hills. As it is I do not go quickly up this long more gradual climb, but at least I can do it with out panting, much.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Book Club
The book club met last night to discuss Bald in the Land of Big Hair by Joni Rodgers. One sad thing is that one person has decided to drop out since they have not gotten the last three books read. I am sorry as they contributed to the conversation, but I understand the guilt of not getting them read. I am fortunate that I am blessed with time to do this. I am also blessed with having a good group of people join me.
Our discussion was wide and varied. One of our members is 89 and in the early stages of dementia. She contributes amazingly good observations that I would not have thought of. People talk about her powerful intellect. The author of this book talks quite openly about her sex life. I was a bit concerned that this older woman might be shocked by it. Instead she talked about how great she thought it was. I guess I had been stuck with the idea that sex talk does not easily cross generations, but instead it depends on who is in the generation.
We will next read Listen by Rene Gutteridge. The person who organized this one had already read it and liked it so well that she thought we should all read it. Now if you live in Iowa you will probably not be able to get it from your library as we are reading books from all over the state. Mine is from Carroll. It is neat to be able to read a book from a town that I have visited.
People are still thanking me for starting this group. Here I am so grateful that they have joined me. What a wonderful win, win situation. I should look for more of those possibilities in my life.
The book club met last night to discuss Bald in the Land of Big Hair by Joni Rodgers. One sad thing is that one person has decided to drop out since they have not gotten the last three books read. I am sorry as they contributed to the conversation, but I understand the guilt of not getting them read. I am fortunate that I am blessed with time to do this. I am also blessed with having a good group of people join me.
Our discussion was wide and varied. One of our members is 89 and in the early stages of dementia. She contributes amazingly good observations that I would not have thought of. People talk about her powerful intellect. The author of this book talks quite openly about her sex life. I was a bit concerned that this older woman might be shocked by it. Instead she talked about how great she thought it was. I guess I had been stuck with the idea that sex talk does not easily cross generations, but instead it depends on who is in the generation.
We will next read Listen by Rene Gutteridge. The person who organized this one had already read it and liked it so well that she thought we should all read it. Now if you live in Iowa you will probably not be able to get it from your library as we are reading books from all over the state. Mine is from Carroll. It is neat to be able to read a book from a town that I have visited.
People are still thanking me for starting this group. Here I am so grateful that they have joined me. What a wonderful win, win situation. I should look for more of those possibilities in my life.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What a Morning!
At 5:03 I heard a pop outside followed by the front doorbell playing some school fight song. Or at least I guess it to be a school song. If I were more into sports I might recognize it. Now if I ever attend an event for this place I will think, “Oh that is who that belongs to.”
Leroy’s head rose off his pillow. “Do you suppose the electricity went off?”
“I suspect so since I heard a pop before that,” I said.
We then both looked at the clock, but it was undisturbed as it has a battery backup. Neither of us wanted to get out of bed so we just visited for a while. Then I thought to ask about the phone date and time display. Sure enough it was gone verifying the electrical outage, so we just reset it since we now have that resetting skill down.
I rolled over and thought seriously about sleeping some more, but before that could happen the loudest bird in the universe started singing outside the north window. It even had a song about two measures long in 4/4 time that it repeated beyond the hearers’ patience. I have never before heard such a bird not even in Slovakia where there was also a very loud, springtime morning bird. Leroy agreed that he too had never heard such a bird even though he grew up in this town. Just think, even new birds come in from time to time.
At that point Leroy got up and started his exercise routine. I hung in a while longer before I too got up and we took our morning walk. Someone told Leroy that the gnats do not like vanilla. I have a vanilla scented perfume so we sprayed the top of his head and his neck. Some gnats still found him, but almost all of them stayed away. He was much happier with that outcome. Course he smelled so sweet, maybe that is how I naturally smell as these gnats almost totally ignore me.
At 5:03 I heard a pop outside followed by the front doorbell playing some school fight song. Or at least I guess it to be a school song. If I were more into sports I might recognize it. Now if I ever attend an event for this place I will think, “Oh that is who that belongs to.”
Leroy’s head rose off his pillow. “Do you suppose the electricity went off?”
“I suspect so since I heard a pop before that,” I said.
We then both looked at the clock, but it was undisturbed as it has a battery backup. Neither of us wanted to get out of bed so we just visited for a while. Then I thought to ask about the phone date and time display. Sure enough it was gone verifying the electrical outage, so we just reset it since we now have that resetting skill down.
I rolled over and thought seriously about sleeping some more, but before that could happen the loudest bird in the universe started singing outside the north window. It even had a song about two measures long in 4/4 time that it repeated beyond the hearers’ patience. I have never before heard such a bird not even in Slovakia where there was also a very loud, springtime morning bird. Leroy agreed that he too had never heard such a bird even though he grew up in this town. Just think, even new birds come in from time to time.
At that point Leroy got up and started his exercise routine. I hung in a while longer before I too got up and we took our morning walk. Someone told Leroy that the gnats do not like vanilla. I have a vanilla scented perfume so we sprayed the top of his head and his neck. Some gnats still found him, but almost all of them stayed away. He was much happier with that outcome. Course he smelled so sweet, maybe that is how I naturally smell as these gnats almost totally ignore me.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Where did the time go?
Yoga was first on the agenda for me as Leroy went out for an early morning bike ride. He did not go far as his bike seat shifted causing discomfort in his leg muscles. Yet before breakfast, we then went for our usual two mile hike through the park. This morning Leroy was accompanied by a swarm of gnats that seemed to think he was very attractive. Luckily they, along with mosquitoes, do not like me very much.
I remembered to go pick up some farm fresh eggs today after I had gathered up and deposited recycling and garbage out by the curb. Then it was wash and hang out a load of clothes before I headed off downtown for a book club luncheon.
This book club has monthly meetings in which someone gives a book review. It was interesting, but I have to confess that I do not have in my mind the name of the book or the author as it was never shown to us only told and I am not an audio learner. The author is from Utah and an environmentalist. So I did learn something. The book covered an experience in Italy learning about making mosaics, prairie dogs in the US, and the genocide in Rwanda. It is astounding that someone can tie these rather diverse subjects together in one book. Perhaps the overall message is that there is connection in all of life. I prefer a book club where we all read and then discuss a book. I had thought that type appealed to me and now I know that it does indeed attract me more.
This evening I have a fellowship committee meeting. I still can’t figure out how I became a member of a committee without having anyone ask me if I wanted to be on the committee. I was asked to help with one of their events. I guess I passed muster because next they called and told me to come to the meeting that was happening at that moment. It is a fine committee to be on, but I am amazed.
Yoga was first on the agenda for me as Leroy went out for an early morning bike ride. He did not go far as his bike seat shifted causing discomfort in his leg muscles. Yet before breakfast, we then went for our usual two mile hike through the park. This morning Leroy was accompanied by a swarm of gnats that seemed to think he was very attractive. Luckily they, along with mosquitoes, do not like me very much.
I remembered to go pick up some farm fresh eggs today after I had gathered up and deposited recycling and garbage out by the curb. Then it was wash and hang out a load of clothes before I headed off downtown for a book club luncheon.
This book club has monthly meetings in which someone gives a book review. It was interesting, but I have to confess that I do not have in my mind the name of the book or the author as it was never shown to us only told and I am not an audio learner. The author is from Utah and an environmentalist. So I did learn something. The book covered an experience in Italy learning about making mosaics, prairie dogs in the US, and the genocide in Rwanda. It is astounding that someone can tie these rather diverse subjects together in one book. Perhaps the overall message is that there is connection in all of life. I prefer a book club where we all read and then discuss a book. I had thought that type appealed to me and now I know that it does indeed attract me more.
This evening I have a fellowship committee meeting. I still can’t figure out how I became a member of a committee without having anyone ask me if I wanted to be on the committee. I was asked to help with one of their events. I guess I passed muster because next they called and told me to come to the meeting that was happening at that moment. It is a fine committee to be on, but I am amazed.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
We have found a source of non-fertilized, non-weed kill treated grass for our garden. That is our next door neighbor. She was quite happy that we would like it as she has a time getting rid of it. I suspect that we can use all that her lawn can produce. Our lawn has been treated and I do not want that on my vegetables. As of now it seems like a perfect swap that helps both of us.
We have growing: onions, lettuce, Swiss chard, radishes, tomatoes, peppers, and volunteer vines that we do not know. We were disappointed that none of the herbs grew except for dill.
There is a small shady place that will accommodate four of my amaryllis. The rest would like to be in the ground too, but there is too much sun around here so I fear for their ability to thrive.
Going away from plants and talking about people, I had a nice webcam visit with Sarah and Lexi this morning after I figured out how to change my microphone. Later I took a snapshot of Lexi and have it, even thought it is not so totally clear, as the back ground on my computer. Those webcams are still wonderful as we can see exactly what our family looks like in spite of the fact that we do not use them as often as we once did. Sarah is looking decidedly pregnant as she and Stephen are expecting another baby in the fall.
Leroy was gone yesterday and most of today at a church meeting. He will be gone for a week in June so that gives me a feeling for what that will be like to be here by myself. I think during that week I will plan on making some visits somewhere as I do not relish so much time alone.
We have found a source of non-fertilized, non-weed kill treated grass for our garden. That is our next door neighbor. She was quite happy that we would like it as she has a time getting rid of it. I suspect that we can use all that her lawn can produce. Our lawn has been treated and I do not want that on my vegetables. As of now it seems like a perfect swap that helps both of us.
We have growing: onions, lettuce, Swiss chard, radishes, tomatoes, peppers, and volunteer vines that we do not know. We were disappointed that none of the herbs grew except for dill.
There is a small shady place that will accommodate four of my amaryllis. The rest would like to be in the ground too, but there is too much sun around here so I fear for their ability to thrive.
Going away from plants and talking about people, I had a nice webcam visit with Sarah and Lexi this morning after I figured out how to change my microphone. Later I took a snapshot of Lexi and have it, even thought it is not so totally clear, as the back ground on my computer. Those webcams are still wonderful as we can see exactly what our family looks like in spite of the fact that we do not use them as often as we once did. Sarah is looking decidedly pregnant as she and Stephen are expecting another baby in the fall.
Leroy was gone yesterday and most of today at a church meeting. He will be gone for a week in June so that gives me a feeling for what that will be like to be here by myself. I think during that week I will plan on making some visits somewhere as I do not relish so much time alone.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Even if, in spite of Leroy’s tender care, the deer eat the flowers I have already enjoyed them. We ate on the back porch last night and each time I looked out I liked seeing the red geraniums and yellow marigold flowers. What joy I get from that as I love the colors! It fills me with good feelings.
By the back side of the garage there is a garden with perennials. One of the bushes is rhododendrons. During the hard freeze times in the winter the leaves would curl together and look dead. As it warmed up the leaves perked up. In the middle of the leaf set there is a bud. These buds looked like a thing of the past as the other casing was brown. Just this morning the first one opened to a beautiful purple flower. I am so pleased.
Leroy and I were walking this morning only to hear a clicking on the road. We looked up to see a deer trying to gain footing as it dashed to the other side with its white tail erect and waving. We waited for more to follow, but they had either decided not to risk it or this one animal was alone.
I appreciate all the strength of my legs. I rode to the library only to come out and realize there was a strong head wind. It was slow going, especially up the hill. I think my speed was 5 mph most of the way, but with determination and no other option to get home I kept on. We should check the length of that hill, but I would suspect it is about two miles long.
So you see, my life is full of good things to savor and claim as gifts.
Even if, in spite of Leroy’s tender care, the deer eat the flowers I have already enjoyed them. We ate on the back porch last night and each time I looked out I liked seeing the red geraniums and yellow marigold flowers. What joy I get from that as I love the colors! It fills me with good feelings.
By the back side of the garage there is a garden with perennials. One of the bushes is rhododendrons. During the hard freeze times in the winter the leaves would curl together and look dead. As it warmed up the leaves perked up. In the middle of the leaf set there is a bud. These buds looked like a thing of the past as the other casing was brown. Just this morning the first one opened to a beautiful purple flower. I am so pleased.
Leroy and I were walking this morning only to hear a clicking on the road. We looked up to see a deer trying to gain footing as it dashed to the other side with its white tail erect and waving. We waited for more to follow, but they had either decided not to risk it or this one animal was alone.
I appreciate all the strength of my legs. I rode to the library only to come out and realize there was a strong head wind. It was slow going, especially up the hill. I think my speed was 5 mph most of the way, but with determination and no other option to get home I kept on. We should check the length of that hill, but I would suspect it is about two miles long.
So you see, my life is full of good things to savor and claim as gifts.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Haircut and Flowers
My haircut was a bit overdue, but the humidity makes my hair look shorter as it curls up more tightly. Now my hair seems a little short, but the style is nice. Leroy pronounced it good.
Again this stylist suggested that I should get a hair dryer with a diffuser, or however you spell that word. I wish I could rent one to see if I could figure out how to make it work for me. I am not much good at doing things with my hair beyond washing, combing, and groaning. Even when I put on any gel or other product it is not the beautiful outcome that I see in my mind. At least now I have again a good cut and that helps considerably.
I also went to the greenhouse to see what annuals they might suggest as being undesirable for deer. The first response was, “They like it all.”
Then marigolds seemed like a possibility after I suggested them. But the next advice just about blew me away. If you are squeamish you might want to skip this.
“Do you have a dog?” she asked and added, “Deer do not like dog hair that you put around your plants.”
“No, and I do not know anyone who lives close with a dog,” I said.
“Do you have a spouse?” she asked next.
At my yes response she told me to take his urine and spray it on the plants.
“We have to collect this…?” I mused with a gleam in my eye.
“Yes,” she said and added with authority, “It is the testosterone in it that they do not like. My dad used to use that plus ammonia plus some dish soap mixed up and sprayed on the plants.”
“It is like marking territory,” I laughed. I could not wait to tell Leroy about his great contribution to the beauty of the yard.
“I think it would be easier to just put it directly on the plants in the middle of the night,” Leroy stated.
He is going to do it, but more discreetly into a spray bottle. It has to be reapplied after each rain. Just think of all the valuable resources that we throw away. Now we put urine on flowers, not on the vegetables just in case you wondered, as well as burying garbage in the garden.
My haircut was a bit overdue, but the humidity makes my hair look shorter as it curls up more tightly. Now my hair seems a little short, but the style is nice. Leroy pronounced it good.
Again this stylist suggested that I should get a hair dryer with a diffuser, or however you spell that word. I wish I could rent one to see if I could figure out how to make it work for me. I am not much good at doing things with my hair beyond washing, combing, and groaning. Even when I put on any gel or other product it is not the beautiful outcome that I see in my mind. At least now I have again a good cut and that helps considerably.
I also went to the greenhouse to see what annuals they might suggest as being undesirable for deer. The first response was, “They like it all.”
Then marigolds seemed like a possibility after I suggested them. But the next advice just about blew me away. If you are squeamish you might want to skip this.
“Do you have a dog?” she asked and added, “Deer do not like dog hair that you put around your plants.”
“No, and I do not know anyone who lives close with a dog,” I said.
“Do you have a spouse?” she asked next.
At my yes response she told me to take his urine and spray it on the plants.
“We have to collect this…?” I mused with a gleam in my eye.
“Yes,” she said and added with authority, “It is the testosterone in it that they do not like. My dad used to use that plus ammonia plus some dish soap mixed up and sprayed on the plants.”
“It is like marking territory,” I laughed. I could not wait to tell Leroy about his great contribution to the beauty of the yard.
“I think it would be easier to just put it directly on the plants in the middle of the night,” Leroy stated.
He is going to do it, but more discreetly into a spray bottle. It has to be reapplied after each rain. Just think of all the valuable resources that we throw away. Now we put urine on flowers, not on the vegetables just in case you wondered, as well as burying garbage in the garden.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Yesterday Painting, Today Touring
Yesterday a person in the congregation came to paint the frame around the small garage door. When I live in parsonages I always feel a little guilty that people come to do things around the house. I know that as a renter I am not expected to do those things. In fact, some landlords did not want us to do any of those things. But somehow in the parsonage the house seems more ours even though, of course, it is not ours. The lawn is mowed here when they mow the church lawn. I am just trying to relax and enjoy the perk. I have had people in the church (not here) make remarks about how we have our house taken care of by others. This was said with the note that they had to take care of their own house. I do not know how to respond to such things. Part of my dark side wanted to say, “You could be a renter too and then someone else would do it for you as well.” I believe to them it would appear that we live the free and easy home life. Life is not simple is it?
Another woman and I toured around the countryside in Illinois looking for a pick your own blueberry patch and an orchard. After a false turn, backtracking, and stopping to ask directions we finally made it. As a social activity in the church we are expecting to go to both of these places. I was impressed with the size of the blueberry patch. They said it has been there for 30 years and they do not fertilize or water as God and nature take care of it all.
Where I grew up northwestern Illinois is so hilly and this country is so flat. My family did not travel very far as we always had to be home to milk cows morning and night, consequently I always thought Illinois was quite a hilly state. In fact I thought the world looked as beautiful as my neighborhood. When I got out a bit farther from the base I found that to be not true at all. It took some getting used to, but now I am quite accustomed to variety and even like and appreciate the new types of beauty.
Yesterday a person in the congregation came to paint the frame around the small garage door. When I live in parsonages I always feel a little guilty that people come to do things around the house. I know that as a renter I am not expected to do those things. In fact, some landlords did not want us to do any of those things. But somehow in the parsonage the house seems more ours even though, of course, it is not ours. The lawn is mowed here when they mow the church lawn. I am just trying to relax and enjoy the perk. I have had people in the church (not here) make remarks about how we have our house taken care of by others. This was said with the note that they had to take care of their own house. I do not know how to respond to such things. Part of my dark side wanted to say, “You could be a renter too and then someone else would do it for you as well.” I believe to them it would appear that we live the free and easy home life. Life is not simple is it?
Another woman and I toured around the countryside in Illinois looking for a pick your own blueberry patch and an orchard. After a false turn, backtracking, and stopping to ask directions we finally made it. As a social activity in the church we are expecting to go to both of these places. I was impressed with the size of the blueberry patch. They said it has been there for 30 years and they do not fertilize or water as God and nature take care of it all.
Where I grew up northwestern Illinois is so hilly and this country is so flat. My family did not travel very far as we always had to be home to milk cows morning and night, consequently I always thought Illinois was quite a hilly state. In fact I thought the world looked as beautiful as my neighborhood. When I got out a bit farther from the base I found that to be not true at all. It took some getting used to, but now I am quite accustomed to variety and even like and appreciate the new types of beauty.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Walking Tour
In spite of light rain and coolness, Leroy and I headed downtown for a walking tour billed as Grand Secret Walking Tour. In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century fraternal organizations were a very important force in Burlington. According to our guide one street had dozens of buildings devoted to their membership. We only saw five of them: Elks, Moose, Eagles, Druids and Masons.
The largest group was the Eagles with 4,200 members. We were not able to go in the building, but at one time it boasted of having “Burlington’s largest bathtub” where members could take their weekly bath.
The Ancient Order of Druids no longer exists and because they were a secret organization not much is known about them, but they started in London.
We were able to go inside an addition to the Elks building that now has a totally new purpose. The owners are trying to restore/preserve it as they use it for a pub with live music presentations.
It seems that in their prime these organizations were the major social outlet for the men of the community. Often there were auxiliary organizations for the women.
We also went inside the Masonic Temple. The members had quite an extensive tour for us. I certainly learned some things about Masons.
Leroy and I were hoping for a little more talk about the architecture of the buildings, but it was nice to learn the time of construction and sometimes the architect.
We were grateful for rain coats and umbrellas. Who invented umbrellas anyway? They should get a pat on the back.
In spite of light rain and coolness, Leroy and I headed downtown for a walking tour billed as Grand Secret Walking Tour. In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century fraternal organizations were a very important force in Burlington. According to our guide one street had dozens of buildings devoted to their membership. We only saw five of them: Elks, Moose, Eagles, Druids and Masons.
The largest group was the Eagles with 4,200 members. We were not able to go in the building, but at one time it boasted of having “Burlington’s largest bathtub” where members could take their weekly bath.
The Ancient Order of Druids no longer exists and because they were a secret organization not much is known about them, but they started in London.
We were able to go inside an addition to the Elks building that now has a totally new purpose. The owners are trying to restore/preserve it as they use it for a pub with live music presentations.
It seems that in their prime these organizations were the major social outlet for the men of the community. Often there were auxiliary organizations for the women.
We also went inside the Masonic Temple. The members had quite an extensive tour for us. I certainly learned some things about Masons.
Leroy and I were hoping for a little more talk about the architecture of the buildings, but it was nice to learn the time of construction and sometimes the architect.
We were grateful for rain coats and umbrellas. Who invented umbrellas anyway? They should get a pat on the back.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
“Look at that squirrel! It has the whitest belly, or do they always have that?” I commented as we were on our morning walk.
The next time we saw more squirrels we checked them out. Their lighter bellies were not of the same whiteness. When we lived in St. Paul we had white squirrel that lived in or close to our yard.
One morning this week I walked alone and as I was crossing the intersection close to the house I noticed a truck approaching on my right. I stepped off the curb and got to the middle of the street when I decided the truck might not stop behind the stop sign. I hesitated, and it came within a foot of so of me, close enough that I I could feel the engine heat. The driver stopped so that he was almost in the street he was going to turn onto. He had to wait for an on coming car. I turned and walked around the back of the truck so I could get out of the middle of the street. Boy some people do not give an inch to the pedestrian even if they got there first.
I decided it would be nice to have a pair of black sandals that I could wear to church or other more formal places. I checked the two shoe stores in the mall but came up empty. I asked for black sandals that had nothing between the toes and were slightly dressy. I would have liked them in size 10.5, but that is like asking for the moon and stars. At the other shoe store I almost did not stop as I quickly get worn out or tired of shopping. I asked and they had one pair that more or less fit my requirements. Not so dressy, but not quite as sporty looking as my keens. They were $95. I wondered what Leroy would say if I bought them. Actually he never criticizes my shoe choice or expenses, but I am not sure why as I certainly do. When the sales guy was getting them out of the box I went over to look at the sale rack. On that rack was almost the exact same sandal, now marked down to $59. I brought it over and asked about it, learning that it was last year’s model with slight decoration differences. Guess what I bought last year’s model after I tried it on and it felt very good. Leroy thought it was a good choice. These were not size 10.5, but 11 however the Velcro strap allows me to make it tight enough to have the sandal stay on my foot without trouble. I should send a thank you note to the Velcro inventor for increasing safety and pleasure in my life.
“Look at that squirrel! It has the whitest belly, or do they always have that?” I commented as we were on our morning walk.
The next time we saw more squirrels we checked them out. Their lighter bellies were not of the same whiteness. When we lived in St. Paul we had white squirrel that lived in or close to our yard.
One morning this week I walked alone and as I was crossing the intersection close to the house I noticed a truck approaching on my right. I stepped off the curb and got to the middle of the street when I decided the truck might not stop behind the stop sign. I hesitated, and it came within a foot of so of me, close enough that I I could feel the engine heat. The driver stopped so that he was almost in the street he was going to turn onto. He had to wait for an on coming car. I turned and walked around the back of the truck so I could get out of the middle of the street. Boy some people do not give an inch to the pedestrian even if they got there first.
I decided it would be nice to have a pair of black sandals that I could wear to church or other more formal places. I checked the two shoe stores in the mall but came up empty. I asked for black sandals that had nothing between the toes and were slightly dressy. I would have liked them in size 10.5, but that is like asking for the moon and stars. At the other shoe store I almost did not stop as I quickly get worn out or tired of shopping. I asked and they had one pair that more or less fit my requirements. Not so dressy, but not quite as sporty looking as my keens. They were $95. I wondered what Leroy would say if I bought them. Actually he never criticizes my shoe choice or expenses, but I am not sure why as I certainly do. When the sales guy was getting them out of the box I went over to look at the sale rack. On that rack was almost the exact same sandal, now marked down to $59. I brought it over and asked about it, learning that it was last year’s model with slight decoration differences. Guess what I bought last year’s model after I tried it on and it felt very good. Leroy thought it was a good choice. These were not size 10.5, but 11 however the Velcro strap allows me to make it tight enough to have the sandal stay on my foot without trouble. I should send a thank you note to the Velcro inventor for increasing safety and pleasure in my life.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Disturbed Sleep
Sleep did not come easily and when it did I seemed to be programmed to wake every hour to turn over and or go to the bathroom. But then at 1:00 am there was considerable noise, mostly yelling, outside. I assumed that there was something happening in the park. Not long after that I heard sirens that got closer and closer. Then at least two vehicles roared past the house. Making a quick get away? The sirens were turned off quite close to the house. At least three more times sirens came by. I could not contain my curiosity and looked out the bedroom window toward the park, but could see nothing out of order even after I went back and put on my glasses. Leroy had not made a move so I assumed he was sleeping.
This morning when I asked about it he had heard nothing. Some people have charmed sleep patterns that seldom get disturbed.
On our early morning walk we saw a police car along with another parked by the side of the street. A uniformed officer and additional man were looking around on the park grounds, confirming my suspicion that something had happened in the park. I decided that maybe I should never take a walk there in the middle of the night.
As I was in a store this morning I saw a woman from the church. She asked if we heard the noise last night. When I replied that I had and Leroy slept through it her eyebrows rose. Leroy now has the reputation of sleeping through anything. They have a scanner and she reported that there was a stabbing at the bar/billiards hall on the other side of the church. Hence the reason I saw nothing in the park, but I will not walk there in the middle of the night anyway.
Sleep did not come easily and when it did I seemed to be programmed to wake every hour to turn over and or go to the bathroom. But then at 1:00 am there was considerable noise, mostly yelling, outside. I assumed that there was something happening in the park. Not long after that I heard sirens that got closer and closer. Then at least two vehicles roared past the house. Making a quick get away? The sirens were turned off quite close to the house. At least three more times sirens came by. I could not contain my curiosity and looked out the bedroom window toward the park, but could see nothing out of order even after I went back and put on my glasses. Leroy had not made a move so I assumed he was sleeping.
This morning when I asked about it he had heard nothing. Some people have charmed sleep patterns that seldom get disturbed.
On our early morning walk we saw a police car along with another parked by the side of the street. A uniformed officer and additional man were looking around on the park grounds, confirming my suspicion that something had happened in the park. I decided that maybe I should never take a walk there in the middle of the night.
As I was in a store this morning I saw a woman from the church. She asked if we heard the noise last night. When I replied that I had and Leroy slept through it her eyebrows rose. Leroy now has the reputation of sleeping through anything. They have a scanner and she reported that there was a stabbing at the bar/billiards hall on the other side of the church. Hence the reason I saw nothing in the park, but I will not walk there in the middle of the night anyway.
Cookies and confirmation
Leroy asked if I would help with confirmation class as they were going to do a mini global mission awareness night. It would only involve about a fifteen minute talk on Slovakia. Students would rotate through so it would be necessary to do it about three times. That sounded like an easy job so I gladly said yes.
Then a few days before the class he announced that he would like to have me/us make some med (honey) cookies. Because I so rarely make cookies my skill level is below the basement, but again I agreed to do it if he would help me. He also does not make cookies so it fit that saying the blind leading the blind.
I did check to see that I had butter in the freezer since I so rarely have it in the house. There was enough for the recipe. Just before we made the cookies I read through the recipe and learned I should not have forced myself to use the powdered sugar left from the fastnachts. “Oh well,” I airily said, “we will just use regular sugar.”
“What is the difference?” Leroy wanted to know.
“I think that is because the sugar in Slovakia was not the same as what we have here and we were trying to match it.” I rather authoritatively responded.
The recipe said to mix all ingredients. So I put them in the bowl in the order given and started to mix. I should have mixed the dry ingredients separately as the spices seemed to hang in their own little group. After muttering, stirring, pushing, smashing, and cursing lightly it was mostly mixed.
At the end of two hours chilling in the refrigerator, we realized we had no cookie cutters and just used a glass. We got out some dough and manfully managed to make it into a ball that could be rolled with more of the mixing techniques listed above.
Is it ok to take such well blessed treats to a church function? We only had one for everyone and I did not eat one. Some did comment on how good they were.
One of the main reasons I do not make cookies is that I am always shocked by the amount of sugar and butter in relationship to the amount of flour. Seems to me they should be an occasional treat rather than every week or even more frequently.
Leroy asked if I would help with confirmation class as they were going to do a mini global mission awareness night. It would only involve about a fifteen minute talk on Slovakia. Students would rotate through so it would be necessary to do it about three times. That sounded like an easy job so I gladly said yes.
Then a few days before the class he announced that he would like to have me/us make some med (honey) cookies. Because I so rarely make cookies my skill level is below the basement, but again I agreed to do it if he would help me. He also does not make cookies so it fit that saying the blind leading the blind.
I did check to see that I had butter in the freezer since I so rarely have it in the house. There was enough for the recipe. Just before we made the cookies I read through the recipe and learned I should not have forced myself to use the powdered sugar left from the fastnachts. “Oh well,” I airily said, “we will just use regular sugar.”
“What is the difference?” Leroy wanted to know.
“I think that is because the sugar in Slovakia was not the same as what we have here and we were trying to match it.” I rather authoritatively responded.
The recipe said to mix all ingredients. So I put them in the bowl in the order given and started to mix. I should have mixed the dry ingredients separately as the spices seemed to hang in their own little group. After muttering, stirring, pushing, smashing, and cursing lightly it was mostly mixed.
At the end of two hours chilling in the refrigerator, we realized we had no cookie cutters and just used a glass. We got out some dough and manfully managed to make it into a ball that could be rolled with more of the mixing techniques listed above.
Is it ok to take such well blessed treats to a church function? We only had one for everyone and I did not eat one. Some did comment on how good they were.
One of the main reasons I do not make cookies is that I am always shocked by the amount of sugar and butter in relationship to the amount of flour. Seems to me they should be an occasional treat rather than every week or even more frequently.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Time is not Stationary
Saturday, we went to our last concert. What now, I thought before Leroy told me that he does not have a Friday off this month except the last one when he is officially on vacation. I will find some garage sales to go to on my own. Surely I can find them or I will just learn the streets better.
By the way we did enjoy the concert. I am so glad that we got all three of the season tickets for concerts and plays. It was so nice to have that available. As with almost anything in life there are plusses and minuses to large towns and small towns. I just have to remember to appreciate what is accessible where I am. No complaining about or regretting what I might be missing from another place.
Yesterday we took our first bike ride of the season down to the library. It was quite hot and I can say that I was relieved to be able to get to the part of the hill that is not so steep. Whose idea was it to do this anyway? Leroy’s! I must never complain about his strength and endurance. He has it all and I am the wimp now.
We were early for our morning walk, but the sun still got up ahead of us. Five deer where eating in the woods and didn’t spook even when Leroy sneezed one of his famous resounding sneezes. They must be the same deer we often see and they know we are harmless in spite of loud explosions.
I mended and washed Leroy’s alb today. My mother made that for him for an ordination gift 36 years ago. It is perhaps remarkable that most of the stitching is still holding. Especially considering how much use it has gotten. Too bad mom isn’t alive so I could tell her about it.
Saturday, we went to our last concert. What now, I thought before Leroy told me that he does not have a Friday off this month except the last one when he is officially on vacation. I will find some garage sales to go to on my own. Surely I can find them or I will just learn the streets better.
By the way we did enjoy the concert. I am so glad that we got all three of the season tickets for concerts and plays. It was so nice to have that available. As with almost anything in life there are plusses and minuses to large towns and small towns. I just have to remember to appreciate what is accessible where I am. No complaining about or regretting what I might be missing from another place.
Yesterday we took our first bike ride of the season down to the library. It was quite hot and I can say that I was relieved to be able to get to the part of the hill that is not so steep. Whose idea was it to do this anyway? Leroy’s! I must never complain about his strength and endurance. He has it all and I am the wimp now.
We were early for our morning walk, but the sun still got up ahead of us. Five deer where eating in the woods and didn’t spook even when Leroy sneezed one of his famous resounding sneezes. They must be the same deer we often see and they know we are harmless in spite of loud explosions.
I mended and washed Leroy’s alb today. My mother made that for him for an ordination gift 36 years ago. It is perhaps remarkable that most of the stitching is still holding. Especially considering how much use it has gotten. Too bad mom isn’t alive so I could tell her about it.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
More Learning
My big lesson today is that it is hard to take a nap with the window open to a busy park across the street. Cars drive past, horns honk, people talk, and birds sing. Perhaps I have to relearn things each year because surely this gem was tucked away in the recesses of my brain waiting to called forth.
Another lesson, when the garage sale CD cover says “power yoga” it might be a tough go for the whimps of the world. This sequence of moves for 20 minutes not only moves faster than I am used to, but it includes some arm balance poses that require more than my arms have ever thought of doing for any reason. I will try it and pause when necessary or just watch in awe.
I also bought a garage sale book about yoga with several series of moves for different health issues. Because I can flip from picture to picture at my own pace, this will not be so daunting and very possible to do.
The last lesson learned is, when the electrical power goes out and I need to set the time on the phone it is not asking for seconds but am or pm in the last position. That only occurred to me after I had tried three times and spent maybe as much as 30 minutes attempting to get the number of seconds entered by forcefully pushing the buttons, ordering it, and cajoling. Course each time I tried the same way as it seemed so logical. After we received the first call and the date and time were displayed I realized what I should have done. Sure I have gained some new brain cells today.
My big lesson today is that it is hard to take a nap with the window open to a busy park across the street. Cars drive past, horns honk, people talk, and birds sing. Perhaps I have to relearn things each year because surely this gem was tucked away in the recesses of my brain waiting to called forth.
Another lesson, when the garage sale CD cover says “power yoga” it might be a tough go for the whimps of the world. This sequence of moves for 20 minutes not only moves faster than I am used to, but it includes some arm balance poses that require more than my arms have ever thought of doing for any reason. I will try it and pause when necessary or just watch in awe.
I also bought a garage sale book about yoga with several series of moves for different health issues. Because I can flip from picture to picture at my own pace, this will not be so daunting and very possible to do.
The last lesson learned is, when the electrical power goes out and I need to set the time on the phone it is not asking for seconds but am or pm in the last position. That only occurred to me after I had tried three times and spent maybe as much as 30 minutes attempting to get the number of seconds entered by forcefully pushing the buttons, ordering it, and cajoling. Course each time I tried the same way as it seemed so logical. After we received the first call and the date and time were displayed I realized what I should have done. Sure I have gained some new brain cells today.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What To Report?
What is there to tell about such an ordinary day even if it is beautiful? We are happy to see the sun and feel the warmth.
I heard quite a lot of motor noise on the street. When I looked I saw several motorcycles. Almost right away I started counting and got to 45 of these machines in various styles. What a big group that was! Explains why I heard them.
Son-in-law, Stephen sent us some poppy seed paste that he found in a European specialty store in DC. I had lost the recipe that was suggested so today I headed off into experimental land. First it seemed like a good idea to make a pie crust and then put the filling on top. Here I must say that the Slovaks often used poppy seed and poppy seed paste in their baked items. However, they do not make pie of any kind that I know about and certainly not as I did. They might combine poppy seed and sweet cherries.
On opening the filling, I realized that it was quite a small amount compared to a pie pan. There are still cranberries frozen in my freezer. A partial bag was there, but it still all seemed too little so I added some frozen mixed berries with a random small scoop of sugar and shakes of cinnamon added for interest. All of this was stirred in a bowl.
Then I made half a recipe of oil pie crust using whole wheat flour, however when I added the cold water I forgot to stop at half and added a tablespoon more. What to do, but add more flour. Using about ¾ of the dough I covered the bottom of the pan, added the filling, and ended with the rest of the dough almost hiding the poppy seed, cranberry, wild berry mixture.
I checked another pie recipe to determine approximate temperature and length of baking time. As it was in the oven I washed dishes. Oh no the oven turned off! But before I could think about it too much it came back on. Because the power had been off, I lost the time on the timer. What to do but more guessing, checking, adding time, and finally declaring it done.
Leroy had a piece with plain non fat yogurt and declared it wonderful. Thank you Stephen!
Baking for me is an adventure, and eating for Leroy is an act of faith. What a guy!
What is there to tell about such an ordinary day even if it is beautiful? We are happy to see the sun and feel the warmth.
I heard quite a lot of motor noise on the street. When I looked I saw several motorcycles. Almost right away I started counting and got to 45 of these machines in various styles. What a big group that was! Explains why I heard them.
Son-in-law, Stephen sent us some poppy seed paste that he found in a European specialty store in DC. I had lost the recipe that was suggested so today I headed off into experimental land. First it seemed like a good idea to make a pie crust and then put the filling on top. Here I must say that the Slovaks often used poppy seed and poppy seed paste in their baked items. However, they do not make pie of any kind that I know about and certainly not as I did. They might combine poppy seed and sweet cherries.
On opening the filling, I realized that it was quite a small amount compared to a pie pan. There are still cranberries frozen in my freezer. A partial bag was there, but it still all seemed too little so I added some frozen mixed berries with a random small scoop of sugar and shakes of cinnamon added for interest. All of this was stirred in a bowl.
Then I made half a recipe of oil pie crust using whole wheat flour, however when I added the cold water I forgot to stop at half and added a tablespoon more. What to do, but add more flour. Using about ¾ of the dough I covered the bottom of the pan, added the filling, and ended with the rest of the dough almost hiding the poppy seed, cranberry, wild berry mixture.
I checked another pie recipe to determine approximate temperature and length of baking time. As it was in the oven I washed dishes. Oh no the oven turned off! But before I could think about it too much it came back on. Because the power had been off, I lost the time on the timer. What to do but more guessing, checking, adding time, and finally declaring it done.
Leroy had a piece with plain non fat yogurt and declared it wonderful. Thank you Stephen!
Baking for me is an adventure, and eating for Leroy is an act of faith. What a guy!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Around Town
We went to the Farmer’s Market last evening. Both of us were happy that it had to be moved closer to us because of the swollen Mississippi. The river has gone down, but there were still some issues. It was a walk in the park for us to get to the market. With backpacks on our backs we were well prepared. Both of us said, almost at the same time, “I wish it could be here always.”
It does make sense to have it in the former spot since there is a building that can be used. Last night was beautiful with a gentle breeze. Our purchases were few, just eggs, lettuce, and asparagus. But what asparagus! It was the best ever. We finished the last today with zest and regret.
This morning it was on to more gasless travel as we went to garage sales within reach of a nice bike ride. The bags on our bikes were not full so we did not over do, but for some reason I sense that I have to keep a lid on my desire for a bargain. Surely we do not need much more than we already have. We spent about $4 so I guess that is not going overboard too much. But then there is the litany that sings in our head, “You buy more, you have to move more.” Moving certainly keeps us thinking of downsizing even as we might upsize.
I am happy that we could run some errands without getting out the car. That is one of the things I miss about living in a town where so much was a mere mile from our house. Guess if we were careful we could do that in a city too, but not so easily done in this country.
Leroy has planted most of our garden space. Then he proceeded to put up a 2-3 foot fence. We know that will not keep the deer out, but we are going to experiment with string strong over the top and to the permanent fence on the driveway side. Hope that works to discourage munching on the sly.
We went to the Farmer’s Market last evening. Both of us were happy that it had to be moved closer to us because of the swollen Mississippi. The river has gone down, but there were still some issues. It was a walk in the park for us to get to the market. With backpacks on our backs we were well prepared. Both of us said, almost at the same time, “I wish it could be here always.”
It does make sense to have it in the former spot since there is a building that can be used. Last night was beautiful with a gentle breeze. Our purchases were few, just eggs, lettuce, and asparagus. But what asparagus! It was the best ever. We finished the last today with zest and regret.
This morning it was on to more gasless travel as we went to garage sales within reach of a nice bike ride. The bags on our bikes were not full so we did not over do, but for some reason I sense that I have to keep a lid on my desire for a bargain. Surely we do not need much more than we already have. We spent about $4 so I guess that is not going overboard too much. But then there is the litany that sings in our head, “You buy more, you have to move more.” Moving certainly keeps us thinking of downsizing even as we might upsize.
I am happy that we could run some errands without getting out the car. That is one of the things I miss about living in a town where so much was a mere mile from our house. Guess if we were careful we could do that in a city too, but not so easily done in this country.
Leroy has planted most of our garden space. Then he proceeded to put up a 2-3 foot fence. We know that will not keep the deer out, but we are going to experiment with string strong over the top and to the permanent fence on the driveway side. Hope that works to discourage munching on the sly.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Home again, Home again Jiggety Jog
I had an uneventful trip. In spite of that travel ease, I would love to be able to take the bus, train, or plane conveniently. Thanks to my Misspellers Dictionary I could write that c word. For reasons unknown to me it took me half an hour more to go north than to come south. In general I did not drive a different speed, but just under that limit in most places. Perhaps it can be explained by the number of red stop lights I encountered. On my way out of Burlington I stopped at all stop lights, but one. The same was true of Waterloo. Or perhaps it could be explained by the increased traffic in the city in the north as it was almost three o’clock in the afternoon when going through Minneapolis, consequently I found myself gripping the steering wheel. Could that have slowed me down? On the way back I only stopped at one stoplight in Waterloo, and once in Burlington. Other good things were that the radio worked as did cruise. That is to be well blessed. I am always happy in a city where I do not have the right state license plate. I am optimistic that people will give me a little grace for being in the wrong lane or being too slow or whatever.
For a change I remembered to check my miles per gallon rate. For the total trip it was 34.99 mpg. Not so bad for a car that is seven years old and mostly ignored. Just in case you wanted to know the total trip was 779.4 miles. When I was growing up people did not so casually start on a trip of that magnitude with just an old car and an older lady. How the culture has evolved!
I have been reading mail as well as some of the newspapers that Leroy saved for me. I have to confess that I do miss the daily paper. Brian and Jen do not get it since they are unable to finish it daily. The Internet works as their news source.
The house was clean and plants had been watered, but not all leftovers consumed. Guess there was too much for one person.
I had an uneventful trip. In spite of that travel ease, I would love to be able to take the bus, train, or plane conveniently. Thanks to my Misspellers Dictionary I could write that c word. For reasons unknown to me it took me half an hour more to go north than to come south. In general I did not drive a different speed, but just under that limit in most places. Perhaps it can be explained by the number of red stop lights I encountered. On my way out of Burlington I stopped at all stop lights, but one. The same was true of Waterloo. Or perhaps it could be explained by the increased traffic in the city in the north as it was almost three o’clock in the afternoon when going through Minneapolis, consequently I found myself gripping the steering wheel. Could that have slowed me down? On the way back I only stopped at one stoplight in Waterloo, and once in Burlington. Other good things were that the radio worked as did cruise. That is to be well blessed. I am always happy in a city where I do not have the right state license plate. I am optimistic that people will give me a little grace for being in the wrong lane or being too slow or whatever.
For a change I remembered to check my miles per gallon rate. For the total trip it was 34.99 mpg. Not so bad for a car that is seven years old and mostly ignored. Just in case you wanted to know the total trip was 779.4 miles. When I was growing up people did not so casually start on a trip of that magnitude with just an old car and an older lady. How the culture has evolved!
I have been reading mail as well as some of the newspapers that Leroy saved for me. I have to confess that I do miss the daily paper. Brian and Jen do not get it since they are unable to finish it daily. The Internet works as their news source.
The house was clean and plants had been watered, but not all leftovers consumed. Guess there was too much for one person.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Course we all notice how Logan is growing as he adjusts to life around him. The rest of us are also making big adjustments like getting less sleep, jiggling and jouncing more, and coaxing smiles.
Again I took a nap/quiet time with Sophia. I think before sleep came she had burned 500 calories. It is quite amazing how many ways there are to settle into the space. A dog circling getting just the proper spot would sympathize. Then the question becomes where do sharp knees and elbows go as we grow? I am basing this question on the difference between sleeping with Sophia and sleeping with Leroy. Do those joints broaden out or is the edge worn off over time with much use flopping around on the floor?
This morning the temperature was a mere 33 degrees when Cloe and I walked. I did not bring a winter coat so I was grateful for the stillness. There was sleet in the air when I started, but it had diminished by the time I got home. On my feet were sandals and wool socks. That is a surprisingly comfortable covering. At least my feet like to walk in the sandals and the wool does a great job of keeping me warm. See I am growing too as I learn new things.
The winter onions that I gave Brian survived the winter and we harvested some of those. I would like some at my house, but it will not be my house for long. Then we also picked quite a lot of rhubarb that had also grown nicely. Brian made some rhubarb bread and a rhubarb crisp that he and I are eating as no one else in the house likes it. Rhubarb is, as you perhaps know, one of those love or hate items.
One good thing about technology is that I can show my pictures wherever there is a computer. Sophia has so enjoyed looking at them. She now pushes the arrow herself as we sometimes fly through a set or reverse or even go at a snail’s pace. The downside of technology is that I rarely have pictures to show anyone without a computer.
Course we all notice how Logan is growing as he adjusts to life around him. The rest of us are also making big adjustments like getting less sleep, jiggling and jouncing more, and coaxing smiles.
Again I took a nap/quiet time with Sophia. I think before sleep came she had burned 500 calories. It is quite amazing how many ways there are to settle into the space. A dog circling getting just the proper spot would sympathize. Then the question becomes where do sharp knees and elbows go as we grow? I am basing this question on the difference between sleeping with Sophia and sleeping with Leroy. Do those joints broaden out or is the edge worn off over time with much use flopping around on the floor?
This morning the temperature was a mere 33 degrees when Cloe and I walked. I did not bring a winter coat so I was grateful for the stillness. There was sleet in the air when I started, but it had diminished by the time I got home. On my feet were sandals and wool socks. That is a surprisingly comfortable covering. At least my feet like to walk in the sandals and the wool does a great job of keeping me warm. See I am growing too as I learn new things.
The winter onions that I gave Brian survived the winter and we harvested some of those. I would like some at my house, but it will not be my house for long. Then we also picked quite a lot of rhubarb that had also grown nicely. Brian made some rhubarb bread and a rhubarb crisp that he and I are eating as no one else in the house likes it. Rhubarb is, as you perhaps know, one of those love or hate items.
One good thing about technology is that I can show my pictures wherever there is a computer. Sophia has so enjoyed looking at them. She now pushes the arrow herself as we sometimes fly through a set or reverse or even go at a snail’s pace. The downside of technology is that I rarely have pictures to show anyone without a computer.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Yesterday afternoon I laid on my blow up mattress in Sophia’s room while she was going to be napping. It did not take her long to ask if she could join me. After I agreed she promptly climbed in and took the inside spot. That was great because, if she falls asleep, this girl takes a multi hour nap and I had no intentions of staying so long. It took her a while to fall asleep although she followed the no talk rule, but sighing, throat clearing, and twitching did not count so I heard some of that. I suspect we both fell asleep at about the same time. I however only stayed there for 45 minutes.
Last night I went to her room about 8:30 so she could know that I was sleeping in her room as the night before I got up to take care of Logan and she was sure that I deserted her. At 9:30 she still had not fallen asleep although again she respected the no talk rule. I got up because I wanted to do some more reading. “Where are you going, Granny?” she asked.
“I am going to put drops in my eyes,” I told her. I did do that even though it had not been my original purpose. I would be on duty with Logan for the first part of the night, but I felt truthful in saying that I would be back.
Sophia was delighted to see me sleeping in her room in the morning. Her alarm clock displays a green light when it is time to get up so she was quick to point out that it was time to get up. Instead I invited her to come in my bed for a while so we could get in some snuggling time before I walked Cloe who had come into the room to check on us or perhaps to urge me to get all the way out of bed and walk.
It was 30 degrees F. this morning, much colder than yesterday, but it was not raining so it was more comfortable. Cloe and I were not the only walkers today.
Yesterday afternoon I laid on my blow up mattress in Sophia’s room while she was going to be napping. It did not take her long to ask if she could join me. After I agreed she promptly climbed in and took the inside spot. That was great because, if she falls asleep, this girl takes a multi hour nap and I had no intentions of staying so long. It took her a while to fall asleep although she followed the no talk rule, but sighing, throat clearing, and twitching did not count so I heard some of that. I suspect we both fell asleep at about the same time. I however only stayed there for 45 minutes.
Last night I went to her room about 8:30 so she could know that I was sleeping in her room as the night before I got up to take care of Logan and she was sure that I deserted her. At 9:30 she still had not fallen asleep although again she respected the no talk rule. I got up because I wanted to do some more reading. “Where are you going, Granny?” she asked.
“I am going to put drops in my eyes,” I told her. I did do that even though it had not been my original purpose. I would be on duty with Logan for the first part of the night, but I felt truthful in saying that I would be back.
Sophia was delighted to see me sleeping in her room in the morning. Her alarm clock displays a green light when it is time to get up so she was quick to point out that it was time to get up. Instead I invited her to come in my bed for a while so we could get in some snuggling time before I walked Cloe who had come into the room to check on us or perhaps to urge me to get all the way out of bed and walk.
It was 30 degrees F. this morning, much colder than yesterday, but it was not raining so it was more comfortable. Cloe and I were not the only walkers today.
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