Thursday, May 14, 2009

Starting the trip


Course you realize that I am now going back to April 22, 2009 when I started this trip. I got to the MN airport in plenty of time thanks to Jen coming home and being my chauffer. The security guy did comment on my empty water bottle, “I do the same thing and save myself $3.00.”

As I was waiting in the loading area an older couple came in and sat across from me. I decided I be grateful for how easy Leroy is to be around. The man of this couple is a moving guy twitching all the time. I am not sure if he could control it or not. He also talked to himself. His wife did not say a word or move the entire time. Reminded me of Jack Sprat and his wife but in a different venue.

When I got to Nairobi I found the visa fee had been cut in half to $25. The hard part was that I did not have the proper bills to pay and the person behind the desk did not have change since I was the first person in line. I told her I had quarters, but she did not want them. I gave her $30. I was ready to just let it go since it was still a savings of $20 for me, but she had me wait and the next person gave her $25 so she gave me a five dollar bill and it was all good.

This time I saw Sarah and Lexi waiting outside the gate as I came down to pick up my luggage. I had to wait almost half an hour for my bag, but I was not worried unlike the guy next to me who wondered, “What is taking so long?” He was waiting for a fishing pole. More bags kept being put on the belt and someone will get the last bag even though we always want to be first. One time in Chicago Leroy and I got the second to the last bag. It was almost a deserted place by that time.


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