Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Resting at home


I have taken the day to clean a little; Leroy did not get his usual good job done because he was sick and/or busy. I also needed to spend sometime just sitting with myself and the paper, mail and magazines that had piled up in three weeks time.

I will give a travelogue of the trip, but let me just say that everything went well even when it did not appear to be on the right track. But I am tired even though a week has passed since I have returned to this time zone. Again I will give more details about that in the blow-by-blow description.

When I left in April it was mostly brown. Now everything has a beautiful green glow to it. Not all trees have leafed out, but they will soon. What a change in two weeks.

Nairobi was also green because they had a bit of rain while I was there.

I still do not want to write yet. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the tale. Let me just give this synopsis. For two weeks I babysat, cleaned house some, washed dishes, and did laundry in Nairobi. We embarked on a trip that lasted for 28 hours, enjoyed family for two and a half days, rode in a car for six hours, and had the company of Miriam and her girls for two and a half days. I am not used to such continual contact with people at the same time that I am adjusting to an eight-hour time difference. Could I be getting old because I think this is a bit tiring?


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