Thursday, April 16, 2009

Six for duck


Six for duck and duck for five. I am a little afraid that is how it is going to be. I have not weighed this bird, but the recipe book says about a pound per person. So now I am telling Leroy, “Do not eat too much. At least let it go around once before you take much if there is any left.”

I also counted my potatoes in this ten-pound bag that seemed to last forever and there are only seven. Is it one per person and one for the pot? I will also be making potato bread, half of which I will deliver to the person who bought my bread making skills. That will also be Friday night, I think if need be I will call on Leroy to be the carrier.

Then there is the question of how much milk to I have and how much do I need. Leroy does not drink the milk so I do not really want to buy any, but I think I am going to be short. Some milk will be needed for the dressing and the custard. I suppose I could put a little in the potatoes. Leroy will definitely have to take a pill before this meal. But at least I will use some eggs in the dressing and in the custard. Maybe that will reduce the number to just two-dozen. How many can Leroy eat while I am gone?

Leroy put together the presentation that we will be giving Saturday to the regional churchwomen’s group. The presentation is to last an hour covering Slovakia and Kenya. I guess we can stop in time. The WI-FI went out at church so he could not use the Internet there. But we do not have power point on the computer at home. He bought a new router, but it did not work last night. Today the seller talked him through the set-up. He had switched some wires. It seems that many things are not as simple as they could be. The trick is to be able to just roll with whatever comes your way. Right? We are rolling and rolling.


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