Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Day

Lexi greeted me at the airport, but wanted to keep a little space between us at first. This morning she was calling for Granny, happily sitting in my lap, and looking at magazines. I brought some National Geographics and they are a hit. Her vocabulary and understanding have grown. Learning is an amazing thing.

At noon a distraught Sarah called to tell me, "Jane (their child care housekeeper) has accused me, before the labor ministery, of being unfair. A woman named Nancy and a lawyer will come and talk to Jane this afternoon."

Nerves of steel are not my strong suit. It took an effort, but I got to the late afternoon. When the people came they invited me to sit in to see what happens. Lexi clearly knew that something was wrong, coming to me without invitation, sitting on my lap, and keeping very quiet. I was rather surprised that she did not go to Jane with whom she has a close long term relationship. They mostly spoke KSwahili, but body language gives some signals. They did tell me that they offered Jane some money, but she refused it. Jane was fired on the spot.

Monday Sarah will go before the ministry with the supportive presence of the lawyer who feels that it will not be difficult for Sarah, but we are not as calm in this house as we could be.

I have become chief babysitter and house cleaner. Jetlag is taking a back seat. It was nice for me that Friday was my first day on the job so I could spend a weekend with Sarah home. We have managed to gather things that will be shipped out on Wednesday. I know that toys will be slim for Lexi, but I think she manages to entertain herself quite well with whatever is at hand.


This computer leaves Wednesday so this could be my last missive until I am back in the US.

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