Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Traveling by car


Leroy and I had a nice ride by car even though we both commented how nice it would have been to be on a train. We had a nice visit with Leroy’s sister and her husband. In the evening we enjoyed a colorful fire in their back yard. Such a peaceful time!

Then we headed on south to meet my sister and her husband in Hannibal, MO. We are grateful to have cell phones since the restaurant that I had seen on the Internet did not seem to exist at the corner where we had planned to meet. It was a simple matter to call them up and arrange another place that was clearly visible in the area.

We were fortunate to have just an overcast day with just a sprinkle here and there. It seems to me that we ate our way around the area with appetizer in one establishment, main course in another, followed by dessert in another. It is a picturesque town. There were not many other tourists in town so we had great service wherever we went.

I am happy to report that all of the mums have some open blossoms. I am a little disappointed that so many of them are orange, but I am satisfied to see them alive and good-looking.

Tomorrow I will go pick apples. I have been given jars so I will make applesauce tomorrow. Leroy and I are hoping to have the time to make some cider as well before we head up to Brian’s house on Friday. I can not very easily make the cider by myself. I suppose I could get it done, but it really takes a lot of energy so I do not want to do that.

I was happy to register to vote in this town today. Leroy changed the address on his driver’s license so he got registered at the same time. I like the current picture on my license and did not want to change it. I was pleased when they said it did not matter about the address on the license as long as it was an Iowa license. I get to look at that good picture for a while longer. Usually my pictures have not been ones that I am proud to show anyone. Given the odds I am not sure that a good one would happen again.


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