Yesterday Leroy and I sent in the renewal for our passports. Personally I thought Leroy was getting too excited about renewing. We still do not have tickets for Kenya, but I thought we would be ok since my passport does not expire until March 09 and Leroy's is even farther down the line in July. Then Leroy saw on a web site that we could not go to Kenya if our passports were expiring in six months. That would cut me out.
We were pleased to learn that our neighbor does passport pictures at a very good price. We could even get our required four pictures for the same price as two. We need two for the passport and two for the visa. So we just walked over to the next street and got them taken. This woman was quite fast and efficient, telling us that she saves them so if we need more pictures we can easily and quickly get that done at a later date. Both of us feel that these pictures are a better likeness than our previous pictures for which we know we paid a lot more money even if it was ten years ago and prices often go up and not down. But then maybe Leroy and I have gotten better looking as ti

We had already filled out the forms. The person at the office at which we picked up the forms told us that she could help us staple things together. She had showed us, but to avoid error we decided to have her help. It was great. She got it done as I was writing the checks for each of us. She then said that she had another passport to go in and she would mail it for us. We did not even need an envelop or stamp. What a deal!
Miriam tells me that Nora is a big girl at 24 inches and 12 pounds. That puts her in the 90%. That does seem a bit big. At least it is a bundle to carry around.
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