Leroy and I had a nice ride by car even though we both commented how nice it would have been to be on a train. We had a nice visit with Leroy’s sister and her husband. In the evening we enjoyed a colorful fire in their back yard. Such a peaceful time!
Then we headed on south to meet my sister and her husband in Hannibal, MO. We are grateful to have cell phones since the restaurant that I had seen on the Internet did not seem to exist at the corner where we had planned to meet. It was a simple matter to call them up and arrange another place that was clearly visible in the area.
We were fortunate to have just an overcast day with just a sprinkle here and there. It seems to me that we ate our way around the area with appetizer in one establishment, main course in another, followed by dessert in another. It is a picturesque town. There were not many other tourists in town so we had great service wherever we went.
I am happy to report that all of the mums have some open blossoms. I am a little disappointed that so many of them are orange, but I am satisfied to see them alive and good-looking.
Tomorrow I will go pick apples. I have been given jars so I will make applesauce tomorrow. Leroy and I are hoping to have the time to make some cider as well before we head up to Brian’s house on Friday. I can not very easily make the cider by myself. I suppose I could get it done, but it really takes a lot of energy so I do not want to do that.
I was happy to register to vote in this town today. Leroy changed the address on his driver’s license so he got registered at the same time. I like the current picture on my license and did not want to change it. I was pleased when they said it did not matter about the address on the license as long as it was an Iowa license. I get to look at that good picture for a while longer. Usually my pictures have not been ones that I am proud to show anyone. Given the odds I am not sure that a good one would happen again.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Passports are Here!
Leroy got his new passport yesterday and mine came today. I did not suspect there would be such a quick turn around. I think the first time I got one it took a month at least. The person in the office here had talked about 3-4 weeks. I was a bit skeptical. Well this was just a little over a week. They certainly moved fast.
Leroy and I rode bikes over to the county museum to see the blacksmith working, the old cider press operating, and get fresh roasted peanuts. There were a couple of the buildings that we had not been in so that was nice to complete the trip.
While there we met a woman in the congregation who, when she learned we had a cider press, asked, "Would you like some apples?" She knows someone who has about 100 tress and we can just get what we would like. I think that sounds like a great deal. I will make some applesauce too. I am excited. The applesauce I will can, but I am not sure how to keep the cider since we do not have a separate freezer any longer. I also need to find more jars for the sauce, but I am sure that I can do that. We will figure out something for the cider.
The mums have started to bloom at the front of the house. There are at least four different colors. No yellow, but all shades of orange to purple to magenta. I guess those to be the colors since I can not really name colors. But I certainly can enjoy them. It is especially pleasing to me since these were almost in the garbage. I bought some when they were 90% off and some my neighbor got just before they were to be thrown away. It gives me a good feeling to rescue something that is so beautiful now.
Tomorrow night we are going to visit Leroy’s sister. We have not seen them in two years. I guess there is no real excuse for that since we now live in the same state as well as the same country. Then on Monday we will meet my sister and her husband in Missouri. That is about half way between our too homes. That is one way to deal with the distance. When our entire family lives in another place than we do it takes quite a lot of time and effort to see everyone. None of our immediate family live in the same place either.
Leroy got his new passport yesterday and mine came today. I did not suspect there would be such a quick turn around. I think the first time I got one it took a month at least. The person in the office here had talked about 3-4 weeks. I was a bit skeptical. Well this was just a little over a week. They certainly moved fast.
Leroy and I rode bikes over to the county museum to see the blacksmith working, the old cider press operating, and get fresh roasted peanuts. There were a couple of the buildings that we had not been in so that was nice to complete the trip.
While there we met a woman in the congregation who, when she learned we had a cider press, asked, "Would you like some apples?" She knows someone who has about 100 tress and we can just get what we would like. I think that sounds like a great deal. I will make some applesauce too. I am excited. The applesauce I will can, but I am not sure how to keep the cider since we do not have a separate freezer any longer. I also need to find more jars for the sauce, but I am sure that I can do that. We will figure out something for the cider.
The mums have started to bloom at the front of the house. There are at least four different colors. No yellow, but all shades of orange to purple to magenta. I guess those to be the colors since I can not really name colors. But I certainly can enjoy them. It is especially pleasing to me since these were almost in the garbage. I bought some when they were 90% off and some my neighbor got just before they were to be thrown away. It gives me a good feeling to rescue something that is so beautiful now.
Tomorrow night we are going to visit Leroy’s sister. We have not seen them in two years. I guess there is no real excuse for that since we now live in the same state as well as the same country. Then on Monday we will meet my sister and her husband in Missouri. That is about half way between our too homes. That is one way to deal with the distance. When our entire family lives in another place than we do it takes quite a lot of time and effort to see everyone. None of our immediate family live in the same place either.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Leroy is feeling peppy
Leroy was so lively at noon, I thought, "Who is this guy?" The last couple days he has been dragging. I guess he had a little something like flu. But now he is at full throttle. It is amazing to see. That is not Leroy in the picture, I'll explain later.
I am close to being over this dizziness, but once in a while I still have a bit of whirling. I told Leroy yesterday, "If I am not well next week, I will go to the Dr." As of today I do not think that will be necessary.
It is the weirdest thing that we have lots of flies in the basement windows. I vacuumed them up today. I can not tell where they get in, but when we moved in I washed the curtains and was almost grossed out by the number of flies hiding back there, some dead, some alive.
Yesterday when I was coming in the back door I spotted a praying mantis on the doorframe.I have seen one before but it has been many years. It was bigger than I remembered them being. It seemed to notice if I got too close. I thought that was interesting since I think many insects pay no attention to us.
I am also posting a picture of Brian, Jen and Sophia at her birthday party. I thought they all
Leroy and I feel good now because we have again paid our quarterly taxes on time. In order to do that we had to move some money, but I got it done over the phone. That is a great help since we do not bank in town. I have to do that because I had put some money in the money market and left us too short to pay these big bills.
On the same day I moved money I ordered drugs. Just what is life coming to? Sounds like some type of high roller to me.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Feeling better
I woke up feeling not 100 percent better, but much better than I had felt the day before. I am grateful for that. I am taking Claritin for a couple days since I thought maybe it might be sinus or something like that even though my ears seem clear.
A person in the congregation who raises grapes gave us some purple table grapes. They are wonderfully sweet. He also grows wine grapes.
Just before noon today our neighbor brought over "Russian Lunch". It included borsch, thick slices of bread that seemed much more European than I normally expect to find in this country, a medium sized cucumber cut in half longways and sprinkled with salt, and some bacon that surely came from one of the local families because I do not think you can buy such thick small pieces in the store. It was a delightful treat with the soup in a pot and the rest artfully arranged on a pretty plate.
Another of my neighbors is on a trip to New England and she asked me to water her outside plants. I am happy to do that. I somehow get the feeling that our neighbors do not spend much time talking to each other when some of the newest neighbors are approached for some neighborly help. The neighbors on the other side were gone for a weekend and asked us to pick up their mail. If were going to be here much longer I think I should organize a neighborhood gathering so all of these people could meet and talk a bit more.
I woke up feeling not 100 percent better, but much better than I had felt the day before. I am grateful for that. I am taking Claritin for a couple days since I thought maybe it might be sinus or something like that even though my ears seem clear.
A person in the congregation who raises grapes gave us some purple table grapes. They are wonderfully sweet. He also grows wine grapes.
Just before noon today our neighbor brought over "Russian Lunch". It included borsch, thick slices of bread that seemed much more European than I normally expect to find in this country, a medium sized cucumber cut in half longways and sprinkled with salt, and some bacon that surely came from one of the local families because I do not think you can buy such thick small pieces in the store. It was a delightful treat with the soup in a pot and the rest artfully arranged on a pretty plate.
Another of my neighbors is on a trip to New England and she asked me to water her outside plants. I am happy to do that. I somehow get the feeling that our neighbors do not spend much time talking to each other when some of the newest neighbors are approached for some neighborly help. The neighbors on the other side were gone for a weekend and asked us to pick up their mail. If were going to be here much longer I think I should organize a neighborhood gathering so all of these people could meet and talk a bit more.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I thought I would talk about my trip to Minnesota, but first I have to say that I am dizzy. When I move my head the world keeps turning a bit. I figure that if it is worse tomorrow I will have to visit the doctor. I had this once before when I was in college. That time I woke up one morning and I could not walk but had to crawl to the bathroom so I could throw up. I told Leroy we should put a pan by the bed so I can use it if necessary.
As always I thought I should give you the wildlife report. On the way north I drove under a flock of pelicans, at least I think they were pelicans, flopping around trying to decide where they wanted to go in life. Or maybe they were trying to choose a leader and no one would take on the job so they meandered in circles.
On the drive back home a fly joined me in the car after I stopped to get gas. It was quite an annoying companion. At one point I opened the windows to try to blow it out. I think half of my hair went out, but the fly did not. At almost 70 mph there is a great deal of force to the wind.
About half way north I realized that I did not have my cell phone with me. I was quite upset for a while, but then I remembered that I had driven for 35 years without a cell phone and managed just fine. I was hoping that I would have a seamless trip and that was exactly how it went.
In Minneapolis they were working on I35W and I had to loop around some construction stuff. For some reason at that point I was the only person on the loop. A little bit disconcerting when usually there are at least 50 other cars in sight. But I came around the bend and there were my traveling buddies, so I knew that I had not taken a wrong turn that would put me in the middle of big road repair machines.
I thought I would talk about my trip to Minnesota, but first I have to say that I am dizzy. When I move my head the world keeps turning a bit. I figure that if it is worse tomorrow I will have to visit the doctor. I had this once before when I was in college. That time I woke up one morning and I could not walk but had to crawl to the bathroom so I could throw up. I told Leroy we should put a pan by the bed so I can use it if necessary.
As always I thought I should give you the wildlife report. On the way north I drove under a flock of pelicans, at least I think they were pelicans, flopping around trying to decide where they wanted to go in life. Or maybe they were trying to choose a leader and no one would take on the job so they meandered in circles.
On the drive back home a fly joined me in the car after I stopped to get gas. It was quite an annoying companion. At one point I opened the windows to try to blow it out. I think half of my hair went out, but the fly did not. At almost 70 mph there is a great deal of force to the wind.
About half way north I realized that I did not have my cell phone with me. I was quite upset for a while, but then I remembered that I had driven for 35 years without a cell phone and managed just fine. I was hoping that I would have a seamless trip and that was exactly how it went.
In Minneapolis they were working on I35W and I had to loop around some construction stuff. For some reason at that point I was the only person on the loop. A little bit disconcerting when usually there are at least 50 other cars in sight. But I came around the bend and there were my traveling buddies, so I knew that I had not taken a wrong turn that would put me in the middle of big road repair machines.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Guitar Books
Leroy has not really played his repaired guitar much because he has forgotten some of the cords. He was going to buy a beginning guitar book at a garage sale and I said, "Why don’t you wait until the last day. Surely that is not a popular item."
Little did I know that someone else wanted it. Just last week he put a note in the grocery store shopper giving notice that he would like a beginning guitar book. Someone did call him. This guy was in the neighborhood. He teaches guitar and he had many books. He just gave Leroy five books. Leroy is quite pleased. The only problem is that the books smell like smoke and Leroy started to sneeze. We put the books in the garage in a garbage bag with baking soda. Do you think that will help? If it does not, does anyone have any suggestions for something else that we can do?
I told about the oil that we got for our pottery candle. I tried the bottle of oil that declares itself to be smokeless. It is wonderful. I have enjoyed looking at this clean flame.
The other day I put on a pair of jeans. They are old and at the bottoms of the legs there is some fraying. When I took them off I noticed that I could see light through the fabric in the crotch area. Even though I like them I will soon have to declare them beyond saving. It is not a big deal since I have four other pair, but I liked this pair.
Tomorrow, I will be going to Minnesota to visit Brian’s family. I will drive up hopefully with proper timing so I miss downtown Minneapolis during rush hour. I have heard that the new bridge should be open and that is my traveling highway. I will come back Sunday afternoon/evening.
Leroy says he will miss me. However he will be very busy because he has a wedding and a funeral on Saturday. Then of course on Sunday he has the regular services. That is a lot of different sermons to give in two days. I remarked, "It is too bad that you do not have a baptism too then you would cover most of the highlights of life."
Leroy has not really played his repaired guitar much because he has forgotten some of the cords. He was going to buy a beginning guitar book at a garage sale and I said, "Why don’t you wait until the last day. Surely that is not a popular item."
Little did I know that someone else wanted it. Just last week he put a note in the grocery store shopper giving notice that he would like a beginning guitar book. Someone did call him. This guy was in the neighborhood. He teaches guitar and he had many books. He just gave Leroy five books. Leroy is quite pleased. The only problem is that the books smell like smoke and Leroy started to sneeze. We put the books in the garage in a garbage bag with baking soda. Do you think that will help? If it does not, does anyone have any suggestions for something else that we can do?
I told about the oil that we got for our pottery candle. I tried the bottle of oil that declares itself to be smokeless. It is wonderful. I have enjoyed looking at this clean flame.
The other day I put on a pair of jeans. They are old and at the bottoms of the legs there is some fraying. When I took them off I noticed that I could see light through the fabric in the crotch area. Even though I like them I will soon have to declare them beyond saving. It is not a big deal since I have four other pair, but I liked this pair.
Tomorrow, I will be going to Minnesota to visit Brian’s family. I will drive up hopefully with proper timing so I miss downtown Minneapolis during rush hour. I have heard that the new bridge should be open and that is my traveling highway. I will come back Sunday afternoon/evening.
Leroy says he will miss me. However he will be very busy because he has a wedding and a funeral on Saturday. Then of course on Sunday he has the regular services. That is a lot of different sermons to give in two days. I remarked, "It is too bad that you do not have a baptism too then you would cover most of the highlights of life."
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Passport Photos
Yesterday Leroy and I sent in the renewal for our passports. Personally I thought Leroy was getting too excited about renewing. We still do not have tickets for Kenya, but I thought we would be ok since my passport does not expire until March 09 and Leroy's is even farther down the line in July. Then Leroy saw on a web site that we could not go to Kenya if our passports were expiring in six months. That would cut me out.
We were pleased to learn that our neighbor does passport pictures at a very good price. We could even get our required four pictures for the same price as two. We need two for the passport and two for the visa. So we just walked over to the next street and got them taken. This woman was quite fast and efficient, telling us that she saves them so if we need more pictures we can easily and quickly get that done at a later date. Both of us feel that these pictures are a better likeness than our previous pictures for which we know we paid a lot more money even if it was ten years ago and prices often go up and not down. But then maybe Leroy and I have gotten better looking as ti

We had already filled out the forms. The person at the office at which we picked up the forms told us that she could help us staple things together. She had showed us, but to avoid error we decided to have her help. It was great. She got it done as I was writing the checks for each of us. She then said that she had another passport to go in and she would mail it for us. We did not even need an envelop or stamp. What a deal!
Miriam tells me that Nora is a big girl at 24 inches and 12 pounds. That puts her in the 90%. That does seem a bit big. At least it is a bundle to carry around.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Yesterday, Leroy stood outside waiting for me to come so we could go for a walk. As I came out I noticed that he was staring up in the walnut tree.
"What are you looking at?" I wanted to know.
"I can hear a squirrel chewing," he told me, " and I can’t see it."
"You can hear a squirrel chewing?" I laughed.
"It is somewhere up there," he replied as he pointed high up in the tree. "Oh there it is."
"I can’t imagine that you can hear a squirrel chewing," I said, "but where is this squirrel?"
"If you would be quiet," he ordered, "you might hear it too."
Sure enough when I stopped talking and moving I could hear some scratching sound and when I finally spotted the squirrel it was indeed chewing on a nut.
Leroy and I were hoping that we could make some apple cider from our neighbor’s apples, however when we tasted the apples we decided not to put forth the effort. The apples were not very juicy and we thought they were quite bland. It is too much work to come up with something that we do not really like.
I did freeze some of the peaches that we have been given. I do not mind frozen peaches on my cereal. They tend to turn a little brown, but it is not so very many and I will just ignore it. Because of the number of pears we will start eating pears three or four times a day.
Yesterday, Leroy stood outside waiting for me to come so we could go for a walk. As I came out I noticed that he was staring up in the walnut tree.
"What are you looking at?" I wanted to know.
"I can hear a squirrel chewing," he told me, " and I can’t see it."
"You can hear a squirrel chewing?" I laughed.
"It is somewhere up there," he replied as he pointed high up in the tree. "Oh there it is."
"I can’t imagine that you can hear a squirrel chewing," I said, "but where is this squirrel?"
"If you would be quiet," he ordered, "you might hear it too."
Sure enough when I stopped talking and moving I could hear some scratching sound and when I finally spotted the squirrel it was indeed chewing on a nut.
Leroy and I were hoping that we could make some apple cider from our neighbor’s apples, however when we tasted the apples we decided not to put forth the effort. The apples were not very juicy and we thought they were quite bland. It is too much work to come up with something that we do not really like.
I did freeze some of the peaches that we have been given. I do not mind frozen peaches on my cereal. They tend to turn a little brown, but it is not so very many and I will just ignore it. Because of the number of pears we will start eating pears three or four times a day.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Fruit, fruit, and Fruit!
Last night someone brought pears to the church. I decided we could take a few more. As we were leaving these people asked if we could take some more as not all of them were claimed. I just hate to see produce go to waste so I took some more. I am not sure that Leroy and I can eat them all. I may have to go buy some jars. I asked Brian and they like pears. I will take some to them on Friday, plus I will take a couple jars of my sauce for Sophia.
Late Saturday someone brought us some small white Iowa peaches. I do not really know if they are called that, but I call them that. I made a peach crisp. Leroy and I liked it even though I did not peel the peaches. I prefer to eat peels if I can. There are still more peaches sitting on the counter.
My neighbor who has the pear tree told me, "I also have two apple trees and I can not use all of the apples. Would you like some of them?"
"That would be great," I responded, "Do you like cider? We have a cider press and we could make some cider."
We had gotten a homegrown cantaloupe at the grocery. It was so good that we went back and got another one. That was before we had all of the fruit in the house. Now I am not sure that we will be able to eat it all.
We are well blessed indeed. Besides that my cheap cast off mums are starting to bloom. Two of them have just started to unfurl. I am excited to see a dark maroon color. It is just so much fun to be surprised. I have thirteen mums and I have no idea what any of the colors are.
Last night someone brought pears to the church. I decided we could take a few more. As we were leaving these people asked if we could take some more as not all of them were claimed. I just hate to see produce go to waste so I took some more. I am not sure that Leroy and I can eat them all. I may have to go buy some jars. I asked Brian and they like pears. I will take some to them on Friday, plus I will take a couple jars of my sauce for Sophia.
Late Saturday someone brought us some small white Iowa peaches. I do not really know if they are called that, but I call them that. I made a peach crisp. Leroy and I liked it even though I did not peel the peaches. I prefer to eat peels if I can. There are still more peaches sitting on the counter.
My neighbor who has the pear tree told me, "I also have two apple trees and I can not use all of the apples. Would you like some of them?"
"That would be great," I responded, "Do you like cider? We have a cider press and we could make some cider."
We had gotten a homegrown cantaloupe at the grocery. It was so good that we went back and got another one. That was before we had all of the fruit in the house. Now I am not sure that we will be able to eat it all.
We are well blessed indeed. Besides that my cheap cast off mums are starting to bloom. Two of them have just started to unfurl. I am excited to see a dark maroon color. It is just so much fun to be surprised. I have thirteen mums and I have no idea what any of the colors are.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
September 14, 2008
Yesterday Brian called me about four times from the grocery store. Brian and Jen are not big squash eaters. He was trying to buy some so they could feed it to Sophia since she likes it. He said the squash was all piled together in a large bin. He read of the types that were listed and asked for my favorite. I answered, "Butternut is my favorite."
"What does that look like?" he then wanted to know. I gave him a description.
"I don’t see any that look like that I will ask the produce guy," he said.
Then a bit later he called back to say, "They do not have any butternut, what is next?"
"I also like buttercup?" I decided.
"What does that look like?" was his next quarry.
"I am not sure, tell me all those kinds again, and describe what is there." I suggested.
After we dealt with that for a while I asked, "Don’t you have a picture phone? Send me a picture to my email."
"OK," he said, "Goodbye."
I checked my email but there was no picture there. Then Brian called back to say, "I have not paid for that service so I can’t send pictures." After that he described some of those squash again and he made a selection on the best guess from my description.
Today when I checked my Hotmail, there in the junk mail box was a picture email from Brian showing me his beautiful hand holding a squash. A squash that I can still only guess is buttercup. Before this I have not really felt any need for a picture phone, but maybe I am coming around.
"Leroy," I wanted to know, "Should we get new cell phones? Do we NEED new phones?"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
September 13, 2008
After looking at the pears piling up on the ground, I finally got up the nerve to ask my neighbor about them. She said that I could take what I wanted. Leroy and I went over and picked up about four gallons. We had to cut off a number of spots, but we still had enough to make a nice batch of pear sauce. That is similar to applesauce and I put it in jars and preserved it. I think we will enjoy having that. We also picked a few so we have some to eat. They are very nice pears.
I like all of the fruits of summer and autumn. We bought a great homegrown cantaloupe at the grocery store. That is one thing that we miss when it gets to be winter.
A woman in the congregation had a daughter who died a couple days ago. This year in the spring she buried her husband. I do not know how she deals with two deaths so close together. Actually I do not know how she deals with these deaths at all.
Leroy and I went to garage sales this morning. At our neighbor’s we bought one of the original types of Trivial Pursuit. We think that will be good since we do not do so well on the later games. Besides, it only cost 25 cents. We found nothing we wanted at the next sale. But at the last one we spotted some lamp oil. We bought two small bottles for a total of 20 cents. At noon we got out the pottery candle that we had from years ago. Unfortunately it produced a big flame with lots of black smoke. I read on that bottle that it is not good for candles and only to be used in lamps. The other bottle says for candles and lamps, besides it states that it is smokeless. We will try that later and donate the first bottle to the church fall garage sale.
If you had asked me I would have told you that we live a scaled down life. That is not true. We have gathered up another full bag of things that we need to donate to the sale. I suspect if I looked with a cold, cruel eye, I would find more things to add to the pile.
September 13, 2008
After looking at the pears piling up on the ground, I finally got up the nerve to ask my neighbor about them. She said that I could take what I wanted. Leroy and I went over and picked up about four gallons. We had to cut off a number of spots, but we still had enough to make a nice batch of pear sauce. That is similar to applesauce and I put it in jars and preserved it. I think we will enjoy having that. We also picked a few so we have some to eat. They are very nice pears.
I like all of the fruits of summer and autumn. We bought a great homegrown cantaloupe at the grocery store. That is one thing that we miss when it gets to be winter.
A woman in the congregation had a daughter who died a couple days ago. This year in the spring she buried her husband. I do not know how she deals with two deaths so close together. Actually I do not know how she deals with these deaths at all.
Leroy and I went to garage sales this morning. At our neighbor’s we bought one of the original types of Trivial Pursuit. We think that will be good since we do not do so well on the later games. Besides, it only cost 25 cents. We found nothing we wanted at the next sale. But at the last one we spotted some lamp oil. We bought two small bottles for a total of 20 cents. At noon we got out the pottery candle that we had from years ago. Unfortunately it produced a big flame with lots of black smoke. I read on that bottle that it is not good for candles and only to be used in lamps. The other bottle says for candles and lamps, besides it states that it is smokeless. We will try that later and donate the first bottle to the church fall garage sale.
If you had asked me I would have told you that we live a scaled down life. That is not true. We have gathered up another full bag of things that we need to donate to the sale. I suspect if I looked with a cold, cruel eye, I would find more things to add to the pile.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Nursing Homes
Nursing Home Service
September 12, 2008
I will have to say that not all nursing homes are created equal. I like the one that we went to this afternoon. The staff there makes quite an effort to bring the residents to the area where we have the service. Leroy was also surprised because they called him to check that he was coming. However, when we got there no one seemed prepared. The woman, who talked to Leroy on site said, "I was expecting you a half hour from now. I will hurry and gather everyone."
I could even hear these people singing a little. That was nice. Leroy, emboldened, picked out three hymns instead of just two. Another thing the staff has done is to compile their own hymn collection. That is nice (but may be illegal, copyright and all that) because they are a little bit bigger print that many hymnals are, making it easier for them to read, but not heavy because it is only about 20 pages. I can read them easier too. So that is great as I make fewer mistakes when I see well.
One of the women listening to the sermon even laughed at the right time. I figure that means she is quite alert. With some of the others it is hard to tell what they are taking in anything. Several of these people did thank us for being there.
When we moved here, Leroy and I were not so pleased to see a one-car garage here plus a carport. Now, however, we are quite happy to have the roof over the car. When it is raining, as it was today the value is increased. In the winter it also means that we did not have to scrape the windshield since again that roof protected it enough. An added plus is that no gas fumes come in the house from the garage. Isn’t it great the positive things you can find about something that originally was seen as slightly negative? Course it would have been harder had there been a lot of negative feelings.
September 12, 2008
I will have to say that not all nursing homes are created equal. I like the one that we went to this afternoon. The staff there makes quite an effort to bring the residents to the area where we have the service. Leroy was also surprised because they called him to check that he was coming. However, when we got there no one seemed prepared. The woman, who talked to Leroy on site said, "I was expecting you a half hour from now. I will hurry and gather everyone."
I could even hear these people singing a little. That was nice. Leroy, emboldened, picked out three hymns instead of just two. Another thing the staff has done is to compile their own hymn collection. That is nice (but may be illegal, copyright and all that) because they are a little bit bigger print that many hymnals are, making it easier for them to read, but not heavy because it is only about 20 pages. I can read them easier too. So that is great as I make fewer mistakes when I see well.
One of the women listening to the sermon even laughed at the right time. I figure that means she is quite alert. With some of the others it is hard to tell what they are taking in anything. Several of these people did thank us for being there.
When we moved here, Leroy and I were not so pleased to see a one-car garage here plus a carport. Now, however, we are quite happy to have the roof over the car. When it is raining, as it was today the value is increased. In the winter it also means that we did not have to scrape the windshield since again that roof protected it enough. An added plus is that no gas fumes come in the house from the garage. Isn’t it great the positive things you can find about something that originally was seen as slightly negative? Course it would have been harder had there been a lot of negative feelings.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Kites
New Kites
September 11, 2008
Leroy’s new kite took to the air as if it had been made just for that. Now I had a little more trouble. Finally Leroy said, "Why don’t you come farther away from the tree."
That worked like a charm. I did not think it was blocking the wind so much, but what a difference. School was just getting out and students kept craning their necks to see what was happening with our kites. We did get the strings crossed a couple times requiring some delicate handling. It was all fine in the end. Leroy said, "I am ready to go buy some more kites, but I do not know who I would give them to."
I think that exercise would have a lot of devotees if the results were more instantaneous. This waiting a couple weeks for results can be daunting. I think Leroy is starting to stand up straighter since he has been working with an exercise band or whatever you call that thing. He has been quite faithful so it should be doing something right?
I thought that Leroy and I were losing a bit of the weight that we had gained since we have been back in the US. Well this morning at quilting they told me to weigh some boxes. In order to do that I had to step on the scale. That scale listed me as being about ten pounds heavier than I am at home. Shock! Sure I had on clothes, shoes, and had eaten breakfast, but really is this right? Leroy thinks we need a new scale. I agree that this one is not accurate as you can weigh two different amounts in about 30 seconds. I keep thinking that comparatively it should work, but I guess not. That will be on our list of things to buy when we finally are in a place more permanently. It is amazing how the thought of moving something makes it much less attractive. Too much energy is applied to each item.
September 11, 2008
Leroy’s new kite took to the air as if it had been made just for that. Now I had a little more trouble. Finally Leroy said, "Why don’t you come farther away from the tree."
That worked like a charm. I did not think it was blocking the wind so much, but what a difference. School was just getting out and students kept craning their necks to see what was happening with our kites. We did get the strings crossed a couple times requiring some delicate handling. It was all fine in the end. Leroy said, "I am ready to go buy some more kites, but I do not know who I would give them to."
I think that exercise would have a lot of devotees if the results were more instantaneous. This waiting a couple weeks for results can be daunting. I think Leroy is starting to stand up straighter since he has been working with an exercise band or whatever you call that thing. He has been quite faithful so it should be doing something right?
I thought that Leroy and I were losing a bit of the weight that we had gained since we have been back in the US. Well this morning at quilting they told me to weigh some boxes. In order to do that I had to step on the scale. That scale listed me as being about ten pounds heavier than I am at home. Shock! Sure I had on clothes, shoes, and had eaten breakfast, but really is this right? Leroy thinks we need a new scale. I agree that this one is not accurate as you can weigh two different amounts in about 30 seconds. I keep thinking that comparatively it should work, but I guess not. That will be on our list of things to buy when we finally are in a place more permanently. It is amazing how the thought of moving something makes it much less attractive. Too much energy is applied to each item.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
September 10, 2008
I hung out clothes today. There was a nice brisk wind. I got the idea to fly kites from watching the sheets billow out like sails.
We have a great open lot next to us where I skied in the winter. I found two kites, brought them up, and put them by the door.
When Leroy came home at noon, I said excitedly, "Let’s go fly kites."
Leroy agreed and out we went. I soon had my kite in the air, but Leroy was not so fortunate. "This kite has melted together in some places," he moaned. He was persistent and he got it up for a short while.
Our neighbor came out and joined us watching my kite soar before it crashed to the ground. I think everyone ought to fly a kite once in a while.
"Leroy I will go downtown and buy new kites. One of the stores had them at half-price." I assured Leroy.
I picked out two kites, a tweety bird for me and a sky spy for Leroy. When our children were home we had the very same sky spy kite.
I also found ripe bananas marked down. I put the bananas in my backpack and carried the kites. The bananas were bouncing on my hips (polite word for butt) so I tightened the straps. Still they were half mashed by the time I got home so I made two batches of banana bread. One of the women in the church had given me a big jar of black walnuts so I put some of them in. Leroy and I thought it was delicious especially since I had not made such a recipe for perhaps a hundred years. It was a nice treat.
September 10, 2008
I hung out clothes today. There was a nice brisk wind. I got the idea to fly kites from watching the sheets billow out like sails.
We have a great open lot next to us where I skied in the winter. I found two kites, brought them up, and put them by the door.
When Leroy came home at noon, I said excitedly, "Let’s go fly kites."
Leroy agreed and out we went. I soon had my kite in the air, but Leroy was not so fortunate. "This kite has melted together in some places," he moaned. He was persistent and he got it up for a short while.
Our neighbor came out and joined us watching my kite soar before it crashed to the ground. I think everyone ought to fly a kite once in a while.
"Leroy I will go downtown and buy new kites. One of the stores had them at half-price." I assured Leroy.
I picked out two kites, a tweety bird for me and a sky spy for Leroy. When our children were home we had the very same sky spy kite.
I also found ripe bananas marked down. I put the bananas in my backpack and carried the kites. The bananas were bouncing on my hips (polite word for butt) so I tightened the straps. Still they were half mashed by the time I got home so I made two batches of banana bread. One of the women in the church had given me a big jar of black walnuts so I put some of them in. Leroy and I thought it was delicious especially since I had not made such a recipe for perhaps a hundred years. It was a nice treat.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Rainy Day
Rainy Day
September 8, 2008
This morning I heard chatter and a bit of squealing outside. I looked out to see two girls walking to school under the same umbrella. The rain came harder as I watched them struggle to keep dry. The older one finally put her arm around the younger and they seemed much happier as that brought them close together. The older elementary school age girl had on flip-flops and crop pants. I suspect she is not so warm in the 54-degree weather.
Leroy went to men’s breakfast this morning. I did not know that he had ridden the bike. At the time of leaving it was not raining, so I kept expecting that he would call and ask me to come get him in the car. Instead he rode the bike home.
"The bike was already wet so I thought I might as well just ride home," he said as he took off his wet raincoat. "The gel seat was soaked through so I took it off before I got on. I found out that the brakes on this bike work fairly well in the rain."
He had to take off his sweatshirt as well as he wet jeans, socks and shoes. He has been complaining that he thinks his rain jacket is too old I guess I would have to agree seeing how much water came in through the seams. That is next on our list to buy.
I made cornbread and bean soup for lunch along with a salad. We had peach applesauce for the cornbread. I think this must be my comfort food even though my mother would not have made it. It was great to have the oven on and smell the soup cooking. Leroy declared, "This is a feast. So perfect for a rainy day."
September 8, 2008
This morning I heard chatter and a bit of squealing outside. I looked out to see two girls walking to school under the same umbrella. The rain came harder as I watched them struggle to keep dry. The older one finally put her arm around the younger and they seemed much happier as that brought them close together. The older elementary school age girl had on flip-flops and crop pants. I suspect she is not so warm in the 54-degree weather.
Leroy went to men’s breakfast this morning. I did not know that he had ridden the bike. At the time of leaving it was not raining, so I kept expecting that he would call and ask me to come get him in the car. Instead he rode the bike home.
"The bike was already wet so I thought I might as well just ride home," he said as he took off his wet raincoat. "The gel seat was soaked through so I took it off before I got on. I found out that the brakes on this bike work fairly well in the rain."
He had to take off his sweatshirt as well as he wet jeans, socks and shoes. He has been complaining that he thinks his rain jacket is too old I guess I would have to agree seeing how much water came in through the seams. That is next on our list to buy.
I made cornbread and bean soup for lunch along with a salad. We had peach applesauce for the cornbread. I think this must be my comfort food even though my mother would not have made it. It was great to have the oven on and smell the soup cooking. Leroy declared, "This is a feast. So perfect for a rainy day."
New Bishop
New Bishop
September 7, 2008
Leroy and I traveled to the installation of the new bishop of our synod. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. In spite of a football game at Iowa we did not have any problems with traffic. It all depends on timing and direction of travel.
Because we always get hungry at meal times and there was not really time for us to go to a restaurant ahead of time we brought along some cold pizza that I had made the night before. We pulled into a rest area and ate it. Then Leroy said, "I need to fill my water battle."
"I will walk along with you as I want to move around a little more." I said.
We then walked off and left our favorite small cooler with my favorite flat Tupperware container, some reusable ice packs, and partially eaten pizza. Leroy thought of it about 30 miles away.
We were both a bit disgusted, maybe a little embarrassed, and wondered if we are really "losing" it. I do not believe I would have done such a thing when I was younger. Surely not!
Then we played a little "elephants and tigers". We started saying things like: At least we did not have an accident, the car did not break down, and at least we did not walk off and leave the car. At that we laughed and felt better.
Now I wonder what they do with such things because I suspect we are not the first people to leave something at the rest area. We both feel that it will all probably end up in a landfill as if we need more things there. But I can not imagine what else they must do.
September 7, 2008
Leroy and I traveled to the installation of the new bishop of our synod. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. In spite of a football game at Iowa we did not have any problems with traffic. It all depends on timing and direction of travel.
Because we always get hungry at meal times and there was not really time for us to go to a restaurant ahead of time we brought along some cold pizza that I had made the night before. We pulled into a rest area and ate it. Then Leroy said, "I need to fill my water battle."
"I will walk along with you as I want to move around a little more." I said.
We then walked off and left our favorite small cooler with my favorite flat Tupperware container, some reusable ice packs, and partially eaten pizza. Leroy thought of it about 30 miles away.
We were both a bit disgusted, maybe a little embarrassed, and wondered if we are really "losing" it. I do not believe I would have done such a thing when I was younger. Surely not!
Then we played a little "elephants and tigers". We started saying things like: At least we did not have an accident, the car did not break down, and at least we did not walk off and leave the car. At that we laughed and felt better.
Now I wonder what they do with such things because I suspect we are not the first people to leave something at the rest area. We both feel that it will all probably end up in a landfill as if we need more things there. But I can not imagine what else they must do.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Public Transportation
Public Transportation
September 5, 2008
I am going to visit Brian and Jen as well as attend a picnic of some of the people who lived in Slovakia the same time we did. Leroy, unfortunately, can not go because he has a wedding that Saturday. I told him, "Just tell those people that you think marriage is a risky business and they need to think about it much longer before they take this big step."
Leroy laughed and said, "I will admit that I feel left out, but you go and have a good time."
Granddaughter, Sophia will be a year old so I will be able to attend that celebration. I am happy that the two events coincide so I do not have to choose between them, as I surely could not justify making two trips.
I thought I would take the bus, however when we looked at the cost it was cheaper to drive even if you consider the "wear and tear on the car". Then we talked about the fact that Leroy would have to drive a total of 120 miles to take me to the bus and pick me up. On the other end of the trip, my son would have to pick me up. Although I am up to the challenge of trying to figure out how to get close to his house on the city bus, but it would not be easy and I would still be more than 2 miles from their house. So I am going to drive saving money, and time. I wish I could calculate the pollution values of going by myself or using the bus when we have to make so much effort to get to the bus. If the bus came to my town then I am sure it would be better to use it.
In the paper there was a report that people in Argentina were so frustrated with the lack of transportation that people were burning trains. The trains come every eight minutes but they are so full that people have to wait. I wish we had such a problem. I think eight minutes is not a bad time to wait.
September 5, 2008
I am going to visit Brian and Jen as well as attend a picnic of some of the people who lived in Slovakia the same time we did. Leroy, unfortunately, can not go because he has a wedding that Saturday. I told him, "Just tell those people that you think marriage is a risky business and they need to think about it much longer before they take this big step."
Leroy laughed and said, "I will admit that I feel left out, but you go and have a good time."
Granddaughter, Sophia will be a year old so I will be able to attend that celebration. I am happy that the two events coincide so I do not have to choose between them, as I surely could not justify making two trips.
I thought I would take the bus, however when we looked at the cost it was cheaper to drive even if you consider the "wear and tear on the car". Then we talked about the fact that Leroy would have to drive a total of 120 miles to take me to the bus and pick me up. On the other end of the trip, my son would have to pick me up. Although I am up to the challenge of trying to figure out how to get close to his house on the city bus, but it would not be easy and I would still be more than 2 miles from their house. So I am going to drive saving money, and time. I wish I could calculate the pollution values of going by myself or using the bus when we have to make so much effort to get to the bus. If the bus came to my town then I am sure it would be better to use it.
In the paper there was a report that people in Argentina were so frustrated with the lack of transportation that people were burning trains. The trains come every eight minutes but they are so full that people have to wait. I wish we had such a problem. I think eight minutes is not a bad time to wait.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September 3, 2008
Leroy and I walk almost every morning. We go on many different streets. It does not take too long and we have explored all of those streets that are close enough. Lately we have been going to the high school track that is about half a mile from our house.
A number of people walk the track although usually not more than four others. Most of the rest of the walkers drive their car to the track. The other day Leroy ran some and when I walked past an older couple. We greeted each other. Then I slowed down and walked with them for a while.
After they related where they lived, the woman commented, "We have seen you out walking."
I think other people have remarked on the same thing. That tells me that there are very few people getting exercise by walking around.
Because there is no job change for us in the near future I feel both of us "settling" into this place. Leroy is planning on all of the fall programming and I am thinking that I must figure out what to do with my time. I will probably see what things I can do as a volunteer. We believe that we can live without me making money. I am not opposed to making money, but I want to do a job that is satisfying and not just earns.
This year the walnut tree in the front has a lot of nuts and the two in the back yard have almost nothing on them. The trees in the back are now losing leaves while the front walnut still has almost all of them. What that means I do not know.
September 3, 2008
Leroy and I walk almost every morning. We go on many different streets. It does not take too long and we have explored all of those streets that are close enough. Lately we have been going to the high school track that is about half a mile from our house.
A number of people walk the track although usually not more than four others. Most of the rest of the walkers drive their car to the track. The other day Leroy ran some and when I walked past an older couple. We greeted each other. Then I slowed down and walked with them for a while.
After they related where they lived, the woman commented, "We have seen you out walking."
I think other people have remarked on the same thing. That tells me that there are very few people getting exercise by walking around.
Because there is no job change for us in the near future I feel both of us "settling" into this place. Leroy is planning on all of the fall programming and I am thinking that I must figure out what to do with my time. I will probably see what things I can do as a volunteer. We believe that we can live without me making money. I am not opposed to making money, but I want to do a job that is satisfying and not just earns.
This year the walnut tree in the front has a lot of nuts and the two in the back yard have almost nothing on them. The trees in the back are now losing leaves while the front walnut still has almost all of them. What that means I do not know.
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