Saturday, March 2, 2024

Meeting Family

Hello, Last evening we met with my brother and his family as well as our brother-in-law and his friend. I am so happy that my brother-in-law wants to keep contact. In fact, he is willing to travel much farther than the rest of us did. He had an appointment in coming our direction so we just traveled a shorter distance. It was a great evening of laughter, talk, and a good meal at a restaurant that my sister-in-law knew about in the area. Gerald, brother-in-law, likes to work with wood. He came baring gifts that he had made for us. Some were of a Christmas theme and one was a clever wooden bowl.
Our travel was uneventful except for missing a turn off because there were too many cars in the way. It only took about fifteen minutes to get back to the place we needed to be in. There was quite a lot of wind yesterday. One hand got tired trying to keep the car in the proper place. I noticed that some of the semis would run off the road a little, which I suspect was a problem of the wind. There was a travel trailer that was noticeablely weaving. When I passed them, I pulled way over to the opposite side. We are grateful for a good visit and a safe trip for all. Paula

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