Sunday, July 16, 2023

Walk to Church

Hello, Leroy walked to church today. It is the longest walk he has taken in a week. He was tired by the time we got there. I had to keep remembering to slow down. He complained of hunger before we got home. We ate a large snack but it was so close to lunch time that we put off lunch because we were too full. He even did a little bit of stretching this afternoon because his back was so tired from some much sitting. Yesterday he commented, “I do not know what will happen when I retire. I can not handle all this idle time.” I can imagine that we will have to be careful not to get onto each other’s nerves. Guess we are not so good with too much time together. Work was a benefit in more ways than one. I wear walking shoes to church with a change to sandals after I get there. Some of my sandals are good for walking, but bits of sand or small pebbles might get under my feet. With each step those small items get larger and more painful. A recent purchase of new shoes has brought out many compliments especially since today they matched my dress. I always have to get them on it seems a long time before we actually leave the building. These days I suspect I could just wear the walking shoes and forget style or fashion. People wear many different styles.

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