Thursday, April 27, 2023


Hello, I will have to figure out my volunteering path. I helped several hours at the church yesterday and it felt good. We had a choir from a college present a short concert at noon. They were in town for another event and wondered if they could sing for us as well. I was involved in the setup, serving and clean up for the meal that was provided for them. I will admit to being tired and dragging, but there was definitely a feeling of satisfaction. The concert was quite fine and attended by more than 100 people at noon in the middle of the work week. My friend did a great job getting the word out. We also had choir practice last night so I clocked over 13000 steps. No wonder I was tired. I have now had 28 days of more than 10000 steps. I can do that for some more days, but I am working hard at not pushing myself too much. All the nice weather helps make it a good thing to do. I did check out a DVD from the library. It was shelved in the comedy section. I wonder who decides it is a comedy. I for one barely cracked a smile before I gave up on it. I have put another one on hold, hopefully it will at least be grin worthy. Paula

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