Thursday, March 2, 2023

Not the proper size

Hello, I seem to be the in between size for a number of things. First there is my new bike which is really a little small for me even after a handle bar adjustment. The seller tells me it is because I am right in the middle of what is available. Going too big does not appeal to me in a bike. Leroy is determined that I find a better fit so I want to ride more. Perhaps it can be done. Then there is clothing. I just bought two cuddle duds bottoms. One is too large and one is too small. The too small is going back and the medium size is staying because it is so comfortable. It bags a little here and there, but I can live with that. Maybe people will think that I lost weight rather than that I do not know how to find the right clothing. Should I try to gain weight? Should I try to lose weight? It is a sad question. For now, I am just going to stay the way I am and hope to find more things that fit well enough to feel good while I am wearing them. I do not do well with tight clothing, but I am learning that a fairly snug fit is warmer. Paula

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