Monday, January 3, 2022


Hello, In spite of the blizzard on Saturday Leroy and I managed to walk to church to hand out meals to those who could make the trek. It was only about 1/3 of the meals usually handed out. But that was not a problem as our coordinator knew of shelters that needed food. Some people felt we should have accepted a ride so we did accept a ride for the return trip. The streets were still quite passable in a car. Sunday morning we also drove, but I think it would have been fine to walk to church as the wind was not so serious. There was more snow, but it was light and fluffy. The streets that we chose to use had been cleared. I was a greeter and Leroy was an usher. Leroy expressed the sentiment, “If we had not had responsibilities, I would rather stay home and watch church on live stream.” As it was we joined 20 + other people in the building. We could sit well apart from each other in the large sanctuary. Hopefully all others were just watching the live stream. We are so grateful that we have access to that technology for this pandemic. Worship has changed. We did shovel yesterday before driving out of the garage. In the afternoon we went to the end of the alley and eliminated the snowplow piles of snow, making that easier to traverse. I also shoveled a single path along a neighbor’s house. It appears they have been out of town for almost a month. We often walk that way so I was really helping us. This morning Leroy went out and shoveled out the snowplow piles at the end of that walk. It was so solid that I could not get it to move with my plastic shovel. He also did another place like that at the end of our block. Non-walkers do not know how helpful it is to have that cleared. Sometimes it is the riskiest place in the blocks we traverse. Paula

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