Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Miriam’s next step



Miriam called to let us know that she is scheduled for brain surgery November 11, 2021. The neurosurgeon stated that the tumor is too large causing too many seizures and must come out. We were planning to go out to be with her, but then Leroy wondered about Covid. Even thought we have had all of the shots available to us now, it seems like a risk. Ahead of surgery Miriam will have a test and then must quarantine for the days before that date. She will be in the hospital for two or three days afterwards. When she gets home there will be two weeks of bed rest. We have tickets to come at Christmas. And will stick with that plan. It is so hard to think of not being there.


I have new appreciation for people who have not been able to be with loved ones during these days. We are grateful for all of the technology that is available to us.


I did go and order bifocals for me and get a flu shot. I feel a bit scattered, but going forward.




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