Friday, September 3, 2021

Life Goes On



We cut into that giant turnip. It cut fairly easily. I tasted some raw. It was quite easy to chew, not woody, but a little hot. Leroy chopped up about half of it and we created a dish with turnip as the main ingredient. We liked it. It seemed like an adventure to eat it.


Our new bed came on the first of the month. We had two surprises. One the base which would raise and low the head, was too large to come up the stairs. We had them take it back. We got a refund, but with, in my opinion, a rather large, restocking fee. Not fair! We will work on getting rid of the fee. The other thing was that it is a sleep number bed, but we only have one “bladder” so only one number works for the entire bed. Apparently we ordered a full instead of a double. Who knew? There was a salesperson who ordered it. We went to the store today, but she was not there. The guy we spoke with seemed sympathetic, but he did not have enough power to change anything. Later, we will once again have to work on that.


Yesterday I worked and it was a fine experience. So wonderful to reconnect with my coworkers! I could see my laptop at work so much better than this one at home. I could even do some cataloging. I am not driving so Leroy took me and picked me up. He will do the same tomorrow. While I was there someone donated some young adult books. They were fairly recent issues so I bought them for the little free library at home. I put three of them out and all of them are gone tonight so I put out two more. I like that feeling of having something out there that someone wants.


It is so nice to see the changing rocks. Every day or two there are some different ones. Tonight there is only one in there, but this morning there were three. The supply goes on and on.



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