Saturday, June 12, 2021

Celebrating our 50th



When scheduling our trip to DC to visit Sarah’s family we did not really consider that we would be there on this important date. It was nice to be with some family when we celebrated. They, and an additional friend, feted us at lunch. It was quite fine. 

That was followed by a multiple berry pie and ice cream at their house. There was a little quiz about what was happening in 1971 when we got married. We missed a lot of answers, but I was not surprised. We have not changed so much in the intervening years. Some things we know, but not fashion or entertainment culture.


Is fifty years a long time or a short time? It all depends on the day month or year. Sometimes have flown by so fast it is hard to grab a hold while others have dragged. Leroy thinks we are still together because we are very stubborn people and committed. Sometimes inertia also has a hold.


It seems love should be central and I suppose it is, but is it the cement or glue?


Now it is hard to imagine life without the other person since we have been together much longer than not. Certainly feeling blessed to have been together this long.



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