Tuesday, April 6, 2021

No Masks



Yesterday afternoon, two young women possibly in their thirties, so not likely to have been vaccinated, came into the library without masks. I asked them to put on masks.


“We are exempt,” one of them said.


Because I could not imagine what they said and whatever it was I was not expecting this answer, I asked, “What?”


She patiently repeated, “We are exempt.”


“What does that mean?” I asked rather dumbfounded by their healthy appearance. I realize not all illnesses show.


“Some medical issues,” one of them said.


I let them continue on to the seed library without another word. Anger shot through me as I thought, “I would guess you are lying.”


This strong feeling just amazed and overwhelmed me for some minutes. I stayed well away from them and did not even make sure they were checking out seeds as they should. I set my timer on my phone with a plan that if they were still around in 30 minutes I would ask them to leave. I was happy when they left on their own before the time had passed.


I suppose I should be grateful they did not say, we do not want to wear a mask, what would I have done then?


Later another woman came in without a mask, when I asked her to wear a mask, she gasped and said, “Oh I forgot, I have it with me, I am a nurse and I know better.”


I then talked to her a little about the other unnamed women. She did tell me about some possible medical issues that might prevent one from wearing a mask, but she felt as I did that it was likely they just did not want to wear one. She did know that people can just say that although they could have had a card that stated the case. She too said she becomes upset when she sees people being so careless. She told me what all face coverings that she has to wear. There is the true caring person.


I was amazed that I could feel so strongly about it and glad when the feeling moved on. I don’t like it if I am in a store and someone is not masked, but I guess because I am not in charge there it is a smaller emotional issue. While I have been there, no one else has come into the library without a mask on purpose. I must be grateful for those people who care and follow our rules. I must also forgive or assume that they were telling the truth. Those negative feelings certainly do not help me in the least. Take a deep breath and remember what is important.



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