Sunday, December 13, 2020

More Kale



Even though Leroy was not excited about going back to the garden, I asked him to go with me and he almost never turns me down. It was a much less pleasant walk this afternoon with a cold wind blowing. We had walked in the morning when the temperature was several degrees colder, but felt much more comfortable because there was no wind.


In yesterday’s pictures all those clumps by that kale were additional kale plants. I had been hoping to be able to pull them, but that did not work out. Instead I was able to snap them off while Leroy held the bag for me. Holding the bag was a big help. We switched roles and he managed to pull one, but it was not very easy. So we went back to the snap off method. We are too lazy to clean them at the moment so they are resting on the unheated back porch. Even though the temp got down to 16 degrees F., they were not frozen. I find that quite remarkable. Most leaves could not tolerate that. I wonder what it is about their chemistry that allows for such cold weather. Perhaps Leroy is right that the snow insulated them.


I work tomorrow and it is my understanding that we are to get to the single digits in the morning. That will surely freeze the rest of them. I am hoping that in the spring some of them will revive and sent up shoots from the roots. We have been lucky like that in the past.


I really feel satisfied when the plants defy the odds and contribute more to life.



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