Monday, June 15, 2020

Personality and masks


I have taken a personality test that has been used by many groups in our church. Leroy took it with the staff and found it quite helpful. I am reading the book that explains the different types and what the numbers mean. I both like this and don’t like it. It is so nice to see all the good things about my personality type, but not so much fun to see more negative sides. Do I want to change or even try to change? That is the hard question. Changing helps to create the person I was meant to be in God’s world. If one can achieve that, we become more comfortable in our own skins and the situations we find ourselves in. Because of this I am once again reminded about how differently people look at the same thing. My way is not the only right way.

I am sewing pipe cleaners into all of our masks from work. The pipe cleaners help them to fit more securely above ones nose. I have decided that I must own up to my large nose, at least the masks fit snuggly across it. Guess that is an inherited part of my face. I am pleased that it has served me well over the years providing oxygen and life to my being. With its good sense of smell it also provides protection from harm. Wow who has ever thought about how valuable this part of one’s face is? Good for masks for showing the importance of this appendage.

Leroy has three masks from work. I also have three from my work. We have four masks that we use at home. I have a washable bag that they all fit in so I wash ten at a time. As I was hanging them all out in the sun, I thought about how three months ago, we had not a mask in our house. We are blessed to have this available to us to protect our health and the health of those around us. We are privileged and rich.


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