Monday, June 29, 2020

Camping At home


We still ate almost all of the food that Brian bought. He also did much of the cooking. Nice to have him take over that task.

What did we do while we were here? We went to another close state park where we could walk across the dam. On the way home we stopped to get the best ice cream in the country. We also rode bikes much of the time. Using the bikes they brought as well as two trikes that our downstairs friends let us borrow provided hours of fun. That certainly occupied much of our time with differing groups and combinations of people riding. It is so great to have a bike trail close to our house.

We also played Boggle. I was surprised that the kids liked it so well. We did not get out another game even though I had anticipated that Boggle would not be good for long.


Sunday, June 28, 2020



On Thursday we met Brian and his children at the campgrounds that is only about 12 miles from our home. There was a nice shady spot where we could pitch our tent close to theirs. We set up, took a nice hike on a trail and had a good meal, mostly provided by Brian who does a good job organizing, planning, and cooking. Leroy and I did clean up.

Our downstairs friends came to see our camp set up and check it all out. It was great to see them just to see them, and since they loaned me a mattress which was in their van. My camping pad did not seem to get very firm.

Later we prepared for bed when Leroy and I decided go to the bathroom one more time only to learn that it was closed because of sewer problems. There was another that we could use but it was at least a five minute walk away. Sometimes that is pushing the limits for us. We enjoy walking but bathroom stops sometimes do not leave so much notice. The second option was also a pit toilet. At least there would be no sewer problems there.

During the night Leroy, with a certain amount of embarrassment,  went in the bushes and I struggled a bit more. It was rather stressful. Leroy announced emphatically at dawn, “I am not staying another night!”

By the time Brian got up it was starting to look like rain. At this point Brian said, “I do not really want to stay here and go so far to the bathroom. Who knows when this will be fixed? With the possible rain it could be quite a problem to make the hike.”

We had some breakfast and hurriedly took down camp with just moments to spare. In fact we had a few drops on us, but not too bad.

We came back to our apartment with relief. I was a little uncomfortable being with these people I love very much, but had not seen for some time. None of us had been tested for the virus, but we just decided that we would move ahead and hope for the best. Somehow it is easier to avoid people with whom I do not have such a close connection. What a strange thing to feel this approach/avoidance.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Way of Living


Leroy talked with his boss this morning and learned that three people have been laid off because of lack of funds. Somehow that brings that reality closer to our view. We can survive without our work salaries, but the people who were let go will have a harder time.  Brings to the forefront of our minds, thoughts of the economy, employees, employers, and business. How will they survive in these turbulent times?

I also know that the virus is not done with us yet. So how are health and the economy managed? It is certainly not an easy question. I would feel better about it all if I knew that some cool heads from all sides were facing the quandary in a more detached, rather than emotional manner. Seems that no blaming should be a rule and solutions of all types brought forth and considered would be good for finding the best road even if it probably would not be a perfect road as this is not a perfect situation.

We are getting much rain. Leroy and I picked our first black raspberries yesterday. They were delightful. This morning we went out early to get some mulberries for breakfast and managed to get back to the house before the rain developed into a downpour. We were damp but not dumped on.

Yesterday a friend gave us lettuce and a little spinach from their garden along with a half a red cabbage. What luxury!


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Wet Clothes


This morning, Leroy gave me the weather report from his phone. There was to be rain at seven and then not until one in the afternoon. That seemed like a nice window to hang out the sheets and other light colored things. It did not rain at seven and that should have triggered a clue that this weather report did not do a good job. Optimism prevailed and all the clothes went out on the line. I came back in and started to vacuum with ear plugs in since the noise is bothersome to me. When I got done with the hall I stopped the vacuum and noticed there was a noise outside. Sure enough, it was raining quite steadily and adequately for any plants to get a good drink. Finally I looked at the local TV station weather radar. It showed that nice rain now and no rain until about three in the afternoon. Will the clothes be dry by then? It is hard to say, but for sure they will be drier than they are at this moment. They will languish on the line.  I will be watching the sky later this afternoon.

These phone app weather predictions have been wrong in the past, but I must be a slow learner since I/we still pay attention to them. I will have to find the local weather app and just put it front and center on the weather scene.

Yesterday when trimming plants at the church flower bed I accidently cut off two of the lily stems. It was with sadness that I brought them home where I put them in a bud vase and water. One of them is opening this morning. It is a lovely yellow, brightening our kitchen. Nice to get a bit of joy from it! There are two other buds, but not very developed so I am not sure they will manage to open.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Mask Wearing Or Not?


At the grocery store this morning, I was surprised that so many people were there since it was pouring down rain. Then it was another surprise to meet many people going against the arrows on the floor and shelves. The third surprise was that only about half of the people had on a mask. The fourth surprise was that some have only a vague notion of social distancing.

For me, I wear the mask because I believe the scientists who tell us that it stops or slows the spread of this disease. Do others not believe scientists or just not care about me and any others? Or do they think no one is carrying this virus? It bothers me that so many seem to feel little regard for the whole community.

One person who was not wearing a mask, coming against the traffic, stepped up close to me as I was at the produce counter, and reached in to get what she wanted. I felt upset, but said nothing and stepped away momentarily so she could help herself and move on.

One person who was going the correct direction and maintaining some social distance only wore her mask over her mouth.

I suppose I could order curb side pickup, but I still like to go in the store and see the items, especially produce. There are those who feel I should do that if I do not like it that they do not wear a mask. Just whose freedom is being taken away?


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Leroy is OK


Leroy has been battling a headache for over two months now. It is not so bad that it puts him out of commission; however it had gotten to the point that he does not go a day without pain pills to help him manage. He thought it was a sinus infection so he has been taking several different types of help for that to no avail.

 He went to the doctor last week. He found no infection. He had blood work done with all good results. On the doctor’s recommendation he went to the eye doctor who also found nothing amiss. In fact his eyes are quite fine and almost tracking together.

Tuesday he had a CT scan. Today he learned that his brain and cranium looked quite fine. So he has a mystery ailment. For now he is going to try some medicine for a migraine. He will go back to the doctor in a month. It is the type of thing where we are glad he does not have a brain tumor or some other terrible thing, but a cause might have led to relief more quickly.

I also told Leroy that I have a yoga routine that is supposed to help with headaches. Migraines were mentioned with one of the breathing exercises. I was astonished when Leroy agreed to try that for a while. Course it is not an instant help, but over time it might make a difference. Generally Leroy does not like to do things if I am leading them. Perhaps he thinks I am too bossy. We will see how this goes. My feeling about it all is that it cannot hurt and he might feel better in some way. I know that I have found it to be beneficial for years. I started doing yoga when I was about 35 years old. Wow that is more than half a life time ago. I am grateful for that.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Emergency Meeting of Top Level Staff


I got a call from a downstairs friend saying, “There is a white butterfly under the netting over your garden.”

“I will be right there to get that out!” I exclaimed.

I had not quite made it down the stairs when the phone rang again. Quickly I changed direction and got to the phone in record time. Picked it up to learn there was more to this drama. “It just flew out.” was the report.

“I will be down anyway; I want to see if I need to shore up any holes.” I said.

We held a high level conference in the front yard with no viable solution presenting itself. Worrisomely, the large white butterfly seemed to fly right through the netting as they watched. We had been so happy because the cabbage and broccoli look beautiful without those cabbage butterflies laying their eggs in there. The eggs are not the problem it is the pupa that chomps on the cabbage family leaves causing much damage. For now things will stay as they are because this does seem to deter those butterflies even if it does not stop them entirely. Leroy and I had been gloating about the wonderful result of having the net up to keep out the squirrels and rabbits. Seems there are hungry eaters every way we turn.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Personality and masks


I have taken a personality test that has been used by many groups in our church. Leroy took it with the staff and found it quite helpful. I am reading the book that explains the different types and what the numbers mean. I both like this and don’t like it. It is so nice to see all the good things about my personality type, but not so much fun to see more negative sides. Do I want to change or even try to change? That is the hard question. Changing helps to create the person I was meant to be in God’s world. If one can achieve that, we become more comfortable in our own skins and the situations we find ourselves in. Because of this I am once again reminded about how differently people look at the same thing. My way is not the only right way.

I am sewing pipe cleaners into all of our masks from work. The pipe cleaners help them to fit more securely above ones nose. I have decided that I must own up to my large nose, at least the masks fit snuggly across it. Guess that is an inherited part of my face. I am pleased that it has served me well over the years providing oxygen and life to my being. With its good sense of smell it also provides protection from harm. Wow who has ever thought about how valuable this part of one’s face is? Good for masks for showing the importance of this appendage.

Leroy has three masks from work. I also have three from my work. We have four masks that we use at home. I have a washable bag that they all fit in so I wash ten at a time. As I was hanging them all out in the sun, I thought about how three months ago, we had not a mask in our house. We are blessed to have this available to us to protect our health and the health of those around us. We are privileged and rich.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

“Going Crazy?”


After a beautiful calm morning hanging out clothes, my life seemed to be spinning out of control. Not really, but I am somewhat dramatic in my head. I had been feeling quite proud of myself because I had guessed or maybe remembered what my user name and password were to get into my summer reading account with my library.

My college roommate sent a note that the 50 year reunion had been cancelled this October. After reading the entire note I saw that she had received an email from the alumni or college to inform her of that. She also suggested that we change our motel reservation so we could still get those same rooms mentioning that it was now after Memorial Day. I have not gotten a note from the school or alumni association. But first I started to look for the reservation and the number that I would have gotten with that. I have three email accounts and could find no record of that motel reservation in any of them. In the past I had on the desk top a folder that concerned my college friends’ addresses, etc. That folder was not to be found.  Earlier this week, I had cleaned up the computer desktop and eliminated too many things!  Oh no! Panic set in and I went to talk to Leroy. He did not have much idea of what I was so excitedly talking about. So he moved into advice mode which I did not like.

I left him sitting and reading while I looked through the paper file where I did find that I had printed off the reservation with all the details that I needed. What a relief! Now I will wait a little while for the school or organization to send me a note about the postponement and what days are involved. At least now it seems doable.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Service Berries


Yesterday I picked some service berries. They are a native plant to at least the Midwest. They are about pea sized and quite nutritious. Leroy and I had some on our cereal this morning as well as finishing them on our yogurt granola snack mid morning. This afternoon we went back to Ely and picked more berries. After cleaning and de-stemming, I made rhubarb service berry crisp with almost no sugar. Leroy and I both thought it was fine. The berries have a very mild taste so they counteracted the tart rhubarb.

If the birds have not found them we will probably go back and pick some more on Sunday. It was nice to have Leroy with me just as support and he is a bit taller so he could reach higher branches.

He had gone to the eye doctor this morning. It turned out to have started half an hour late. Then it lasted almost two hours. I drove for him just in case they wanted to dilate his eyes for a better look into his head. He did have a number of tests which explains the time. The doctor declared his eyes to be quite fine. He sees almost 20/20 and his eyes were tracking well together. He is still using the prism glasses, but he might not need them soon.

I was not in the place, but did a lot of walking in the shade. It was nice to get some steps since I had forgotten to wear my tracker for our morning walk. I have over 8,000 steps recorded. But it should surely be over 10,000, but only my body knows the truth and it is not talking.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Flowers and plumbing


I was so excited to see the catalpa tree in the back yard graced with beautiful flowers. These blossoms do not last long especially with a hard rain coming at them from above. The first of the lilies was partially open when I first went out this morning and about two hours later it was open. Lovely gift! The coreopsis has been open for a few days, but still beautiful. Flowers are a continual source of peace and joy.

My downstairs friend said he had a plumbing issue and needed to turn off the water for several hours. Water is now waiting in several containers for whatever we might need. We not only have water, but we have containers to store it in. Blessings! There are some benefits to not owning your living space. I used to dream about having my “own” house, but that has been put aside, although I still wonder what it is like to put up a picture hanger and not think of someone else’s opinion about the placement. As with many things there are advantages and disadvantages to owning and renting.

Luckily Leroy drove the car yesterday and again today so he did not get caught out in a down pour while riding the bike to or from work.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Fruit Season


Strawberries, blueberries, grapes, bananas, mangos, and cherries make for a great day with flavors and colors that delight. What wonders money can buy.

Leroy and I keep watching the mulberry trees for signs of growth of new fruits as well as the few black raspberry bushes that we see along our closest trail. In a month we should have some possibilities of handfuls and more.

Yesterday on our county park walk we checked out the black raspberry patch. The area where we usually picked is just filled with old unproductive canes. There were a few along the trail, but not many. Black berries were there, but again not plentiful. Also somehow we do not seem to know when the black berries are ripe.

Last year one of my co workers was gone for this time and we had an abundance of strawberries to pick. That was a treat indeed.

We will soon be able to pick some service berries at a friend’s house. I am looking forward to that. Organic and fresh! What more could we ask for?


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Today’s Outing


In spite of heat in the 80’s, Leroy and I went for a walk in a county park. Most of the time, we were in the shade with a nice breeze blowing. This park has a visitor center which was not yet open. There is an outdoor woodland play area that was open with a few children and parents in there. We saw two people who had ridden their bikes to the park using one of the picnic tables. It is so fine to see people outdoors enjoying nature.

There are mounds made by Native Americans. Besides going uphill I could not say what they looked like. As we puffed a little getting to the top Leroy commented, “It must have been a job to bring the dirt up here to make this structure.”

At some point on the walk I asked Leroy what something was and he could not tell me. “I am sure you know this,” I said.

“Yes it is in there somewhere, but the retrieval is slow these days,” he said and then added, “I need more RAM as well as a new CPU.”

At least he still can find his sense of humor.

We had brought water, but left it in the car because we did not want to carry it. What a wonderfully refreshing swallow when one is hot and dry. Leroy had on zip off pants so he could take off the lower portion. I just wore shorts although I did feel a little uncomfortable when I noticed some poison ivy and thought about ticks. I was really hoping to see a turtle, snake or frog, but none showed their face.


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Gifts Today: food, time, energy


A friend had called two days ago. We missed seeing and responding to the call until the next day. They were calling to tell us we could have some garden produce from them. Today we rode our bikes over to get lettuce and spinach only to find that we could also have some asparagus. It is wonderful to get such treasures. We had planned to have tacos tonight and now there will be a side of asparagus. We have not had any this year. When I have been at a store it did not look as good as it could have.

This morning I washed and hung out four loads of clothes while Leroy worked on moving some plants. Chocolate mint was split and some put in a new place. Then we moved some of the salvia plants along with a volunteer tomato. Leroy wants to save a black raspberry plant so he is in discussion with our downstairs friends as to where that might work. I, and perhaps Leroy too, would be ok if it does not take root. Although we both like the berries, they are not the easiest plant to have on the property. Leroy also tied up the fall sedum and many of the lilies. I suspect we did not get them planted as deeply as they should be. When the flowers bloom they tend to lie down from the weight. It should be a good year for both of these plants as they look quite healthy and the lilies are loaded with buds.

About half of the iris on the place have finished blooming it has really helped us to enjoy them for a long time.


Friday, June 5, 2020

Credit Card Crazy


Leroy ordered take out lunch for us for our anniversary. We had a gift card for most of the cost, but the rest he tried to use our credit card. The helper on the phone said, “It would not take your card number, but just bring it with you when you pick up the order and hopefully that will work.”

We arrived, waited for the server who took the card inside, came back and said, “It still will not work.”

Fortunately Leroy had enough cash to cover the cost and we went home to enjoy our anniversary lunch. Leroy’s phone rang shortly after we sat down. I could not hear him talk so I wondered, “What on earth?”

When he came back to the kitchen with the phone still glued to his ear, he said it was about credit card fraud.

My first thought was that it was a scam. I told him to hang up. He did not do so right away, but then as the robo type call went on, he hung up, but called the number back. He was not able to get in right away. I told him I would get the bank phone number where the card comes from.

He was a bit disgruntled, but he complied. Unfortunately the robot said they were very busy so it took a bit of time to get to a representative. Then we needed to talk to another person which also involved a bit of a wait. The rep. asked numerous security questions including what medical thing we had used the card for on a date in May. Both of us were at a loss about that until the amount triggered a memory for me of my dentist visit. That was right. Apparently that other call had come from the bank because they were checking up on the rejection of the card. The restaurant had tried four times and it would not work. I do not think the representative really knew why it did not work because he mumbled something about the systems not talking to each other. At least I was happy that it was not a scam or that our card had not been compromised. Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary after all.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

To Work, To Work


Monday and Tuesday Leroy and I both went to work in our work places. Less of a change for Leroy than for me because he has been putting in the required number of hours from home. I forgot to ask him if he wears a mask most of the day. I wear one about three or four hours of the day. I go to work at one when other staff members are still there. In the evening from about 4:00 pm on, I am alone. The first night no one came to pick up library items, but last night I had a bit of traffic at the door. For that I put on my mask many of them did not have a mask on I was happy for at least one sided safety.

Because of not being so busy with patrons, I got quite a bit of other work done. Yesterday I printed the report of overdue items. I used to make calls once a week to urge people to return things in a timely manner. Since March this has not been done. If I had thought about it I could have done this from home. Usually the report is five to ten pages long. Last night it was 22 pages long. I only called about half of the people. The sad thing to know is that some of the people had been called several times before March. I think the 80 20 rule applies with 80% of the over dues amassed with just 20% of the patrons.

One of my coworkers came back to work a week ahead of me. She had been wearing a mask almost all of the time. On Monday she went home because of a headache. Yesterday she hardly wore her mask because her husband commented that almost every day since going in to work she has had a headache. She thinks it is because the mask makes it hard for her to breathe. I tried to stay a safe distance from her so she would feel safe.

We are doing a lot of wiping door handles, desk surfaces, keyboards, and phones. All returned items are wiped down and set aside for 24 hours. One person only does all the intake work. It is a new routine. I am not sure when we will open to the public.
