Friday, January 31, 2020

Columbia, Still the Arrival Day


It was so good to see our friend there with the driver when we walked into the public area. The driver immediately took our suitcase and headed off to the car while we followed a bit slower. By this time I was sweating in the unaccustomed warmth. My winter coat seemed like a lost soul hanging on my arm. In the car, Leroy and I sat in the back seat. We headed off for the hour plus drive to their home. First we traveled through a small portion of the 2.4 million city of Medellin, Columbia. For a bit we were on a four lane highway, but after a while it was just two lanes. Eventually the two lanes seemed narrower and we started going around curves, first one way then the other. The car was a shift car and the driver handled it all with great skill. I frequently gripped the bar above the door so I would not fly across the car. I tried not to think about the possibility of an accident as we raced around most of the curves at times passing other vehicles in an impossibly short passing distance.

Two of our granddaughters and a daughter would surely have had motion sickness. Later, Leroy told me that he was quite nauseated. In the town of Guatape we climbed more hills or small mountains before arriving at their gate which slid open with the push of a button. Just looking at the downhill slope of their drive took my breath away. Brakes on vehicles are a wonderful invention.

We arrived after midnight. It took a bit to get settled in our room, but it had been a long day starting in the early morning. It is so nice that we just went through one time zone. We were tired, but not in the same way as when we go through eight time zones.


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